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If you're happy translate Spanish

927 parallel translation
If you're up for it, you can run this place. My dad would be happy, so would I.
si tiene apetito de gestión, Mi padre estaría contento
# If I've been happy then you're to blame #
A ti debo mi felicidad.
# If I've been happy then you're to blame #
A vosotras debo mi felicidad.
Gee if you can't be happy here, you're dumber than I thought you was.
Si no eres feliz aquí es que eres más idiota de lo que pensaba.
No one asks us... if we're sometimes happy..... and nobody asks........ whether we are longing, whether something bothering us no one ask us, no one asks........ what do you know?
# Nadie nos pregunta... si somos felices a veces y nadie pregunta... # si somos felices o algo nos preocupa... # Nadie pregunta y nadie pregunta... # ¿ Qué sabéis?
Well, if you're happy here, that's all that matters.
Claro, si están contentos no hay más que hablar.
Well, if you're happy I wouldn't like to see you when you're sad
Si pones esa cara cuando estás bien, ¿ qué será cuando vayas de entierro?
I suppose if you're happy, that's all that matters.
Supongo que si eres feliz, eso es lo único que importa.
Can't have a happy married life if you're always suspicious.
No se puede estar felizmente casado si siempre sospechas del otro.
Barbara, you can't have a happy married life if you're always suspicious.
Barbara, no se puede estar felizmente casado si siempre sospechas del otro.
If you're happy during the day, you're very pitiable.
Si la felicidad le dura mucho, acabará en un estado lamentable.
Linda, if you're not happy here why don't you go away?
Linda, si no eres feliz aquí, ¿ por qué no te vas?
I was happy with you, and if I know you're free, I'll be happy, even if you're far away.
Fui feliz contigo y si estás libre aún seré feliz aunque estés lejos.
If you're happy, there's nothing better.
Si eres feliz, no hay nada mejor.
If you're happy, there's no rush. Of course.
Por supuesto, te lo devolveré más adelante
If you say we're happy, let's leave it at that.
Si tú dices que somos felices, dejémoslo así.
And if you're happy there, you may keep it permanently.
Y si estás feliz ahí, te puedes quedar permanentemente.
- Well, if you're happy, why don't you look happy, as we do?
- Si es tan feliz, ¿ cómo no lo parece, como nosotros?
If you're not happy, I can take it back.
Si no está contento, puedo volver a llevármelo.
I'd be very happy to have you drop in if you're not too busy.
Estaría muy feliz de que se pasara si no está muy ocupado.
If you're ever in a jam, here I am lf you ever need a pal, I'm your gal lf you ever feel so happy that you land in jail, I'm your bail lt's friendship, friendship
Si te metes en un lío, aquí me tienes. Si necesitas una amiga, yo soy tu chica. Si te pones tan alegre que acabas en chirona soy tu fianza.
End of the week comes, if you're not happy, we'll flip a coin to see who moves out.
Al final de la semana, si no está contenta, lanzaremos una moneda para ver quién se marcha.
Well, if he's happy, and what's more important, you're happy...
Bueno, si él es feliz, y aún más importante, si lo son ustedes...
It's just that I love you so, Ollie. And if you're happy, then I guess that's all that really matters.
Te quiero muchísimo, Ollie, y si tú eres feliz, lo demás poco importa.
I wonder if you're as happy as I am.
Me pregunto si eres tan feliz como yo.
I'm fine, if you're happy.
Por mí está bien. Si estás contento tú...
The only thing I want to know is.. if you're happy to see me again.
Sólo me interesa saber si está contenta de verme.
I wanted to wait to tell you until I was sure... because if you're not happy, I can't be either. Suppose that...
Quería esperar hasta estar seguro y contártelo, porque si tú no eres feliz, yo no podría serlo tampoco.
If you're still interested I'd be happy to entrust them to you, and right away.
Por mí, si usted los quiere, yo se los confío de inmediato.
If you're happy, we're all happy!
Contento usted, contentos todos.
I'm very happy like this, if you're too...
Yo estoy muy feliz así. ¿ Vosotros no estáis contentos?
If you're here for news of the enemy camp, I'd like to say that I'm happy.
Si viniste para chismosear las noticias al campo enemigo, estoy muy feliz.
Besides, if you're not happy, you don't have to stay.
Además, si no estás contenta, puedes irte.
I know you're not happy, and if it makes you feel any better, say whatever you please.
Si eso te hace sentir mejor, di todo lo que quieras.
If you're not happy, you can just leave.
Si no os gusta, podéis iros.
You're never happy if you're not arguing with someone, are you?
Usted, si no la toma con alguien, no sabe vivir tranquila.
If you're all through, Happy, the colonel wants you in the briefing room.
Si terminaste, el coronel te quiere en la sala de reuniones.
If you say we're happy, let's leave it at that.
Si crees que somos felices, lo seremos...
If you think we're happy, you're mistaken.
Si se creen que estamos tan contentos, se equivocan.
- Why worry if you're happy?
- ¿ Por qué se preocupa si está feliz?
But if you're too busy to dance with me now, I'd be happy to wait until you're free.
Pero, si estás muy ocupado para bailar ahora conmigo, no me importa esperar hasta que estés libre.
If you're happy, we are happy, too
If you're happy, we are happy, too
If you're not happy here, come to me.
Si no estás a gusto, vente a mi casa.
I could understand it if you were a trigger happy punk, but you're not.
No eres un gatillo fácil. Eres un veterano.
Here you're as happy as if the world were yours.
Aquí estás feliz como si el mundo fuera tuyo.
If you're not happy here, darling, you really should leave.
Si no eres feliz aquí, cariño, deberías marcharte.
Now, if you want to stay alive, in order for you to have a nice, long, happy middle age, you're going to tell us where you put that cash.
Si quieres seguir vivo para disfrutar de una madurez larga y feliz, nos dirás dónde pusiste el dinero.
I'll leave if you're sure it will make him happy.
Si cree que es lo mejor para su felicidad...
If you had a husband, he would be happy to know you're pregnant.
Si tuvieras marido, se pondría contento pensando que estás embarazada.
If you're not happy with me, you know we can get a divorce.
Si no estás contento, ya te dije que es fácil. Nos divorciamos.
- I'm happy if you're happy, Mr. Austen.
- Me alegra hacerle feliz, señor Austen.

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