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It's been a week translate Spanish

947 parallel translation
It's been almost a week now. Are you going to quit this engagement now?
Ha pasado casi una semana. ¿ Va a terminar este compromiso ya?
It's been a week now. How do you feel?
Ya ha pasado una semana. ¿ Cómo se siente?
Yes, it's been sore for over a week.
Sí, Si, hace mas de una semana que me duele el dedo.
It's been over a week.
Ya pasó una semana.
It's been raining for a week.
. Ha llovido durante una semana.
Have a cigar. It's been a fine week. Twelve new customers.
Ha sido una gran semana, doce clientes nuevos.
It's been a week since the robbery.
El robo fue hace una semana.
Well, the car's been identified as Mrs. Peabody's, all very well and good... except it now turns out that nobody's seen Mrs. Peabody for at least a week.
El coche ha sido identificado como de la señora Peabody, todo bien y en orden... excepto que nadie ha visto a la señora Peabody desde hace una semana.
But it's been over a week since we've heard from Boy.
Pero ya hace más de una semana que no sabemos nada de Boy.
It's been a week since I introduced him.
Debo darles una respuesta.
It's been over a week now.
Ya ha pasado una semana.
- Oh, it's been a madhouse all week.
- Una semana de locura.
He's been trying to sell it to me once a week since we met.
Ha tratado de vendérmela una vez por semana desde que lo conocí.
It's been a week from hell here.
¡ Déjalo ya! Desde hace una semana esto no es vivir.
It's been almost a week, and since we happened to be driving out this way...
Ha pasado casi una semana y ya que pasábamos por aquí...
It's been over a week, you know.
Ya pasó más de una semana.
It's been less than a week.
Ha pasado menos de una semana.
So far it's been a week and he hasn't even noticed it.
Lo llevo hace una semana, no se ha dado ni cuenta.
Well, it's the first time Rome has been warm for a week, Mortimer.
Bueno,... es la primera vez, que la habitación se calienta en toda la semana!
It's been only a week since we met.
Decir que sólo hace una semana que nos conocemos.
Sorry. It's been sold out for a week.
Ya no me quedan, se agotaron en ocho días.
It's been a week since your brother got here.
Hace una semana que tu hermano llegó.
It's been a long week.
Ha sido una semana muy larga.
it's been a busy week...
.. ha sido una semana difícil...
It's been more tha a week an she ain'no better.
ya ha pasado una semana y no mejora.
Will Howard's been dead for nearly a week and everybody knows it.
Will Howard murió hace una semana y todo el mundo lo sabe.
- It's been almost a week!
- ¡ Ha pasado casi una semana!
I don't know, you've been working on this all week, and it's Friday night... and I just thought a little fun wouldn't hurt us.
No sé, has trabajado en esto toda la semana y es viernes noche... y creí que un poco de diversión no nos dañara.
There's usually a lot of sunspot static this time of year, and during the last week it's been heavier than ever.
Usualmente hay mucha estática de manchas solares en esta época del año, y durante la semana pasada han estado más fuertes que nunca.
It's been less than a week since you were in a car that crashed into the river.
Ha pasado menos de una semana desde su accidente en el río.
Oh, it's only been a week since we decided.
Ah, no. Esta semana se resuelve.
It's been raining for a week now.
Hace una semana que llueve.
We took a week in a hotel of New Orleans, It's been for good reason, I have not wanted to disturb you.
Llevamos una semana en un hotel de Nueva Orleans, ha sido por una buena razón, no he querido molestaros.
I mean, you don't have a decent shirt to wear, and it's been a week since i... look, go to the laundromat.
Tenemos que ponerlo. Bueno, ¿ no gastaste demasiado? Bueno no te preocupes por eso.
Herman, it's been a week since you spoke to Mr. Gateman.
Herman, ya hace una semana que hablaste con el Sr. Gateman.
It's been a week like this.
El llevase una semana.
Say, I, uh, I'd like to come by tonight, if it's okay. You've been back a week, and, uh...
Me gustaría pasar a ver si estás bien desde tu regreso.
He's coming home for dinner for the first time this week and it never occurs to you to wonder what he's been doing those other nights.
Viene a cenar por primera vez esta semana nunca se te ocurrió imaginarte que ha estado haciendo las otras noches.
Well, Mr. Collins, sir. It's been more than a week and I... we...
Bueno, Sr. Collins, ha pasado más de una semana y yo... nosotros...
Well, here at Wimbledon, it's been a most extraordinary week's tennis.
Aquí, en Wimbledon hemos tenido una semana de tenis... extraordinario.
It's been more than a week since they cut down my sweet orange tree.
Hace más de una semana que cortaron mi planta de naranja lima.
It's been a week since you've said anything, since you've eaten since you've laughed, since you've listened to me. All that time you've been sleeping.
Hace ya una semana que no hablas ni comes nada que no ríes, que no escuchas y una semana que no duermes.
- It's been a heavy week.
- Ha sido una semana dura.
It's always been a heavy week.
Siempre es una semana dura.
It's been a week already.
Ha pasado ya una semana.
It's been a week, Jake.
Ya pasó una semana, Jake.
It's already been a week since the holy saint of the lady showed any signs of life.
Hace ya más de una semana que esta santa mujer no da señales de vida.
It's been over a week you've been gone.
Hace más de una semana que te fuiste.
It's only been a week.
Sólo hace una semana.
It's been a week, Galen.
Ya pasó una semana, Galen.
He's been digging nonstop for a week. It's unlike us to rest now and then.
Dice que el túnel es la única esperanza de rescatar a Hung, y lleva 7 u 8 días excavando.

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