It's about him translate Spanish
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It's gonna be one of those - a sad day but also a day where everybody's gonna get together and talk about the great fucking times that they had with him and his music.
Pero también será el momento de recordar a un gran hombre y su música. No sé cuántos años tiene, ni me importa.
If I tell the cops what I know about him it's just the same shit they've heard a million times already.
Si hablo sobre él a los polis,... es la misma mierda que han escuchado muchas veces.
I bet she's about to leave him and he might know it.
Apuesto a que iba a dejarlo, y él quizás lo sabía.
I think it's about time I met him. Put him out of his misery.
Creo que es hora de que me encuentre con él, de que acabe con su sufrimiento.
Everybody's afraid of him, but no one does anything about it.
Todo el mundo tiene miedo de él, pero nadie hace nada al respecto.
Do you think a real mujahid gives a fuck about Rubber Dinghy Rapids and gets his deen from The Cat That Went To Mecca, a book he can't finish cos it's far too fucking advanced for him?
¿ Piensas que un mujahid de verdad le importa un carajo los toboganes su fe se basa en "El gatito que fue a la Meca" libro que no puede terminar porque es demasiado jodidamente denso para él?
No longer is it a funny fucking thing about triumph, but it's like about this dude who's constantly getting squeezed by everybody around him, trying to fuck him over.
Ya no es algo divertido sobre el triunfo, sino que se trata de este tipo al que constantemente presionan todos los que lo rodean, tratando de joderlo.
The guy down in Miami had doubts about, you know, Joaquin's abilities and I had to reassure him a little bit that it wasn't going to be another "Letterman" thing.
El tipo de Miami tenía dudas, saben, de las habilidades de Joaquin y tuve que tranquilizarlo un poco respecto a que no sería otra cosa como lo de "Letterman".
It's not the first call I've had about him.
No es la primera llamada que recibo de él.
It's just I don't really talk about him that much.
Es sólo que realmente no hablo mucho de él.
They move him about a lot, that's all it is.
Lo mueven un montón, eso es todo.
it's about this girl that's in love with this guy. But he's a vampire and his whole family is vampires, so she can't really be with him.
De una chica enamorada de un chico, pero él es un vampiro y toda su familia también, así que no pueden estar juntos.
S-Sam. It's Sam. What about him?
Nunca sabes cuando vas a necesitar un favor o una mejor nota, hipotéticamente.
It gets depressing when we talk about him, so let's stop.
Me deprime cuando hablamos de él, así que vamos a dejarlo.
It's comforting to me when I think about how the others treated him.
Me sirve de consuelo cuando pienso en cómo le trataron los demás.
Leave him, Cio, it's logical he has to think about it.
Deja, Ció. Es lógico que se lo piense.
Oh, I just told him about the joys of baseball and how it's something he can do with his father forever.
Oh, sólo le hablé de las virtudes del béisbol y como es algo que él puede hacer con su padre por siempre.
And he felt incredibly guilty about that... that he knew he hadn't been present enough in William Jr.'s life, had ignored him for years on end... and was finally becoming his friend, and it was too late.
Y se sintió muy culpable por eso. Sabía que no había estado presente lo suficiente en la vida de William Jr., lo había ignorado durante años, y se estaban haciendo amigos pero fue demasiado tarde.
Should we tell him that we lost the house while he's in Afghanistan, where he can do absolutely nothing about it but worry?
¿ Debemos decirle que perdimos la casa mientras que él está en Afganistán, donde él nada podía hacer al respecto, excepto preocuparse?
I'll date Liam, write about him, but instead of using Liam's name, I'll say it's Seth.
Saldré con Liam, escribiré sobre él... pero en lugar de usar el nombre de Liam, diré que es Seth.
But when he confronted him about it, you wanna to know what Dave Duncan's response was?
Pero cuando se enfrentó a él por eso, ¿ quieres saber lo que Dave Duncan le respondió?
It's about this guy who knows everyone hates him, but he still rides on a steel horse, escaping to Bolivia.
Trata sobre este tipo que sabe que todo el mundo lo odia, pero continúa cabalgando sobre un caballo de acero, escapando a Bolivia.
I'm trying to talk to Glen and trying to wam him that, you know, he's about to get killed by Freddy if he falls asleep and I look dovm and it's Freddy's mouth and tongue and he says,
Trato de hablar con Glen y trato de advertirle que esta a punto de morir en manos de Freddy si se queda dormido y miro hacia abajo y veo la boca de Freddy con su lengua diciendo :
At the game, he got to talking about his dad, and, you know, his mom thinks it's a really good thing for him.
En el juego, el tenía que hablar sobre su padre, y, ya sabes, su madre piensa que es algo muy bueno para el.
And now, it's about time to wake him up
Y ya es hora de despertarlo
He thinks that I can do it, and I want to prove to him that he's not wrong about me.
Cree que puedo hacerlo, y quiero demostrarle que no está equivocado conmigo.
And he's about the same age as you, it's a small town, thought you might know him...
