If you are translate Spanish
31,263 parallel translation
If you are born somewhere below that, there's a struggle.
En la otra, sufres.
If you are not running the anal you may not much jobs.
Si no quiere hacer anal, usted no hará una gran carrera.
If you are lucky are you with it.
Si tiene suerte, será usted.
If you are not afraid of change is not afraid of life.
Si no tenemos miedo al cambio, no tenemos miedo a la vida.
And it's very hard to sit at a typewriter, and concentrate on that, if you are afraid of the world around you.
Es difícil sentarte en una máquina de escribir y concentrarte en eso si le tienes miedo al mundo.
In this form, they can only be killed if you are.
En esa forma, solo se pueden matar matándote a ti.
If you are unable to assume this position, cross your wrists and place them on the seat back in front of you.
Si no son capaces de asumir esta posición, crucen las muñecas y colóquenlas en el respaldo del asiento de delante.
If you are going to eat me, you should know I am ravaged by disease. Ravaged!
Si van a comerme, deberían saber que estoy deteriorado por una enfermedad.
If you are satisfied with
Si está satisfecho con
If you are satisfied with your message...
Si está satisfecho con el mensaje...
But if you are indeed asking, then I am saying no.
Pero si usted es de hecho pidiendo, entonces estoy diciendo que no.
If you are serious about punishing him, then you can do one thing for me.
Si vas en serio con eso de castigarle, entonces puedes hacer una cosa por mí.
Mrs. Adelstein, I will have to send you downstairs if you are not quiet!
¡ Sra. Adelstein voy a tener que mandarla abajo, si no se calla!
If you are ever lost, I will find you.
Si alguna vez te pierdes, te encontraré.
If you take my menu of 23 courses, you are getting to think.
Si pruebas mi menú de 23 platos, empiezas a pensar.
"Look, Gaggan, I think it might be better and more heartfelt if you just fire off an email, tell them who you are and what you want to do, and, you never know, see what happens," just trying to wash my hands of the responsibility for the disappointment.
"Gaggan, sería mejor y más conmovedor que le escribieras un email le dijeras quién eres, lo que quieres hacer, y a ver qué pasa" intentando librarme de la responsabilidad de la decepción.
You know, they're totally gonna do it. But if you know you're actively under threat, if you know your phone has been hacked, these are ways that you can ensure that your phone works for you Yeah. Rather than working for somebody else.
Pero si sabes que estás bajo amenaza si sabes que hackearon tu teléfono hay modos para que tu teléfono te funcione a ti y no a otro.
I'm not gonna comment on a case, but if you know where they are, tell me now.
No hablaré sobre un caso, pero si sabes dónde están, dímelo.
Are you asking me if I think the kids downstairs are having better sex than you or I?
¿ Me estás preguntando si los chicos de abajo tienen mejor sexo que tú o yo?
If you really want my opinion, there are issues outstanding.
Si en verdad quiere saber mi opinión, hay temas pendientes.
If you want this bauble, my terms are simple.
Si quieres esta chuchería, mis condiciones son simples.
If you had just started, like, how big a... how big of a bump are you doing?
Si acabas de empezar, ¿ la usas toda? La mitad.
So, uh, if you're not this person, then who are you?
Por lo tanto, si no eres esta persona, entonces, ¿ quién eres?
If you blow us off, you are banned from Thursday night drinks forever.
Si nos dejas, se te excluirá de las bebidas del jueves por la noche para siempre.
If you were human, there'd be a name for what you are.
Si fueras humana, habría un nombre para lo que eres.
What are you going to do if Leo doesn't get here on time?
¿ Qué vas a hacer si Leo no llega a tiempo?
There are two cops from Narcotics, but I don't know if the instructor's who they want you to believe
Son dos policías de narcóticos. Pero no sé si el instructor no es lo que quieren hacer creer, o si es el recluta el que no es bueno.
You are not getting this spear if I have any say in it.
No tendrás esta lanza si yo puedo opinar.
And if you two are jealous, too bad.
Y si ustedes dos están celosos, lo lamento.
Look, I know it's been rough, but if you guys are sticking around, I really believe we can make it work as a family and- -
Miren, sé que ha sido difícil, pero si no se marchan creo que podemos hacerlo funcionar como familia y...
If childbirth is half this bad, you are so screwed!
¡ Si dar a luz es la mitad de malo que esto estás perdida!
So, if Daxamites are as bad as you just apparently said they were, then it's no wonder this guy is trying to kill the President, right?
