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It's just a party translate Spanish

379 parallel translation
I guess maybe it's just a party or something, you know. JANET :
Creo que se tratará de una fiesta o algo así.
It's ridiculous of you, Millicent, to miss my mah-jong party for Mr Smith just to help him arrange his crazy paintings for that exhibit.
- Bien. Hija, me parece absurdo que cambies una fiesta por ayudar al señor Smith a elegir los cuadros para esa exposición.
We just saw one. - Gotta show one at a party. It's a law.
Es la ley mostrar películas en las fiestas.
It's just that my mother always told me... that if a girl could be at a party for 30 minutes... without getting a man to talk to her... she might just as well go on home and shoot herself.
Lo que pasa es que mi madre siempre me dijo que... si una chica pasaba 30 minutos en una fiesta sin que un hombre le hablara... lo mejor sería ir a casa y darse un tiro.
I sure hate to break up this little party just when it's getting so good... but we got a call to make, Art and me.
Siento mucho dejar esta pequeña fiesta justo cuando se ponía bien... pero tenemos un recado que atender, Art y yo.
Oh, it's just a party, Major.
Sólo es una fiesta, Mayor.
It's just that I've noticed a certain..... animosity towards Mr Shannon among the..... ladies in his party, particularly in the case of...
Es sólo que he notado una cierta animosidad hacia el Sr. Shannon entre las damas de su grupo.
Well, it's not really a party, darling. Just a few people... Jack and Paula.
No será una fiesta, no vendrá mucha gente.
All right, Arnold, it's worth a try. We'll get a scouting party. Just two.
- Bien, conseguiremos exploradores.
Oh, it isn't a party. It's just a meeting of a little... astronomical society I've joined.
Sólo es una reunión... de una sociedad astronómica a la que pertenezco.
If you just want third party she has to keep her bra on, and if it's just theft...
Si la quiere a terceros ha de llevar sujetador.
It's just a bathing party.
¿ Y qué? Es una excursión a los baños.
- It's just a party, Janet.
- Sólo es una fiesta.
" It's 4 : 00 in the morning, and the party just broke up a few minutes ago.
" " Son las 4 : 00 a.m., y la fiesta se terminó hace unos minutos.
No, my Lord. It's just that we've not had a dinner party for 20 years.
Pero su señoría es solo que no habiamos tenido una fiesta en 20 años!
It's just a little house party around the corner here on Franklin.
Es una fiestita íntima a la vuelta de la esquina, acá en Franklin.
It's just a polite thing to say when you are trying to explain you were not into the boring old rock'n'roll, but you didn't dare to say punk because you were afraid to get kicked out of the fucking party and they wouldn't give you coke any more.
Es la manera educada de decir que no te gusta el viejo rock'n'roll, pero no quieres decir Punk, por temor a que te echen de la puta fiesta y que no te den mas coca.
It's just a tool... To apply on your party the highest possible pressure.
Es un medio, para poner en su Partido, el máximo de presión.
Honey, it's gonna be just like having a slumber party.
Cariño, es como tener un pijama party.
It's just a party.
Se trata de una fiesta.
It's just like a birthday party, Only someone else has to blow out the candles.
Es como una fiesta de cumpleaños, solo que alguien mas tiene que apagar las velas.
It's just that we had a party and the boys got a little out of control.
Tomamos mucho y las cosas se salieron de control
It's just a party.
Solo es una fiesta.
It's just a little party, Colonel.
Es sólo una fiesta, coronel.
It's just a party.
Es una fiesta.
Something's going down, I know it. Look, why don't you just come and join the party? Look, I just don't want to, okay?
Es que me tomé un gran riesgo en venir aquí para ver a la persona que Eleanor Roosevelt una vez llamó la mujer más sexy.
It's not toxic waste, just a few party plates!
- ¡ No son residuos toxicos, solo son unos platos de fiesta!
Bren, just because dad wouldn't let you go to Dylan's little party, don't take it out on me.
Bren, solo porque papá no te dejó ir a la fiesta no te desquites conmigo.
Sorry - it's Friday night, and there's a party out there that's just callin'my name.
Lo siento, es viernes por la noche, y hay una fiesta por ahí que me llama.
It's just a dumb party.
Es solo una estupida fiesta.
I was at this party and the host's kid got sick with something and I rushed him to Emergency and she was the resident on duty and we just hit it right off.
Estaba en una fiesta y el hijo de la anfitriona se enfermó Y lo llevé a Emergencias y ella era la residente de turno y nos gustamos de inmediato.
It's so great, just great that you came to pick me up for the party tonight.
Es genial que hayas pasado a recogerme para irnos a la fiesta.
And the hills outside the archway fade into a bluish haze, creating distance. So it's sort of like it's not just a party, it's a going-away party.
Bueno, el espacio negativo en el arco desvía nuestra atención... y las colinas de afuera se desvanecen en una bruma azulada... creando distancia.
Well then maybe one of you should use it. You know I really just wanna get back to Harvey's party and see him dressed like James Dean.
Entonces una de ustedes deben usarla yo quiero ir a la fiesta de Harvey... y verlo vestido de James Dean.
It's just not a dinner party without a melon baller.
No hay fiesta sin un servidor de melón.
It's just a little old party write-up.
Sólo es un eco de sociedad.
BOBBY : It's just a dumb party.
- Sólo es una fiesta tonta.
Ahora, son sólo un par de fotos embarazosas de una despedida de soltero.
Seeing as it's late and I would like to get back to the party, why don't we just get straight to the butt-kicking part?
Ya que es tarde y quiero volver a la fiesta, ¿ porqué no pasamos directamente a lo de las patadas?
It's just a party, and he asked me.
- Solo es una fiesta. Me invitó.
I just missed you, baby. We're going to party like it's 1995.
Vamos a divertirnos como si fuera 1995.
Yo, you actually think you're gonna hit this party... packin'a pleasure chest and some girl's just gonna give it up?
¿ Realmente piensas que irás a la fiesta... empacando una mochila del placer y algunas chicas solo se rendirán?
Mum, it isn't a rave, it's just a normal party.
Mamá, no es una rave, es sólo una fiesta normal.
But, Mom, it's just a costume party, You've gotta let me go,
Pero, Mamá, Es solo una fiesta, tienes que dejarme ir,
I don't mean to poop the party here, it's just, you get your hopes up and then it's just a big fat raspberry, and I feel bad.
No quiero ser un aguafiestas, - Es sólo que se entusiasma y luego es una decepción enorme, - Y yo me siento mal.
Every year, it's the same, desperate scrambling around to surround yourself with as many people as possible, go to some stupid party, pretend to be happy, when really your girlfriend just left you, and you have no career.
Todos los años, de un lado para otro, cuanta más gente haya, mejor, ir a una estúpida fiesta cuando te ha dejado la novia y estás jodido...
And I think it's natural if you feel a little bit awkward here, you know, considering, but there's no reason why we can't just go to the party and have a good time tonight, OK?
- Sí. Y es normal que estemos un poco cortados. Pero eso no nos impide ir a la fiesta y pasarlo bien.
It's just a stupid New Year's Eve party.
Sólo es una estúpida fiesta.
Mr. Stratford, it's just a party.
- Es sólo una fiesta.
- It's just a party, Daddy.
- Es sólo una fiesta, papá.
After that I szore I'd never do anything just because everyone else was doing it. And I haven't since, with the exception of Bogey's party and my stunning digestive pyrotechnics.
Después de esto, me juré que no volvería a hacer algo por imitar a los demás y he cumplido, excepto por la fiesta de Bogey y mi increíble vómito.

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