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If we were translate Spanish

9,202 parallel translation
What did they look like if we were to start with the guys? You mentioned Stureplan brat.
Dijiste el típico chico de Stureplan, ¿ cómo era?
If we were to be separated.
- Por si debemos separarnos.
Yeah, of course, and if we were getting results, I mean, it would be no harm, no foul, but all we have now are American terrorists.
Sí, por supuesto, y si consiguiéramos resultados, no pasaría nada, nada iría mal, pero ahora se trata de terroristas americanos.
He talks as if we were working in a town of a few hundred people.
Habla como si estuviéramos trabajando en un pueblo de unos pocos cientos de personas.
I mean, if we were gonna adopt a kid.
Es decir, si decidimos adoptar a la niña.
- Imagine if we were fuckin'.
Imagínate si tuviéramos sexo.
Not that it would matter if we were.
No es que importara si él lo fuera.
I was asked if we were having an affair.
Me preguntaron si tuvimos una aventura.
If we were going to change the name, it was supposed to be feather Locklear.
Si fuésemos a cambiarle de nombre, se supone que sería Feather Locklear.
"This is the excellent foppery of the world, that when we are sick in fortune we make guilty of our disasters, the sun, the moon, the stars, as if we were villains of necessity."
"Esta es la gran vanidad del mundo, que cuando la suerte nos abandona culpamos de nuestros desastres, al sol, a la luna, a las estrellas, como si necesariamente fuéramos villanos".
- I've decided that what would be best for me, and for Eric- - would be best for both of us, - Uh-huh. - Is if we were to have... a little break from you and whatever effect that you may be having on our lives.
He decidido que lo que mejor sería para Eric y para mí... que sería lo mejor para ambos, que nos tomáramos un pequeño descanso de ti y de cualquier efecto que puedas tener en nuestras vidas.
If we were talking about a day or two, then maybe because technology's still basically crap for what we pay for it, but three weeks takes us way out of glitch territory.
Si hablásemos de un día o dos... quizás, porque la tecnología aún es básicamente una basura... por lo que pagamos por ella... pero tres semanas nos lleva fuera de la zona de fallo técnico.
You wouldn't get away with paying us so little if we were men.
No nos pagaría eso si fuéramos hombres.
If we were ready to live in the same place, then we should be ready to live 5,000 miles apart.
Si estábamos listos para vivir en el mismo lugar, entonces deberíamos estar listos para vivir a 8.000 km.
If we were to bring this thing back into camp, what would she do?
¿ Si tuviéramos que llevar esta cosa de vuelta al campamento, qué haría ella?
I understand that could seem applicable if we were nothing more than domesticated dogs.
Entiendo que eso se podría aplicar si no fuésemos más que perros domesticados.
I know you didn't exactly get the answers you were looking for, but if you could go back to when we first woke up, and not know, would you?
Sé que no has obtenido exactamente las respuestas que buscabas, pero si pudieses volver a la primera vez que despertamos, y no saber, ¿ lo harías?
- But we make money by knowing who we can trust and who can't trust, and I'm sorry, but if that were a strong suit of yours, your kids would have the same color eyes.
- Pero ganamos dinero sabiendo en quién podemos confiar y en quién no, y lo siento, pero si eso fuese uno de tus puntos fuertes, tus hijos habrían tenido el mismo color de ojos.
I don't expect my own wife to join them, and, yes, even if he were mad, we should nail him up to destroy the messenger and to warn the people against his message!
y no esperaba que mi propia esposa se uniese a ellos, y, sí, incluso si estuviera loco, debemos clavarlo hasta destruir al mensajero y para advertir a las personas en contra de su mensaje!
If only our people were as benign as we might wish.
Si nuestra gente fuera tan bondadosa como quisiéramos.
You know, that's just what it seems like I'd say if this were a movie or something,'cause right now, kinda- - kinda feels like we live in a movie.
"Ya que ahora... siento que estoy dentro de una película" No, no, no, no.
Anyway, we were wondering if, um... and we totally understand i-if you don't want to, but if there was any chance that you didn't want, or were thinking about...
Entenderíamos si no quisieras... pero si hubiera posibilidad de que no quisieras... ¿ Me están pidiendo a mi bebé?
Cade, for five years, we've been wondering if you were dead or alive.
Cade, por cinco años... nos hemos estado preguntando si estabas muerto o vivo.
