It's about us translate Spanish
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Somebody talks about money, and you automatically accept without thinking that compound interest, factional reserve banking, and fiat currency is okay, and we have to protect that, because if we don't protect that, it's gonna be bad for us.
Alguien habla de dinero y tú automáticamente aceptas sin pensar que el interés compuesto, la banca de reserva fraccional y el dinero fiduciario están bien y debemos protegerlos porque si no lo protegemos nos ocurrirá algo malo.
It's still informal... I don't know anything right now about Carter, my job, us. I think.
Aún es informal... creo.
It's not about helping us.
No se trata de ayudarnos.
Tell us about your first love since it's raining and all...
Cuéntenos sobre su primer amor ya que está lloviendo...
Let's bring Kurt up right now. He can tell us all about it.
Vamos a llevar a Kurt y él nos puede decir de todo.
When you were talking about your artwork, you said that this energy inside of us that travels from body to body, you said that it's always the same.
- Cuando estaba hablando sobre tu trabajo de arte, - dijiste que la energia dentro nuestro viaja de cuerpo a cuerpo,... dijiste que es siempre la misma.
Mmmm. If you want to talk about it, it's just between the two of us.
Si quieres hablar de eso, es entre nosotros dos.
Do you want us to pretend It's not and lie about it to you?
¿ Quieres que finjamos que no lo es y mentirte sobre ello?
It's cool. It's important for the town to see us out and about like normal folk.
Es importante que los pobladores nos vean como gente normal.
I can't believe she's actually telling us about it.
No puedo creer que de verdad nos lo haya contado.
- How do you mean? It's about us.
Se trata de nosotros.
It's about us.
Se trata de nosotros.
- One of the kids was talking about it. If Rose could tell us who's about to be laid off, we could save their jobs.
Si Rose pudiera decirnos a quién están por despedir, podríamos salvar sus trabajos.
The point he's saying is this is less about you than it is about us.
Es decir, que esto se trata menos de ti que de nosotros.
Plenty of sources knew about this meeting, told us and others that it was at Hillary Clinton's house, but clearly it wasn't.
Muchas de las fuentes sabían acerca de esta reunión, se nos dijo, que iban a casa de Hillary Clinton, pero claramente no era asi.
Plenty of sources knew about this meeting, told us and others that it was at Hillary Clinton's house, but clearly it wasn't.
muchas fuentes sabían acerca de esta reunión, nos dijeron al igual que a los otros que seria en la casa de Hillary Clinton, pero claramente no lo fue.
What he should have done is just given us that bit, That would now look like one of Monet's visions of his lily pond, but it would be about Formula One,
Debería haber dejado solo este trozo y parecería un estanque de lirios de Monet, pero seguiría siendo sobre Fórmula 1.
It's about us...
es acerca de nosotros...
He's sympathizing with the guy. I bet that in two minutes, he'll come back to us and say, "Hey guys, how about we help someone who really deserves it?"
... que tal si ayudamos a alguien que en verdad lo merece?
Well, uh, Shannon here's thinking about helping us out around here for the summer if it's okay with Mom.
Bueno, Shannon aquí, está pensando acerca de ayudarnos por aquí, para el verano si está bien con su mamá.
They got us in one of them Star Wars contractor-beam things. It's pulling us in. You know what I'm talking about?
Y tenemos que hacer algo como en La Guerra de las Galaxias... para contrarrestar ese haz de luz que nos atrae hacia él, ¿ entienden?
It's because of you. - This mortgage's about to bankrupt us.
Es por tu culpa que tenemos la hipoteca.
It's not about us.
No se trata de nosotros.
- It's not about us.
- No se trata de nosotros.
As soon as Toby forgets about us, it's back to some dusty box in a forgotten attic.
Tan pronto como Toby nos olvide, volveremos a esa caja polvorienta en un ático olvidado.
We can pretend to put it behind us, exchange lofty words about an alliance, but if this is what survival has come to... it's all we've got.
Podemos fingir dejarlo todo atrás, intercambiar nobles palabras sobre la alianza,... pero si para esto es lo que ha venido la supervivencia... Es todo lo que tenemos.
It's a little late to be worried about us now, don't you think?
Es un poco tarde para preocuparte por nosotros, ¿ no crees?
Hi. Look, we are so sorry that we've held you up for so long on this book. But there's been a lot of talk about it up here, and we've decided it's not going to work for us.
Sentimos mucho haber tardado tanto con lo de este libro pero hemos tenido muchas discusiones aquí y hemos decidido que a nosotros no nos funciona.
Now, what's special about his death is that it gives us an opportunity to make things better.
