It's always been there translate Spanish
164 parallel translation
We came here because it's in our blood to be where there's a hard life to be lived. We've always been that way.
Vinimos porque llevamos en la sangre estar donde haya una vida dura que vivir.
It's been years since I last danced, there's always something to do at school and at home!
Hace años que no bailo, siempre estoy de la escuela a casa.
There must have been something deep inside you from the very start that let you do this thing, but there's always been something deep inside me that would never let me do it,
Siempre ha habido algo en lo más profundo de tu ser que te ha permitido hacer algo así. Siempre ha habido algo en mí que no me lo hubiera permitido nunca.
- There's always been two! - It's gone!
- ¡ Siempre han sido dos!
- It's not gone there have always been two.
- ¡ No falta!
Papa, I can't help remembering that when she starts sleeping alone in there it's always been a sign.
Papa, no puedo dejar de recordar que cuando ella empieza a dormir sola allí siempre ha sido una señal
Now, Gridley, it's been said that there will always be an England, and I'd like to do my part to keep it that way.
Gridley, se dice que siempre existirá Inglaterra, y me gustaría colaborar para que así sea.
- It's just always been there.
- Siempre ha estado ahí.
There's a lot of injustice in the art too I wrote 13 social comedies and they've been always refused by envy, if you want I've a list of bad guys you have to punish it's me who had this great honour,
En el campo del arte también hay mucha injusticia he escrito 13 comedias sociales, y me las han rechazado por envidia. Si queréis tengo una lista de mala gente que debéis castigar...
Nick, there's always something tragic about a fallen idol... because the tragedy, you see, is that it makes us wonder how we could have been so wrong.
Nick, siempre hay algo trágico en un ídolo caído... debido a la tragedia, se ve, es que nos hace preguntarnos cómo podríamos haber estado tan mal.
Call it a cop's intuition... call it what you want... there's always been something about Warren that didn't quite jibe.
Quizás sea un presentimiento, llámelo como quiera. Siempre hubo algo en Warren que no me gustó. - Como si no fuera...
It's a world that's always been there... but not for you.
Es un mundo que siempre estuvo ahí, pero... no para ti.
Well, I've never actually been through there, but that's the way it always seemed to me.
Nunca he estado allí, es la impresión que tengo.
It's always been there since I was this tall.
Siempre ha estado igual :
It's always been there.
Él siempre ha estado allí.
- Yes, O'Toole, it's always been there.
- O'Toole, siempre ha estado allí.
I'm not criticizing, but it just seems to me there's always been an antagonism between you two.
No es una crítica, pero creo que siempre ha habido cierto antagonismo entre vosotras.
If we don't meet, there's always the possibility it could have been perfect.
Si no nos conocemos, siempre será posible que hubiera podido ser perfecto.
Let's not be too hasty, Doo, maybe we oughta leave the bedroom in the front of the house, it's always been there and it's pretty here.
Pero no nos precipitemos. Quizá deberíamos dejar el dormitorio delante. Siempre ha estado ahí y la vista es bonita.
It's always been there inside me... Lurking away.
Siempre ha estado dentro de mí latente.
Whenever there has been an injury or a problem... it's always been because of some secondary cause.
Siempre que haya habido una lesion o un problema...
The official name is the St Mary's College of Winchester in Oxford, but there was already a St Mary's College when it was founded in 1 379, so it has always just been known as New.
El nombre oficial es St Mary's College de Winchester en Oxford,... Pero ya había un St Mary's College cuando se fundó en 1379, así que siempre se lo ha conocido como New.
I mean, there have been times, naturally, when I've had to have people eliminated... but it's always... saddened me.
hubo veces en las que tuve que mandar a matar a cierta gente pero siempre me causó tristeza.
It's just that in my experience, no matter what a woman says, there's always been a lingering emotional attachment.
Es solo que siempre por la experiencia que tengo, no importa lo que una mujer diga, siempre queda algún vínculo emocional colgando.
- It's always been there, Joel.
- Siempre ha estado ahí.
Dear old things, as you know I've always been proud there isn't a wedding ring between the lot of us. Over the passing of years, it's suddenly beginning to distress me.
Queridos amigos, siempre he estado orgulloso de que ninguno de nosotros lleve la argolla pero con el paso del tiempo, uno empieza a preocuparse.
- It's always been up there.
