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It's just a thought translate Spanish

810 parallel translation
It's just that Miss Harper here was telling me... about a new place in Montmartre that's opening up and I thought- -
Pero la Srta. Harper me habló... de un lugar nuevo en Montmartre y pensé -
- That's fine. I just thought I'd drop in to run through it with you... -... since we haven't much time.
He venido a ensayar la escena, ya que tenemos poco tiempo.
It's just the thought that we're not going to see each other for a while.
Es sólo porque pienso que no nos vamos a ver por un tiempo.
it's just a cabin, but - Well, I've always thought it would be nice living in a cabin.
No es más que una cabaña... pero siempre me gustó la idea de vivir así.
I just thought it might be a good fire, that's all.
- Pensé que sería un gran incendio.
It's just that a lot of things I always thought were terribly important I find now are...
Es sólo que muchas cosas que creía que eran importantes... ... ahora descubro que...
It's just that, I thought maybe you and me could work in a closer cooperation with each other, that's all.
Es sólo que pensé que quizás tú y yo podríamos... trabajar más unidos, eso es todo.
Con el debido respeto a su tío, creo que será divertido... tener a un abogado para quien el amor significa algo más... que un futuro caso de una pensión alimenticia.
I'm just a little nobody, you know. It's been harder than I thought... being the wife of Charles Rainier.
Yo no soy nadie, Charles, y es muy difícil... ser la esposa de un Rainier.
Oh, I'm just looking for a recipe I thought I saw, but it's just so torn up...
Estoy buscando una receta que había visto, pero está todo roto...
It's against the rules, really, but we thought just this once we ought to serve breakfast up here.
Va contra las reglas, pero esta vez... vamos a servir el desayuno aquí.
I don't know. I just thought that... it's a bit of a hill for a bike, isn't it?
No lo sé, solo que creo que hay mucha pendiente para una bicicleta, ¿ no?
It's just that suddenly the thought of going to that dance tonight without you...
Es que pensar que iré a ese baile sin ti esta noche -
Anyhow, it's just a way of getting what I thought I wanted.
Sólo era un medio de conseguir lo que creía que quería.
I just finished looking out the window, and I went back into the kitchen to take a pill, and I heard this backfire, and I waited a minute and I thought to myself it's a funny kind of a backfire.
Esperé un minuto y pensé que no era un tubo de escape.
I thought it might be methane gas, but it's just a wild guess.
Pensé que podría ser gas metano, pero no es más que una conjetura.
I thought that... It's just that he sees himself in a place in the west country with trout streams and horses. Leading the life of a country squire.
Se ve a sí mismo en una mansión campestre con caballos y truchas, como un terrateniente.
It's not much of a step. Just a little thought is enough.
¡ No se necesita mucho, basta con pensar un poco!
It's just that I loved you so all-fired much I thought you'd have to love me back.
Pero te quería tan apasionadamente que pensaba que tú tenías que quererme a mí.
- It's more than just a thought with that one.
- Es más que una simple idea.
It's just the way people thought in those days, that if you kissed the dead face... it was a sweet good - bye, and you wouldn't miss her so much.
Era la mentalidad que tenían en aquellos tiempos. Si besabas a la muerta, era una dulce despedida y no la echarías tanto de menos.
Well, it's just that my mother thought that if you've got nothing to do, you'd like to come back and have supper with us.
Pues es que mi madre ha pensado que... si no tiene nada que hacer, puede venir a casa a cenar.
Hmm, well, it's just as I thought. I'll never make it home. No.
Tal como te dije, no podré ir a casa.
I thought it was that game where you hit the ball through that steel and it just goes. But that's a... a high horse.
Creía que era darle a una bola por un arito de acero y ya está, pero es... un caballo enorme.
And while you're out appreciating the sunlight, just... give a little thought to who's sending it down to you.
Mientras disfrutan del sol, piensen un poco en quién se los envía.
I don't know, you've been working on this all week, and it's Friday night... and I just thought a little fun wouldn't hurt us.
No sé, has trabajado en esto toda la semana y es viernes noche... y creí que un poco de diversión no nos dañara.
