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Translate.vc / English → Spanish / [ I ] / I was just wondering if

I was just wondering if translate Spanish

1,284 parallel translation
No, I was just wondering if everything was all right with Fred.
No. Sólo estaba preguntándome si todo estaba bien con Fred.
I was just wondering if anyone had asked you to winter formal.
Quería saber si alguien te ha invitado al baile.
I was just wondering if Debra picked up on my little signal yesterday.
Sólo me preguntaba si Debra recibió mi pequeña señal ayer.
I was just wondering if you would mind signing my yearbook.
Me preguntaba si te importaría firmar mi anuario.
Our... paths have crossed professionally and socially a number of times, all with relatively pleasant results, and well, I was just wondering if you would like to have dinner with me?
Nuestros caminos se cruzaron profesionalmente y socialmente Numerosas veces, siempre con los resultados relativamente agradables, ¿ Y de hecho, me preguntaba si querrías cenar conmigo?
I was just wondering if you had time to think about my proposal?
¿ Me preguntaba si habías podido reflexionar sobre mi proposición?
I was just wondering if you'd be my date to Joseph's party.
Me preguntaba si querrías ir conmigo a la fiesta de Joseph.
Listen, I was just wondering if you hadn't eaten yet... if you wanted to have lunch.
Escuche, quería saber si ha comido ya, si le apetecería comer conmigo.
I was just wondering if you find exciting?
Me preguntaba si te parece ¿ excitante?
Because I was just wondering if we could get some time on the field. Play basketball or something?
Quisiéramos que nos dejaran salir a jugar baloncesto, o algo así.
They're helping me for the time being, and I was just wondering if...
Por ahora están ayudándome, y me preguntaba si...
Before we start, I don't know if Mandy mentioned, but I'm pretty heavily into the Lord, and I was just wondering if you could just sort of convey a sort of a... a feeling of inner happiness.
Ante de comenzar, no sé si Mandy te mencionó, pero estamos en la mesa del señor, y me imaginaba si podías lucir una especie de... sentimiento de alegría interior.
I was just wondering if...
Yo solamente me preguntaba si...
No, I was just wondering if you could put me up for the night?
No, es solo que me preguntaba si podia pasar la noche
- i was just wondering if maybe...
- Me preguntaba si tal vez...
I was just wondering if you might be interested in supporting it.
Me preguntaba si usted apoyaría la propuesta.
No, I was just wondering if I could come up for a few minutes.
No, me preguntaba si podía subir unos minutos.
Well, I was just wondering if maybe you could cover me? Loan me a little money?
Quisiera saber si puedes prestarme dinero.
Uh, I was just wondering if anyone had quit in the last few days.
Me preguntaba si en los últimos días habrá renunciado alguien.
I was just wondering if you'd ever heard of that?
Me preguntaba si alguna vez habías oído hablar de eso.
I was just wondering if you wanted to come out of retirement and do the story with me.
Me preguntaba si querías salir de la jubilación y escribir la historia conmigo.
I was just wondering if Ellie was there?
Me gustaría saber si Ellie está ahí.
I know you run an after-school activity program... and I was just wondering if you recognized him.
Como usted lleva un programa de actividades, he pensado que a lo mejor lo reconocería.
Mr. Harken, I was just wondering if you knew when my office would be ready.
Sr. Harken, ¿ sabe cuándo estará lista mi oficina?
I was just wondering if you've... you know... noticed anything unusual lately?
Sólo quería saber, ya me entiende, si ha notado algo raro últimamente.
I meant, please... whatever suits you best. I was just wondering if I could have a quick word.
No, no, por favor hagamos lo que usted quiera, solo quería hablar un poco.
I was just wondering if I can let go of an old, painful memory.
Me gustaría sobrepasar una vieja memoria dolorosa.
I was just wondering if you had a family.
Quería saber si tiene familia.
