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Inverness translate Spanish

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With offices at 1608 Inverness Avenue.
Bien, esta dama fue arrestada esta noche... por la queja de muchas esposas enojadas.
Willow plumes, Inverness capes... dry champagne and snow on the ground.
Plumas de sauce, capas Inverness... champán seco y nieve sobre el suelo.
I brought it from Inverness.
La traje desde Inverness.
Talk to me about Inverness.
Háblame de Inverness.
The village of Inverness has a distinguished visitor. Huh?
Ha llegado a Inverness un ilustre visitante.
One wonders what he could be doing in Inverness.
¿ Qué habrá venido a hacer aquí?
Of course, it's not so big or famous and Braymar or Inverness, but it has its own quality.
No son tan famosas como las de Braemar o Inverness, pero tienen calidad.
Have you forgotten that affair at Inverness three years ago?
¿ No recuerda Inverness, hace tres años?
I've never been to Inverness in my life.
Jamás he estado en Inverness.
He won $ 5,000 at Pinehurst, and $ 7,000 at Tam O'Shanter, and $ 20,000 at Inverness, and besides that, there's sporting goods companies with endorsements and exhibition games.
Ganó 5.000 dólares en Pinehurst, 7.000 en Tam O'Shanter y 20.000 en Inverness, y además hay marcas deportivas que pagan por dar exhibiciones.
And Harvey's father won $ 20,000 at Inverness.
El padre de Harvey ganó 20.000 dólares en Inverness.
My Dad won this at Inverness.
Lo ganó mi padre en Inverness.
Ruled by Jock MacRae, August 23rd, 1886, at Inverness, Scotland.
Regla creada por Jock MacRae el 23 de agosto de 1886, en Inverness, Escocia.
" Inverness Open Tournaments.
" Open de Inverness. Ganador :
It was the same with the Camerons up in Inverness.
Fue igual con los Camerons en Inverness.
Culloden Moor, four and a half miles southeast of the Highland town of Inverness.
la tierra de Culloden, a 7 km al sudeste de Inverness en las Tierras Alta.
a system that has brought on to the moor over 4,000 men, men from Argyll and Inverness, from Moidart, Appin and the isles,
El sistema ha reunido a unos 4000 hombres de Argull, de Inverness, de Moidart, de Appin y de las islas, católicos, episcopales, presbiterianos ;
Half the ammunition's with the food. That's still back in Inverness.
La mitad de las municiones están con la comida y están en Inverness.
Thus nearly 100 people are to be butchered or maimed on the road to Inverness.
Al menos un centenar de personas será descuartizada o herida camino a Inverness.
This is Jean Clark, aged 28. Cut about the face and body by sabres, she was left lying for dead on the road to Inverness.
Ella es Jean Clark, 28 años, cortada con sables en la cara y el cuerpo, fue abandonada y dada por muerta camino a Inverness.
4 pm. Inverness.
4 : 00 PM, Inverness.
James Rae : trooper, Kingston's Light Horse, the first man of Cumberland': army to enter the Highland capital, the first man to show its inhabitants what is to be expected from an Englishman protecting his liberty and his Protestant religion.
James Rae, soldado de caballería, regimiento de Kingston. El primer hombre de Cumberland en entrar en Inverness, el primero en enseñar a sus habitantes qué se puede esperar de un inglés que protege su libertad y su religión protestante.
This is Mrs Anne Hossack of Inverness.
Ella es Anne Hossack de Inverness.
Of yourself, it's been said you're keeping the prisoners in Inverness without warmth, food and water. And that you're even withholding medical dressings from them.
Se dice que usted mantiene a los prisioneros en Inverness sin abrigo, ni comida, ni agua y que les niega atención médica.