Entonces, si los daxamitas eran tan malos como dices que aparentemente eran, entonces no es sorpresa que este tipo quiera asesinar a la presidenta, ¿ o sí?
So if you're marooned on this planet, why are you trying to kill the President?
Y si estás varado en este planeta, ¿ por qué tratas de asesinar a la presidenta?
There are people close to you that wouldn't be happy if they knew what I know.
Hay gente cercana a ti que no estarían contentos si supieran lo que yo sé.
I think it's probably better if you don't talk to her again unless Jess or I are there, okay?
Creo que tal vez es mejor que no vuelvas a hablar con ella al menos que Jess o yo estemos presentes, ¿ de acuerdo?
You are crying and crying as if your broken heart... could heal.
Llora sin parar como si su corazón roto... pudiera curarse.
But be aware, someone from the press may ask me if Alison Hawthorne-Price is being questioned in the Silver Bells murders, and I will be forced to tell them that you are not cooperating with the authorities.
Pero tenga en cuenta que puede que alguien de la prensa me pregunte si Alison Hawthorne-Price está siendo interrogada por los crímenes del Asesino de la Campanilla y me veré a obligada a contarles que no está cooperando con las autoridades.
And, if you believe in parallel universes, then all of those things are happening somewhere in the world, right now.
Y, si crees en los universos paralelos, todo eso está pasando en algún lugar del mundo ahora mismo.
If I'm going down, so are you.
Si caigo yo, tú también.
And if I had, do you think for one second you'd be in the position you are now?
Y si lo hubiera hecho, ¿ crees, por un segundo, que estarías en la posición que estás ahora?
If that's really what you believe, why are you only saying it now?
Si eso es de verdad lo que piensas, ¿ por qué lo dices ahora?
I know it's a nightmare, it's a fucking horrible nightmare, and I'm so, so, sorry that you have to dream it with me, but we are going to make something so amazing if you just hang on and follow through.
Sé que es una pesadilla, es una maldita pesadilla horrible, y lamento tanto que tengas que soñarla conmigo, pero vamos a hacer algo tan increíble si solo resistes y sigues adelante.
What are you gonna do if they say you can't play anymore?
¿ Qué vas a hacer si te dicen que no puedes jugar más?
All you really got are memories and tomorrow, if you're lucky.
Todo lo que realmente tienes son los recuerdos... y el mañana, si tienes suerte.
Look, man, if people think your clothes are outdated, they'll think you're outdated.
Mira, amigo, si la gente piensa que tu ropa es anticuada, ellos creeran que tu eres anticuado.
Come on, you are the blond version of Jane Fonda in "Klute." If she had balls.
Pero si eres la versión rubia... de Jane Fonda en Klute. Si tuviera huevos.
And if you're gonna be somewhere, be a point of consciousness that really is understanding where it is located, even though you have access to a cybernetic portal that gets you involved into various experiences which are happening simultaneous all over the planet.
aunque tengan acceso a un portal cibernético que los involucre en las diversas experiencias que están pasando simultáneamente por todo el planeta.
So, if you were a single mother with two or three kids at home, are you making enough money to provide for your family?
Mi meta era encontrar futuros estudiantes en aprietos.
Look... if you don't want to help us, at least allow us to help the women you know are in trouble.
Mire... si no quiere ayudarnos a nosotros, al menos permítanos ayudar a mujeres que tienen problemas.
Now, if you don't get back out there, We are not stopping for milkshakes on the way home.
Ahora, si no vuelves ahí, no pararemos a por batidos de vuelta a casa.
So, if he's gone, why are you still living your life, in reaction to him?
Por tanto, si se ha ido ¿ por qué sigues viviendo tu vida como reacción a él?
if you want 1750
if you're happy and you know it 31
if you don't mind 1583
if you don't mind me asking 146
if you want to talk to me 22
if you 535
if you can't beat' em 19
if you like 1152
if you're hungry 89
if you don't eat 20
if you're happy and you know it 31
if you don't mind 1583
if you don't mind me asking 146
if you want to talk to me 22
if you 535
if you can't beat' em 19
if you like 1152
if you're hungry 89
if you don't eat 20
if you don't 701
if you don't talk 19
if you please 567
if you need anything 442
if you ask me 829
if you're 71
if you don't believe me 187
if you don't know 82
if you want it 177
if you're reading this 32
if you don't talk 19
if you please 567
if you need anything 442
if you ask me 829
if you're 71
if you don't believe me 187
if you don't know 82
if you want it 177
if you're reading this 32