If it wasn't translate Spanish
7,147 parallel translation
Topher thought it was better if I wasn't hanging out inside the hospital.
Topher pensó que era mejor si yo no estaba en el interior del hospital.
You know, if it wasn't me, I probably would have, but, uh... You know, it's hard to look at it that way.
Tu sabes, si no fuese si caso, probablemente lo habría hecho, pero, uh... ya sabes, es difícil verlo de esa manera.
I would've been dead in the street if it wasn't for Mr. Revere.
Habría muerto en la calle... de no ser por el Sr. Revere.
None of this would've happened if it wasn't for him.
Nada de esto habría sucedido si no fuera por él.
If it wasn't for Sam Adams and his thuggish friends, we wouldn't be in this position.
Si no fuera por Sam Adams y sus brutales amigos... no estaríamos en esta situación.
Only that if it didn't exist... if there wasn't this mysterious attraction... this pull between objects... then none of this would exist either.
Solo que si no existiera si no hubiera esta atracción misteriosa este impulso de los objetos a acercarse entonces tampoco existiría nada de esto.
If she wasn't saying anything, how does she know it was her daughter?
¿ Si no le decía nada, cómo sabe que era su hija?
If it was a bird... and it wasn't... but if it was...
Si era un pájaro... y no lo era... pero si lo fuera...
If it wasn't for her, I-I would have been homeless.
Si no era por ella, yo habría sido un desamparado.
He wouldn't be dead if it wasn't for you.
Él no estaría muerto si no fuese por ti.
I just thought if it wasn't busy- -
Solo pensaba que si no estaba lleno...
You know, and if it wasn't for you, The two of us wouldn't even be here.
Sabes, si no fuera por ti, ninguna de las dos estaría aquí.
What are the chances that you would have spent any time at Papa's if it wasn't for that?
¿ Qué posibilidades había de que pasaras tiempo en "Papa's" si no fuera por tu despido?
"If it wasn't you... CUM."
"Fuiste tú"
What is real is I might have died if it wasn't for you.
Es real que habría muerto sin ti.
If it wasn't for Claire, maybe I'd take you up on it.
Si no fuese por Claire, quizás aceptaría tu proposición.
I mean, he'd still be alive if it wasn't for that animal.
Quiero decir, estaría vivo aún, si no fuera por ese animal.
If it wasn't for the sodium bicarbonate.
Si no fuera por el bicarbonato de sodio.
If it's any consolation, college wasn't that great.
Si te sirve de consuelo, la universidad no está tan bien.
It would be funny if it wasn't so tragic.
Sería divertido si no fuese tan trágico.
If It Wasn'T Us That Came And Snatched Up This Place,
Nos fuimos nosotros, vino y tomó este lugar,
If you saw her face, it wasn't her.
Si hubieran visto su rostro, no era ella.
You know, if it wasn't for Wes and I working together, you'd still be on the floor of a gas-station bathroom looking for hair samples.
Sabes, si no fuera porque Wes y yo trabajamos juntos, seguirías en el piso del baño de una gasolinería buscando muestras de cabello.
- You wouldn't even be alive today if it wasn't for John.
Tú ni siquiera estarías vivo si no fuera por John.
What if it wasn't accidental?
¿ Qué tal si no fue accidental?
What if it wasn't race hate?
¿ Qué tal si no fuera un crimen racial?
So, if it wasn't race..... what else is there?
Así que si no fue un problema racial... ¿ qué más podría ser?
I wouldn't have bothered you if it wasn't important.
No te habría molestado si no fuese importante.
Because you wouldn't be announcing it like that If there wasn't something wrong.
Porque no lo dirías así si no hubiera algo malo.
If I'd had sat nav I might have gone a different way but it wasn't my car and it didn't,
Si me había sentado nav yo podría han ido de una manera diferente pero no era mi coche y no lo hizo,
Um, if it wasn't a hate crime, lieutenant, what would it be?
Hmm... si no fue un crimen de odio, teniente, qué podría ser?
In that world, sex was a given. It was valued, enjoyed, even if it wasn't understood scientifically.
En ese mundo, el sexo era algo dado para ser valorado y disfrutado aunque no se entendiera científicamente.
Yeah, I wasn't sure if we'd hit it off at first.
Sí, no estaba segura si nos llevaríamos bien,
All of a sudden now, up go the flames, he runs back into the apartment, gets trapped and he wouldn't be here today, if it wasn't for Gil.