- Siempre ha estado ahí arriba.
Like it's always been there. You know what I mean?
Como siempre ha estado aquí, ¿ sabes?
Over there, where it's always been.
- Ahi, donde siempre.
Just because there hasn't been anything dangerous in this forest recently doesn't mean it's always gonna be safe.
Que no haya habido algo peligroso en este bosque recientemente no significa que siempre será seguro.
The point is that he's always been there for the three of us, and it's time the three of us take a stand for him.
- El punto es que él siempre estuvo con nosotros. Es hora de que nosotros se lo retribuyamos.
It's always been there.
Siempre ha estado ahi.
We discovered it about six months ago, but it's always been there.
Fue descubierto hace cerca de 6 meses, pero ha estado siempre ahí.
It's always been there, I guess.
Estuvo siempre ahí, supongo.
Joey's a good boy, but there's always been something about his personality that, uh- - How shall I put it?
Joey es un buen chico, pero siempre ha habido algo... en su personalidad que, eh... ¿ cómo decirlo?
It's just, you know, he's always been there for me.
Sabes, él siempre ha estado ahí cuando lo necesité.
They put curtains, geraniums, a television, and, after a while, it's as if everything had always been there.
La gente va a habitar y se ponen los tendederos, los geranios, la televisión y después todo forma parte del paisaje, ya existe.
It's just there's always been a lot of tension between Lois and me, and it's not so much that I want to kill her, it's just I want her not to be alive any more.
Siempre hubo mucha tensión entre Lois y yo. En realidad, no quiero "matarla". Es que ya no quiero que siga con vida.
- No, it's always been there.
- No, siempre ha estado ahí.
It's always been my dream to go there.
Siempre soñé con ir allí.
It's always been there. Never disturbed you before.
Siempre ha estado ahí y nunca te ha molestado.
Yeah, it's always been there.
Sí, siempre ha estado ahí.
It's... my aunt lulah always used to say They'd've named me speedy alka-Seltzer if there hadn't already been one.
Mi tía lula decía que me habrían llamado Speedy Alka-Seltzer si no hubiera ya.
- It's always been good enough and there's more in the store room if you need.
Eso siempre fue suficiente y tiene más en el depósito si lo desea.
It's always been a dream of mine, since I was a little girl, to go there.
Siempre ha sido mi sueño ir desde que era una niña
You may not believe this, but there's always been this empty place in me, and now that I've seen how you grew up and where and how much you're loved, it feels a little less empty.
Tal vez no lo creas pero siempre hubo un vacío en mi interior y ahora que vi cómo y dónde creciste y cuánto te quieren me siento un poco menos vacía.
And even though it's been decades and someone else lives there now, there's one apartment in particular that will always be our apartment.
Y aunque han pasado décadas y ahora otra gente vive allí, hay un apartamento en particular que siempre será nuestro apartamento.
Well, it's always been there.
- Bueno, siempre ha estado ahí.
It's always been there.
Siempre ha estado aquí.
Ten Tips for Solution Selling, it's always been there for me.
10 consejos para la venta de productos. Siempre ha estado ahí para mí.
Just hear me out on this. There's always been a concern about this aspect of it... and I always assumed you'd figure this out in the execution.
Siempre tuvimos eso en mente.
it's always there 23
it's always been you 39
it's always something 28
it's always you 16
it's always the same 117
it's always me 21
it's always a pleasure 23
it's always the same thing 20
it's always like that 28
it's always like this 28
it's always been you 39
it's always something 28
it's always you 16
it's always the same 117
it's always me 21
it's always a pleasure 23
it's always the same thing 20
it's always like that 28
it's always like this 28
it's always good to see you 18
it's always about you 25
it's always 69
been there 278
it's fine 7136
it's not fair 795
it's friday 105
it's done 1271
it's been so long 173
it's cold 680
it's always about you 25
it's always 69
been there 278
it's fine 7136
it's not fair 795
it's friday 105
it's done 1271
it's been so long 173
it's cold 680
it's warm 139
it's over 4654
it's okay 22028
it's ok 4874
it's me 10254
it's all right 8832
it's not 5855
it's about damn time 34
it's a boy 347
it's cool 1584
it's over 4654
it's okay 22028
it's ok 4874
it's me 10254
it's all right 8832
it's not 5855
it's about damn time 34
it's a boy 347
it's cool 1584