Y el es más o menos de la misma edad que tu, es una ciudad pequeña, pensé que tu podrías conocerle...
Something's going on with him and he won't tell me about it.
Algo está pasando con él y no me ha dicho nada.
It's onef the things I love most about him.
Es una de las cosas que mas me gustan de el
Well, I think it's time you forget about him and do me a favor.
Creo que es hora de que se olviden de él y me hagan un favor a mí.
It's him I'm worried about.
Es él quien me preocupa.
If he want keep secrets, then... Something is bothering him, and he's not telling me about it. But he shouldn't.
Si quiere guardar secretos, entonces... pero no debería.
I don't know how much of it, what you hear about him, is myth and what's reality.
No sé cuánto de lo que escuchas sobre él es mito y cuánto es real.
( Mark Waid ) And Grant just started asking him questions about what it's like to be Superman.
Y Grant empezó a hacerle preguntas acerca de cómo es ser Superman.
No sense in telling him it's about lana.
No tiene sentido decirle que es por Lana.
There's just something about him, and I don't know what it is yet.
Hay algo en él, y no sé lo que es todavía.
Actually, um, I talked to him about your mom, and as it turns out, he knows one of the best oncologists in the world, and he's offered to take a look at Lydia's case.
En realidad, le hablé sobre tu madre, y resulta, que conoce a uno de los mejores oncólogos del mundo. Y se ha ofrecido a echar un vistazo al caso de Lidia.
It's time that we told him the truth about who he really is.
Es hora de decirle la verdad sobre quién es realmente.
There's something off about him, but I hope it's not that.
Hay algo mal en él, pero espero que no sea eso.
It's from a poem about a man called Prufrock who's trying to summon up the courage to ask a woman to marry him.
- Bueno, eso puede significar cualquier cosa. - No, no.
I've heard Edmund talking, and it's not about the land for him, no more than it's about the sea for the girl in the song.
He escuchado a Edmund hablar, y no es sobre el trabajo en el campo, no más que el mar para esa muchacha de la canción.
But if you say anything to him about it, the next day, your windshield's smashed.
Pero si le dices algo acerca de ello, al día siguiente, tendrás el parabrisas de tu vehículo roto.
I think with him it's more about his family.
Creo que con el es mas acerca de su familia.
So you're saying that somebody knew about Bobby Mann's condition, slipped balsamic vinegar into his cranberry juice, knowing that it would kill him?
Que fácilmente pudo disfrazar el color y el sabor del vinagre. ¿ Dices que alguien sabía de la enfermedad de Bobby Mann y puso vinagre balsámico a su jugo de arándanos sabiendo que lo mataría?
- Well, it's not just about him.
Bien, no es solo sobre el.
He's mad because we're thinking about whether it makes sense to ceem him with the bum knee or not- - baby, you're justustling with t next thing.
No, él está enojado porque estamos pensando en si tiene sentido mantenerlo con una rodilla lastimada, o no. Y de eso habla- - Bebé, sólo estás justificándote tu próxima acción.
Decorating my world. I don't know what it is, there's something that bugs the hell out of me about him.
- No sé lo que es pero hay algo que me irrita un huevo de él
I can't be sure it's him, I mean, if you want me to be honest about it.
No puedo estar seguro de si es él, es decir, si quiere que sea honesto.
It's about getting him off the streets.
Se trata de sacarlo de las calles.
Well, it's more about the guys who investigated him and tried to bring him down.
Bueno, es más sobre los tipos que le investigaron e intentaron atraparle.
I don't know anything about him, it's a while since he left.
No sé nada de él, hace mucho que se fue.
it's about damn time 34
it's about fucking time 24
it's about time 533
it's about that time 16
it's about 350
it's about to start 25
it's about me 95
it's about trust 19
it's about this 19
it's about family 16
it's about fucking time 24
it's about time 533
it's about that time 16
it's about 350
it's about to start 25
it's about me 95
it's about trust 19
it's about this 19
it's about family 16
it's about you 142
it's about us 42
it's about money 31
it's about her 19
about him 49
himself 154
himura 39
him again 23
him and me 36
him too 56
it's about us 42
it's about money 31
it's about her 19
about him 49
himself 154
himura 39
him again 23
him and me 36
him too 56
him or me 60
him who 26
it's fine 7136
it's not fair 795
it's friday 105
it's done 1271
it's been so long 173
it's cold 680
it's warm 139
it's over 4654
him who 26
it's fine 7136
it's not fair 795
it's friday 105
it's done 1271
it's been so long 173
it's cold 680
it's warm 139
it's over 4654
it's okay 22028
it's ok 4874
it's me 10254
it's all right 8832
it's not 5855
it's a boy 347
it's cool 1584
it's me again 322
it's a girl 287
it's just 7387
it's ok 4874
it's me 10254
it's all right 8832
it's not 5855
it's a boy 347
it's cool 1584
it's me again 322
it's a girl 287
it's just 7387