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It's all your fault translate Spanish

1,004 parallel translation
"It's all your fault!"
"¡ Es todo por tu culpa!"
It's all your fault that this fool has been hanging around here!
"¡ Es culpa suya que este tonto anduviera por aquí!"
And it's all your fault :
Y es todo culpa suya.
It's all your fault!
Por tu culpa.
- It's all your fault!
- ¡ Todo es culpa suya!
- It's all your fault.
- Todo por culpa vuestra.
It's all your fault.
Es todo culpa tuya, mírame.
─ Well, it's all your fault. If you'd used the corn-plaster, this wouldn't have happened.
La culpa es suya, por haberse cortado el callo.
"How is she?" You ask that, when it's all your fault!
¿ Cómo está? - ¿ Y lo pregunta siendo su culpa?
It's all your fault, taking so much time over your beer.
La culpa es suya por tardar tanto en tomarse la cerveza.
It's all your fault.
Se lo tragarán. Es todo culpa tuya.
- It's all your fault.
- Fue por culpa tuya.
Es culpa suya.
It's all your fault.
Es culpa suya.
It's all your fault.
¡ Todo es culpa tuya!
And it's all your fault, too.
Y es culpa tuya también.
It's all your fault. If you hadn't been there, he wouldn't have been nabbed.
Es culpa suya que le acusen de los asesinatos.
Melanie, it's all your fault!
¡ Melanie, Melanie! ¡ Todo es tu culpa!
It's all your fault.
Has destruido mi carrera.
- It's all your fault.
- Y usted tiene la culpa.
Yes, you. It's all your fault, sir.
Sí, ¡ es por su culpa!
It's all your fault.
Es usted.
- If we get shot, mister, it's all your fault!
- ¡ Si nos dan, será culpa suya!
It's all your fault, coming down here at all hours to give it food.
Todo es culpa tuya, con esa mania de querer darle de comer.
This is not your fault. It's all mine.
No ha sido culpa tuya, sino mía.
If you would listen to me, Mr. Tuns, it's all my fault but I couldn't imagine him profiting from your name.
Por favor, escúcheme, señor Tuns, mi culpa es grave... Pero no podía imaginar que ese individuo se aprovecharía de su nombre.
It's all your fault.
Es su culpa.
It's all your fault too.
También es culpa tuya.
It's all your fault.
No tiene la culpa, es culpa de usted.
She'll hang for that you know and it's all your fault.
Le mató, la colgarán por ello. Y todo por su culpa.
Yes, I'm running away, and it's all your fault.
Sí, me voy de aquí, y es por culpa tuya.
It's all your fault.
Todo por su culpa.
- It's all your fault, really.
- La culpa es suya.
It's all your fault, carrying on with that Mrs Webster.
Es culpa tuya. Con esa Sra. Webster...
If I may say so, it's all Your Majesty's fault.
- Perdonad, pero, es culpa vuestra.
I broke my leg, and it's all your fault!
¡ Me he roto la pierna y ha sido por culpa tuya!
All I know is that you've changed everything for me, so it's your own fault.
Sólo sé que lo cambiaste todo para mí, así que es culpa tuya.
It's all your fault.
- ¿ Y aún lo pregunta?
It's all your fault.
Ha sido por tu culpa.
Now I'm ruined, and it's all your fault
Le dije que no quería especular.
It's all your fault.
Todo es culpa tuya.
- It's your fault, all yours.
- Es todo por tu culpa.
She's lost her references, and it's all your fault.
Esto la perjudicaría, y todo por tu culpa.
You know, Mrs. King, it's really all your fault. Hmm?
Señora, ¿ quién es usted la culpable de todo esto?
It's all your fault!
¡ Todo es por tu culpa!
It's all your fault You're always looking at the women.
Es tu culpa Siempre estás mirando a las mujeres.
And it's all your fault.
Y todo es culpa suya.
And it's all your fault.
Y es culpa tuya.
It's all your fault for having married a waiter.
Es culpa tuya, por haberte casado con un camarero.
It's all your fault.
Todo por tu culpa.
Al, it's all your fault.
Al, todo es culpa tuya.

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