The British army moves to Fort Augustus in the Great Glen. From here, the centre link in a chain of forts and garrisons stretching from Inverness in the east to Tobermory in the west, from Bernera in the north to Dumbarton in the south, the Duke of Cumberland mounts what he terms,
El ejército británico se instala en Fuerte Angustus, en el centro de una red de guarniciones y de fortines que va de Inverness al este, a Tobermory al oeste, de Bernera en el norte a Dumbarton en el sur.
Send him along with the other prisoners, to Inverness.
Enviadle junto con los demás presos, a Inverness.
You men escort these gentlemen and these prisoners to Inverness.
Sus hombres escoltan a estos señores y estos prisioneros a Inverness.
First you go to Inverness, and then perhaps a sea voyage.
¿ Qué pasará con nosotros? Primero ir a Inverness, y luego tal vez un viaje por mar.
Inverness gaol.
A la cárcel de Inverness.
Send him to Khartoum and you'll be applauded from Land's End to Inverness.
Envíelo a Khartoum y será Ud. aplaudido de un extremo al otro del país.
They're probably rotting in gaol in Inverness by now.
Probablemente están pudriéndose en la cárcel de Inverness ahora.
Bye bye, Algy dear. We'll be seeing you in Inverness.
Vamos, Kirsty, vamos antes que vuelva el oficial.
You'll, ah, get it when we return to Inverness.
Me mata. Usted, ah, lo conseguirá cuando volvamos a Inverness.
You can escort them with me to Inverness.
Puede escoltarlos conmigo a Inverness.
also, in the inverness pantomime last christmas the part of puss in boots was played by a native of new guinea with a plate in her lip... so that every time dick whittington gave her a french kiss he got the back of his throat scraped.
Y en la representación de Inverness de esta Navidad... el papel de "El Gato con Botas" lo hizo una nativa de Nueva Guinea... con una plancha en el labio... y cuando Dick Whittington le daba un beso... le desgarraba el fondo de la garganta.
Inverness, to be more precise. Inverness?
Inverness, para ser preciso.
The Inverness Courier.
"El Correo de Inverness".
At 8 : 12, Mr. and Mrs. Ashdown, accompanied by their valet, John, will appear at Houston Station and board the Highland Express to Inverness.
A las 8 : 12, el Sr. y la Sra. Ashdown... y su mayordomo John llegaran a la Estación Euston... a bordo del Highland Express a Inverness.
My master and mistress and I are on our way to Inverness.
Mi jefe, su señora y yo vamos a Inverness.
The food was left at Inverness.
Los suministros fueron bloqueados en Inverness.
DUNCAN : Go hence to Inverness and bind us further to you.
Vámonos a Inverness, y unámonos allí más a vosotros.
I mean, can you imagine me banished to all those acres in Inverness-Shire.
¿ Me imaginas desterrada en Escocia?
Have our aircraft standing by at Inverness for immediate return to London HQ.
Tened listo mi avión esperando en Inverness,... para volver inmediatamente al cuartel general de Londres.
Marylebone to Inverness, stopping at Stafford, Crewe, Liverpool, Glasgow...
Marylebone a Inverness, parando en Stafford, Crewe, Liverpool, Glasgow...
Bryan Brynford-Jones had to be dragged off the Inverness sleeper for waving his willy at a woman on the platform.
"Sacan a rastras a Bryan Brynford-Jones del tren litera hacia Inverness por airear su pajarito ante una mujer que estaba en el andén".
They had chosen to do the filming up near Inverness.
Decidieron rodar cerca de Inverness.
Forests were cleared so that Iron Age Britain was not, as was romantically imagined, an unbroken forest kingdom stretching from Cornwall to Inverness.
Los bosques fueron talados, así que esta Edad de Hierro Británica no fue, como se imaginó románticamente, un ininterrumpido reino forestal extendiéndose de Cornwall a Inverness.
"L" for Listerine.
Masajista sueca, con habitaciones en 608 Inverness Avenue.
Look after him, mate.
( Toses en la mazmorra que sirve como prisión en Inverness ) Cuida de él, compañero.
Oh no. I...
Le veremos en Inverness.

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