If we'd known you were going to be joining us for breakfast, Anita, I'd have got some micro-chips.
Si hubiésemos sabido que te unirías con nosotros para el desayuno, Anita, hubiese traído unos micro-chips.
If it were not for Vlad and his men, we would all be dead.
Si no fuera por Vlad y sus hombres, todos estaríamos muertos.
It's just... if there were other elements that we wanted to work on?
Es solo... ¿ y si hubiera otros elementos en los que quisiéramos trabajar?
For the first few months, Nicki would make it very clear that if you were to move to Lansing for her, then we were through.
Durante los primeros meses, Nicki lo puso muy claro que si eras capaz de moverte hasta Lansing por ella, entonces todo iría bien.
Believe me, if there were any other way, we wouldn't ask.
Créame, si hubiera otra forma, no se lo pediríamos.
- Oh, Lord, if I knew we were gonna argue,
- ¿ Quién, Walker? Dios bendito.
If they found out that we were helping Jedi, they'd wipe us out.
Si se enteraron de que estábamos ayudando Jedi, que habían acabar con nosotros.
If they found out that we were helping Jedi, they'd wipe us out.
Si se enteran de que estuvimos ayudando a los Jedi, ellos acabaran con nosotros.
If anyone had found out we were trying to leave Santos Desesperados and the very network that created us, it would endanger the deal.
Si alguien se enteraba que queríamos dejar "Santos desesperados"... y a la cadena que nos creó, haría peligrar el acuerdo.
Now, I don't know if they've even met before tonight, but we did learn that both of them were born in the same town.
Pues no sé si se conocían antes de esta noche, pero descubrimos que ambas nacieron en el mismo pueblo.
Hey, if you were talking for the whole day, we might find what you have to say boring, too.
Si tú hablaras todo el día... nos daríamos cuenta que lo que dices es aburrido.
Yes, well, talking about guidelines, if there were guidelines that we...
Si, bien, hablando de directrices, si había directrices que...
If it had been you and we were chasing Joe, you would have done the same damn thing.
Si hubieras sido tú y hubiéramos estado persiguiendo a Joe, tú hubieras hecho lo mismo.
- We have to find the vampires that were nesting here. We need to know if the infection spread.
Debemos saber si la infección se propagó.
We were wondering if you'd turn the handle.
Y nos preguntábamos si usted se haría cargo.
And she really thinks that she... well, she can show him a lot if, uh, he were to be her assistant. Um, uh... And, um, with Hugo coming back Tuesday, we just really... we thought, uh, we'd...
Y realmente piensa que, bueno, le puede enseñar mucho si, él fuera su asistente. con Hugo volviendo el martes, nosotros pensamos, que...
Only that, if someone were to become aware of the business we do together, if there was any trouble...
Solo que si alguien se enterase de los negocios que hacemos juntos, si hubiera algún problema...
We were just wondering if you could tell us...
Nos preguntábamos si nos podrías decir...
Toby, I couldn't agree more with whatever nonsense you were just jabbering there, but sometimes we have to break the rules if we're going to be heroes.
Toby, no podría estar más de acuerdo con las tonterías que acabas de decir pero a veces tenemos que romper las reglas si tenemos que ser héroes.
If we'd have known you were still alive, we would never have left without you.
Si hubiésemos sabido que estabas viva, nunca nos habríamos ido sin ti.
Um, listen, I need to know if you had any luck with that, um... that thing that we were talking about?
Oye, ¿ necesito saber si has tenido suerte con eso... esa cosa de la que estuvimos hablando?
We spent the night wondering if you were ever coming back.
Pasamos la noche preguntándonos si volverías alguna vez.
I think if you're honest with yourself, we were never meant to be together that way.
Creo que si eres sincero contigo mismo, nunca estuvimos destinados a estar juntos de esa manera.
We were separated when they met, so if it was something else, that's okay.
Estábamos separados cuando se conocieron, así que si había algo más, no pasa nada.
If that were the case, we'd expect to find the hyoid bone fractured, which it wasn't.
Si ese fuera el caso esperaríamos encontrar el hueso hioides fracturado, que no lo está.
So we can't confirm if they were in the hotel.
Entonces no podemos confirmar que estén en el hotel.
- If we ever really were one.
Si es que alguna vez lo fuimos.
What if we're not as good partners today as we were in the past?
¿ Y si no somos tan buenos compañeros hoy como lo fuimos en el pasado?

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