De repente, suben las llamas, corre al apartamento, se queda atrapado y no estaría aquí hoy de no ser por Gil.
And if it wasn't for Martinelli splitting the votes last year,
Y si no fuera por la división de los votos de Martinelli del año pasado
And it helps if I could get some- - some neighbors to sign a petition saying I wasn't a problem.
Y ayudaría si pudiera conseguir que... algunos vecinos firmen una solicitud que dice que yo no era un problema.
Or what if it wasn't a Molotov cocktail at all?
¿ O si ni siquiera fue un cóctel molotov?
Uh, and i wouldn't leave if it wasn't important, But, uh, this patient has issues, And i have questions- -
No me marcharía si no fuese importante, pero este paciente tiene problemas, y yo tengo unas preguntas... unas dudas que hace tiempo que necesito resolver... así que, os veré cuando regrese.
If it wasn't for this condition of mine...
Si no fuera por mi condición...
Kurt, Blaine, the whole time I was planning this high-end barn wedding, all I could think about was you guys, and not because you remind me of the pig and the gay rat from Charlotte's Web, but because I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you guys, okay?
Kurt, Blaine, todo este tiempo estaba planeando esta gran boda, todo en lo que pensaba era en vosotros, y no porque me recuerdes al cerdo y a la rata gay de la telaraña de Charlotte pero porque no estaria aqui si no fuera por ustedes, okay?
And then you came along and even if someone had told me that it wasn't gonna work out, and that at the end of all of our struggling and all of our work, it would just end in heartache...
Y entonces llegaste tú e incluso si alguien me hubiera dicho que no iba a funcionar, y que al final de toda la lucha y todo nuestro trabajo, acabaría en un corazón roto...
No estaríamos aquí si no fuese por ti
I still don't know if Carrie assigned Bree as my secret sister on purpose or if it was just bad Karma for busting her nose with an ice ball, but either way I wasn't looking forward to it.
No estoy segura si Carrie me asignó a Bree como hermana secreta a propósito o si fue un mal karma por lastimarle la nariz con una bola de nieve. De ninguna manera me emocionaba la idea.
If Coriolanus has to audition for the same humiliating roles as I do, then that part he stole from me wasn't the big break that I thought it was.
Si Coriolanus tiene que ir a audiciones por los mismos papeles humillantes que yo, entonces ese papel que me robó no fue la gran oportunidad que creía que era.
Wouldn't ask if it wasn't important.
No lo pediría si no fuera importante.
If it wasn't that night, this bar, that $ 100 bill, it would've been Jackson square staring at a painting or Frenchmen street listening to jazz.
Si no fuera por esa noche, ese billete de 100 dólares, hubiera sido en la calle Jackson mirando esa pintura o en la calle francesa escuchando jazz.
And I told you that it wasn't your call to make! Will you think for a second about what it would do to your father if something happened to you?
¿ Pensaste por un segundo lo que le harías a tu padre si algo te pasara?
If Merlyn drugged you... then it wasn't your fault.
Si Merlyn te drogó... entonces no fue culpa tuya.
I didn't know if I could open up to you, it wasn't easy for me.
No sabía si podía abrirme a ti, no fue fácil para mí.
If it wasn't for me, he'd have been washed away.
Si no fuera por mí, se hubiera ahogado.
If it wasn't for you, that meltdown would never have happened, Sean.
Si no fuera por ti, esa fusión nunca hubiera pasado, Sean.
if it wasn't for you 99
if it wasn't you 47
if it wasn't me 16
if it wasn't for him 46
if it wasn't for me 91
if it wasn't for her 21
if it's meant to be 16
if it's not too much trouble 48
if it is 191
if it isn't 54
if it wasn't you 47
if it wasn't me 16
if it wasn't for him 46
if it wasn't for me 91
if it wasn't for her 21
if it's meant to be 16
if it's not too much trouble 48
if it is 191
if it isn't 54
if it's a girl 43
if it's any consolation 226
if it was 105
if it were up to me 123
if it's the last thing i do 21
if it's okay with you 83
if it's all right 48
if it's a boy 49
if it's ok 18
if it's me 22
if it's any consolation 226
if it was 105
if it were up to me 123
if it's the last thing i do 21
if it's okay with you 83
if it's all right 48
if it's a boy 49
if it's ok 18
if it's me 22