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Igraine translate Spanish

64 parallel translation
the lady, Igraine... and my daughter.
Su majestad, le presento a mi esposa, Lady Igraine. Y a mi hija.
Igraine. She's beautiful... isn't she?
Igraine es hermosa. ¿ Verdad?
Give me Igraine... - She's not mine to give.
- Dame a lgraine.
I must have Igraine...
Debo tener a Igraine.
You will have the lady, Igraine.
Tendrás a Lady Igraine.
But then... I betrayed Igraine... by helping Uther seduce her.
Yo también traicioné a Igraine ayudando a Uther a seducirla.
Give me Igraine...
- Dame a lgraine.
I... I must have Igraine...
Debo tener a Igraine.
When Uther conquered Tintagel, he took the lady, Igraine. A son was born.
Cuando conquistó Tintagel, y tomó a Lady Igraine su hijo nació.
Her mother was the Lady Igraine, your mother!
Su madre era Lady Igraine, tu madre.
Back home in Cornwall, I was only a child at the time..... but I knew my mother, Igraine, was still a follower of the old religion..... and secretly practiced its ancient magic.
Cuando vivíamos en Cornwall, yo era apenas una niña pero sabía que mi madre, lgraine, aún era seguidora de la antigua religión y practicaba en secreto su antigua magia.
Igraine..... what do you see?
Igraine ¿ qué ves?
You will bear the king, Igraine.
Tú darás a luz al rey, Igraine.
I must tell you, Igraine..... my priests don't like it that your priestess of Avalon..... has been placed on an equal footing with them.
Debo decírtelo, Igraine a mis sacerdotes no les agrada que tu sacerdotisa de Avalon tenga igualdad de condiciones con respecto a ellos.
- Igraine!
- ¡ Igraine!
Allow me to introduce you, Uther Pendragon..... to my wife..... the Lady Igraine, Duchess of Cornwall. And sister to the Lady of Avalon.
Uther Pendragon, permítame presentarle a mi esposa Lady Igraine, duquesa de Cornwall y hermana de la Dama de Avalon.
Igraine..... you must listen if you want to see Uther alive again.
Igraine debes escucharme si quieres ver a Uther vivo de nuevo.
¿ Igraine?
- Iraine!
- ¡ Igraine!
Neither you, nor Lady Igraine can leave the castle in the Duke's absence.
Ni Usted ni Lady Igraine pueden salir en ausencia del duque.
Igraine, leave her.
Igraine, déjala.
Lady Igraine remains in mourning in her chamber.
Lady Igraine continúa de luto en su recámara.
Your father, Uther, desired a woman named Igraine, who belonged to a rival warlord, the Duke of Cornwall.
Tu padre, Uther, deseaba a una mujer llamada Igraine, quien pertenecía a un jefe militar rival el Duque de Cornwall.
To change Uther to resemble Cornwall so he could have Igraine for just one night.
Para cambiar a Uther para que se viera como Cornwall así podría tener a Igraine por solo una noche.
We should ask his mother, Queen Igraine.
Deberíamos preguntarle a su madre, la Reina Igraine.
- Lady Igraine this way!
- a Lady Igraine de ese modo!
Escort Lady Igraine to her room.
Escolte a Lady Igraine a su habitación.
Do what you want with me but leave Igraine alone.
Haz lo que quieras conmigo pero deja a Igraine en paz.
Have you seen Igraine?
¿ Has visto a Igraine?
Queen Igraine.
Reina Igraine.
Where's Igraine?
¿ Dónde está Igraine?
Have you seen Igraine?
- ¿ Han visto a Igraine?
Why lgraine?
¿ Por qué Igraine?
Igraine was right.
Igraine tenía razón.
- Lady Igraine.
- Lady Igraine.
You were given Igraine for a reason.
Se te dio a Igraine por una razón.
And they all confide in the Lady Igraine.
Y todos confían en Lady Igraine.
Lady Igraine.
Lady Igraine.
¡ Igraine!
Fear not, my Lady Igraine, for I am your champion and Camelot will be saved.
No tema, Lady Igraine porque aquí está su paladín quien salvará a Camelot.
- Igraine and I have been discussing it, and we feel the only solution is today must be your birthday.
- Igraine y yo lo hemos estado hablando, y creemos que la única solución es que hoy tiene que ser tu cumpleaños.
I love you, Igraine.
Te quiero, Igraine.
- Igraine.
- Igraine.
She's been here wearing your face. Igraine,
Ha estado aquí usando tu cara.
I know you've been through hell, but we have to find out what else she did while she was here.
Igraine sé que has pasado por un infierno pero tenemos que averiguar que más hizo mientras estuvo aquí.
Igraine escaped.
Igraine escapó.
The Lady Igraine, she told me the truth.
Lady Igraine, me dijo la verdad.
It was something Igraine said.
Fue algo que dijo Igraine.

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