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Ironed translate Spanish

387 parallel translation
Kind of tough on both of us to be ironed.
Es muy duro para los dos el ir con los grilletes.
You ironed the bed-linen!
¡ Ya has planchado la colada!
Tonight I want dresses ironed.
Quiero los vestidos arreglados.
But it hasn't been ironed out yet.
Pero no está aclarado aún.
It's all right, we got them hand-ironed...
Está bien, los tenemos espaciados...
You see, even the grain, if it has been disturbed, has been cleverly ironed back into place.
Verá, incluso el grano, si se ha alterado, ha sido hábilmente planchado en su lugar.
I'm going to the laundry to get ironed out. I'm roughdry now.
Me voy a la lavandería a que me planchen, que me he quedado seco.
Father your uniform is appropriate when you are in China. But I have your other suit all washed and ironed. That would be so much better.
Padre, el uniforme era apropiado en China, pero te he preparado el otro traje, será mucho mejor.
You got everything your mother had, and she was bigtime after I ironed out the kinks in her technique.
Tienes todo lo que tu madre tuvo y fue grandiosa cuando mejoré algunas cosas de su técnica.
Why, there'll be hundreds of others just like them... with kinks to be ironed out.
Habrá cientos como ellos... con problemas para eliminar.
Have you ironed his trousers?
¿ Has planchado los pantalones del señor?
I would have washed, ironed, scrubbed, done everything she wanted of me, whether she paid me for it or not.
Habría lavado, planchado, fregado y hecho cualquier cosa que ella quisiera aunque no me hubiese pagado.
Hey there... we've got enough... we're moving in and it's all ironed... come on.
Tenemos una casa, es nuestra y vamos a quedarnos.
- Oh? So I thought the best thing would be if you and I got together and... ironed things out.
Por eso he pensado que lo mejor era venir a verte y solucionar esto de una vez.
And you'd better be getting that apron ironed, too.
Y deberías estar planchándola.
And now you'd better be getting my apron ironed.
Pues ya me están planchando el delantal.
But wrapping-paper, when ironed and cleaned makes for reasonable manuscript.
pero con el papel de envolver planchado y limpio se obtiene un material manuscrito muy razonable.
If there is a better ironed petticoat at Thornton Hall tonight..
No habrás enaguas mejor planchadas en Thornton House esta noche.
Besides, you've ironed that dress every week now for two months.
Además, planchas ese vestido cada semana.
Your clothes haven't been ironed yet.
Mira que todavía tienes ropa que planchar.
Year in and year out, she's washed and ironed... and carried her clean clothes to people's back doors... through rain and cold and the heat of summer.
Año tras año, ha lavado y planchado... y llevado la ropa lavada a la puerta trasera de la gente... con lluvia y con frío, y con el calor del verano.
Easily. I had some spare time so I ironed all these clothes.
En unos minutos libres planché toda esta ropa.
I cleaned and ironed your uniform.
Te lavé y te planché el uniforme.
All starched and ironed.
Almidonados y planchados.
I would have you washed, dried, ironed and delivered by 7 o'clock.
Quiero hacer el reparto antes de las siete.
Board and lodging and your laundry will be washed and ironed.
Alojamiento, manutención, blanqueadura, lavadura y planchadura.
100 liras a month, board and lodging, laundry washed and ironed, all found.
Cien liras al mes, alojamiento, manutención, blanqueadura, lavadura -... planchadura y gastos pagados.
100 liras a month, board and lodging, laundry washed and ironed.
Cien liras al mes, alojamiento, manutención, blanqueadura, lavadura -... y planchadura.
Board, lodging and laundry washed and ironed?
¿ Y alojamiento, manutención, lavadura, blanqueadura y planchadura?
Board, lodging, laundry washed and ironed?
Alojamiento, manutención, lavadura, blanqueadura y planchadura?
- Right! And for this you'll pay me... 1000 liras a month board, lodging, laundry washed and ironed, right? - Fine!
- Eso es.
For 1,000 liras a month, board, lodging, laundry washed and ironed, am I to humiliate myself in these clothes?
Por mil liras al mes, alojamiento, manutención, lavadura, blanqueadura y planchadura, ¿ humillarme así?
- laundry washed and ironed.
-... lavadura, blanqueadura y planchadura.
I get my laundry ironed in exchange for this.
Me hacen la planchadura exactamente para esto.
- It's just been ironed!
- ¡ Porque la acaban de planchar!
A tuxedo, an ironed shirt and shoes of patent leather!
¡ Un esmoquin con camisa dura y escarpines de charol!
Shall I have it ironed?
¿ Quiere que se la planchen?
Look at this... Is this ironed?
Mira esto... ¿ está planchado?
Well ironed?
¿ Está bien planchado?
Look, it's to be ironed.
Oiga, esto es para planchar.
- Shall I have these ironed
- ¿ Los plancho?
Do please have them ironed.
Plánchelos, por favor.
It's the newly ironed laundry.
Es la ropa recién planchada.
- Thank you. Who ironed your shirt, a nun?
Gracias. ¿ Quién le plancha la camisa?
Why, is it badly ironed?
¿ Por qué? ¿ Está mal planchada?
And she's never ironed as much as a tie.
Y no sabe planchar ni siquiera un pañuelo.
Tomorrow I'll give it back to my father, washed and ironed.
Mañana se lo devolveré a mi padre, lavado y planchado.
Get this ironed and the mothball smell out.
¡ Que la planchen y quiten este olor!
- I'm all set. I just ironed my sling.
Ya he planchado el cabestrillo.
Your shirts are washed but not ironed.
Tus camisas están lavadas, pero no planchadas.
I just picked them up, they've been ironed.
Las acabo de recoger de la lavandería.

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