- l don't know, it's just a thought, but everyone can be called Francois.
- No lo se, es sólo una idea. Cualquiera puede ser llamado Francois.
I just thought you might like to know what it's like to be on the other end of a gag.
Pensé que le gustaría saber lo que se siente cuando te gastan una broma.
Charlotte! It's just possible thatJewel Mayhew hasn't given you a sustained thought in years.
Es muy posible queJewel Mayhew no haya pensado en ti en muchos años.
It's just that when I signed up to be a secret agent, I thought I'd be shot or stabbed.
Es solo que cuando me alisté como agente secreto pensé que me dispararían o me acuchillarían.
It seems we have a problem on our hands. Sophie's just been telling me how much she misses her husband. That's why she couldn't concentrate on her performance, just as I thought.
también de gente hermosa gente preciosa como tú.
Oh, sorry, 99, nothing personal, it's just that I've always thought of you as one of the boys.
Nada personal, 99. Pero te veo como a uno más de los muchachos.
Mm, just as I thought- - it's a bomb.
Lo que pensé.
That's all it is. Come on, honey, we can't start out like this. Just for a little while, I thought maybe
Cielo, no podemos comenzar de este modo por un instante creí que tal vez podría ser diferente para nosotros
It's just that I couldn't bear the thought of being tied to one planet and one time.
Es que no puedo soportar la idea de estar atado a un planeta y un tiempo.
Yeah, well, it's just if she did have a problem, I thought that maybe it would be connected with the murder.
Sí, bueno, es que si tenía algún problema podría estar relacionado con el asesinato.
So as we were going away for a fortnight's holiday I thought I better bury it just to be on the safe side.
Queremos irnos 15 días, y lo enterramos para que fuera más fácil.
It's just a thought.
Es sólo un pensamiento.
It's just that I thought it'd be fun to make him a little more human, so I...
Todavía lo es, doctor.
It's just that I thought a little something ought to go to me for what I do, you know.
Yo pensaba que un poco de dinero debía ser para mí, por lo que hago.
Ezra, what my husband means is that... well, we're just kind of worried about you, that's all... and, well, we thought it would be nice... if you could meet someone- -
- Y eso es todo, así que... - Ezra, lo que quiere decir... es que estamos preocupados por ti. Y, bueno, pensamos que sería lindo si conocieras a alguien...
Yes, and we will : It's just that it may take a bit longer than we thought :
Sí, y así será, pero quizá tome más tiempo de lo que pensamos.
It's just a thought.
No es más que una idea.
... some kind of silly warning you know and they, they opened the show, I think, and they also closed the show which I thought was like a... an astute planning on Sullivan's part, because it would made you very angry if you had to sit through the whole show to wait to see The Rutles, you know, so they clearly, every-one had tuned in to that week's show, just to see The Rutles.
Abrieron el programa y lo cerraron. Me pareció astuto por parte de Sullivan. Así ya no te molestaba esperar hasta el final para verlos.
Well, I just thought that it's Sunday out and maybe if you could get away, we could go for a walk or...
Pensé que, como es domingo, si pudieses escaparte, podríamos ir a dar un paseo o...
- Well, it's just a thought.
- Bueno, tan solo es una idea.
Well, it's just a thought.
Bueno, tan solo lo pensaba.
Well, it's just a thought.
Bueno, es sólo un pensamiento.
- Well, it's nothing special, Franz. We just thought... We sat down together and thought everything over, and everyone said something.
No es nada especial, Franz, nos sentamos todos juntos y lo pensamos, habló uno de nosotros, luego otro, bien claro, y luego decidimos que había que darle algo a Franz, que le debemos algo.
- Carter, we thought it would be better... if, uh-better for everyone if we took your lady and her son over to a friend's house... just until things cool out.
- Pensamos que sería mejor... llevar a su mujer y a su hijo a la casa de un amigo... hasta que las cosas se calmen.
It's just that she's hopelessly new around here... and I just thought a man of your ilk might like a second opinion... on the house, of course.
Por nada, solo que es totalmente nueva aquí y pensaba que un hombre de su clase quizás quisiera una segunda opinión. - Invita la casa, por supuesto.

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