I was just wondering if there's a clever little tattoo artist out there who could change "pablo" into "AIfie."
Estaba pensado si abra un pequeño y listo artista del tatuaje que pueda cambiar "Pablo" por "Alfie".
Anyway, so, I was just wondering if maybe... later we could...
De todas maneras, me preguntaba si quizás más tarde podríamos- -
I was just wondering if I could interview you.
Me pregunto si lo podría entrevistar ahora.
I was just wondering if, um...
Me estaba preguntando si, um...
- That sucks. I was just wondering if I could talk to you.
- Que mierda hay algo que quiero hablar contigo
So, uh, I've been thinking about that, uh... that conversation we were having the other night... about, uh, where Maeby came from, and, uh... I was just wondering if you could finish that thought.
Estuve pensando... en lo que hablamos la otra noche... sobre el origen de Maeby y... quería saber si podemos terminar la conversación.
l was just wondering if you felt awful. I feel like I don't want a soulful exchange about how I'm bad and you're good.
No quiero un intercambio de "tú eres buena y yo mala"...
I didn't know what I was gonna declare as a major but now, I don't know if it's the way you word things or it's the subject matter, but I walk away from class still thinking about it and I just look forward to the next time and I was just wondering how I could become more involved, you know.
No sabía en qué me iba a especializar pero no sé si será su modo de explicar las cosas o la materia el hecho es que no puedo quitármelo de la cabeza espero ansiosamente la próxima clase y quiero saber cómo hacer para involucrarme más.
I was just wondering. If that trader left in such a hurry, why did he bother to close the hatch behind him?
Solo me preguntaba si el comerciante dejó esto con tanta prisa ¿ por qué se molestó en cerrar la escotilla detrás suyo?
Nothing. I just came by. I was wondering if you had a couple minutes - - maybe talk, chat it up...
Tenía algunos minutos, pensé en pasar, quizás charlar, ponernos al día... etcétera.
Hi, it's Alex. I just was wondering... if you could turn down your TV a little bit'cause we can hear it.
Es Alex. ¿ Podría bajarle el volumen al televisor?
I know we've just had this discussion... but I was wondering if the firm Rose and Rose... could accompany an old lady to the pharmacy?
¿ Sí? Sé que acabamos de hablarlo, pero me preguntaba si la firma Rose Rose podría acompañarme a la farmacia.
I was wondering if I could just sit here and write all day.
¿ Puedo quedarme a escribir todo el día?
It's just.... I was wondering if it wouldn't be too much trouble if I could use your phone.
Tan sólo... me preguntaba si no sería mucho problema que usara tu teléfono.
I just saw the news and was wondering if you got a new partner.
Vi las noticias y me preguntaba si tienes una nueva pareja.
I was just wondering about this place. If you come here often.
Me preguntaba sobre este lugar, si es que vienes aquí a menudo.
Well, he mentioned you were on your own at home and I was erm... I'm just on my way to have tea and I was wondering if you'd join me.
Me dijo que estabas solo, y entonces pensé que podrías venir a comer conmigo.
Excuse me. I was wondering if I should read what I just signed.
Me preguntaba si debería leer lo que firmé.
I was wondering if I could just sit with him for a while?
Me preguntaba si podría sentarme con él un rato.
This whole thing has been incredibly traumatic for him... and I was just wondering, if I took him away from here... for a day or two, would that be a problem?
Todo este asunto ha sido muy traumático para él... y me estaba preguntando si podría llevármelo fuera... uno o dos días, ¿ sería posible?
I was just wondering, if she worked...
Me preguntaba si ella trabajaba...
I was wondering if- - We just saw the video,
Me preguntaba... Vimos el video y nos quedamos patidifusos.
I was wondering if you can pick her up from school tomorrow. And take care of her, just from 4 to 7.
Quería saber si de pronto podría recoger a Kira mañana y cuidarla de las 4 : 00 a las 7 : 00.

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