Lo especial de su muerte... es que nos da la oportunidad de mejorar las cosas.
It's not even about us.
Ni siquiera tiene que ver con nosotros.
It's not about us.
No tiene que ver con nosotros.
He's being sarcastic, Ethan, and also letting us know that he's a "battle-hardened" veteran who did some half-assed tour and talks about it all the time.
Está siendo sarcástico y nos está diciendo que es un veterano endurecido que debió hacer una gira mediocre y habla de ella todo el tiempo.
It's curious what Rui Cardoso Martins tells us about the "seven mosquitos of the Apocalypse".
Es curioso lo que Rui Cardoso Martins nos dice acerca de los "siete mosquitos del Apocalipsis".
Look, um, I'm just thinking it's only fair if you're gonna be hanging here for a while, it's only fair you tell us what this is about.
Mira, pienso que está bien si te quedas aquí por un tiempo sólo debes decirnos de qué se trata.
And hence we can learn really a lot more about what these experiences are because it can really allow us to match up these experiences that people have with hallucinogens as well as understanding where they are related in the context of the brain's receptors and the different parts of the brain that may or may not become active.
Y por ende sabríamos más sobre qué son realmente estas experiencias pues nos pueden ayudar a reconocer y modelar las experiencias que las personas tienen con alucinógenos así como entender el lugar dónde se relacionan en el cerebro en cuánto a sus receptores y las áreas dónde puedan activarse.
It's the brain that helps us to process all this information and to create for us a rendition of what our world is all about but we're trapped within that brain.
Es el cerebro el que ayuda a procesar todas estas informaciones y crear para nosotros una condición sobre lo que se trata el mundo pero estamos atrapados en nuestro cerebro.
And it's about $ 200,000 fine in the US if you say it on TV.
Te ponen una multa de 200.000 dólares si lo dices en la tele
It's not about us.
No es sobre nosotros.
You can pretend all you want it's just about you, but you without us?
Puedes fingir todo lo que quieras de que lo haces por ti. Pero tú sin nosotros...
- It's about us.
Es sobre nosotros.
If what Meier said is true about the leak in Farhad's team, it will be dangerous for us.
Si lo que dijo Meier sobre la fuga en el grupo de Farhad es cierto será peligroso para nosotros.
This is what it's all about. It's us against them.
Somos nosotros contra ellos.
Tarpon school's boring. It's about us.
La escuela Tauron es aburrida.
It's about us.
Es por nosotros.
"Tina Gray, a strong girl of fifteen in a thin night shift, moves toward us down a dark corridor." I did find the character Tina when I read it, there was something intrinsically sad about her because she as sort of a victim of this broken home and she's left to really raise herself.
Al leer el personaje de Tina Gray, encontré había algo personalmente triste en ella, ella es una víctima de un hogar destruido, la cual deja su realidad para animarse a si misma.
And your performance tells me that it's about time for us to come off.
Somos tus ruedas de apoyo. Y tu actuación me dice que ya es hora de que nos apartemos.
- It's ok. Don't worry about us.
- No te preocupes por nosotros.
It's about the clients who put their money with us.
Trato con los clientes que invierten su dinero con nosotros.
Maybe it's about us.
Puede que se sobre nosotros.
All right? It's never happened to us, and every time I try and talk to you about it,
Esto nunca nos ha pasado y cada vez que intento hablarlo contigo
It's not about them. It's about us.
No es sobre ellos. es sobre nosotros
it's about damn time 34
it's about fucking time 24
it's about time 533
it's about that time 16
it's about 350
it's about to start 25
it's about me 95
it's about trust 19
it's about this 19
it's about family 16
it's about fucking time 24
it's about time 533
it's about that time 16
it's about 350
it's about to start 25
it's about me 95
it's about trust 19
it's about this 19
it's about family 16
it's about you 142
it's about him 23
it's about money 31
it's about her 19
about us 203
used 73
usagi 51
usher 82
usual 64
usually 803
it's about him 23
it's about money 31
it's about her 19
about us 203
used 73
usagi 51
usher 82
usual 64
usually 803
using 28
user 29
useless 232
uschi 33
usopp 23
useful 59
ushna 19
use your brain 33
use it 260
use your imagination 74
user 29
useless 232
uschi 33
usopp 23
useful 59
ushna 19
use your brain 33
use it 260
use your imagination 74
use your words 42
use your head 124
use me 43
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use mine 46
use the force 25
use it wisely 19
us too 58
use your power 21
use your hands 17
use your head 124
use me 43
used to 118
use mine 46
use the force 25
use it wisely 19
us too 58
use your power 21
use your hands 17