It's overwhelming translate Spanish
348 parallel translation
Blake : It's overwhelming.
Es sobrecogedor.
It's too overwhelming of a piece for you to handle, isn't it?
Es una pieza demasiado abrumadora para que la manejes, ¿ verdad?
It's a little overwhelming.
Es un poco abrumador.
It's overwhelming.
Es abrumador.
Yet, it's so overwhelming I wouldn't want it to be different.
Sin embargo, es tan poderoso que no querría que fuera diferente.
It's like a Viking's funeral barbaric savage overwhelming.
"El crepúsculo de los dioses".
I got to admit it's just.. It's just a little overwhelming.
Cierto eso es intimidante.
It's overwhelming.
Es asombroso.
There's nothing wrong in surrendering to overwhelming odds provided we do it in a military fashion.
No es malo rendirse ante un enemigo superior si lo hacéis militarmente.
It's been overwhelming for all of us, first with the tornado, then the move.
Ha sido abrumador para todos nosotros primero el tornado... - después la mudanza.
It's so overwhelming, and God seems so very remote.
Nos abruma el sentido de las cosas y Dios se hace tan distante.
For me, who never made it past Picasso's Blue Period, it's a bit overwhelming.
Para mí, quién nunca pasó el Período Azul de Picasso, es un poco agobiante.
It's almost overwhelming.
Es casi abrumador.
Apparently they feel the circumstantial evidence is overwhelming, particularly since it was, unfortunately, you who found Mr. Paris's body.
Según ellos, las pruebas circunstanciales son contundentes sobre todo ya que usted fue quien encontró al cadáver.
It's an overwhelming feeling of joy and sadness at the same time
Es un sentimiento profundo de felicidad y de tristeza.
It's an overwhelming fact.
Es un hecho abrumador.
Taking a close look at - at what's around us... there - there is some sort of a harmony. It is the harmony of... overwhelming and collective murder.
viendolo más de cerca existe en lo que nos rodea... un tipo de armonía... es la armonía del... arrollador asesinato colectivo.
Indeed, no tradition does our country more honor then it's overwhelming hospitality.
De hecho, no hay tradición que rinda más honores a nuestro país que su abrumadora hospitalidad.
It's just a little overwhelming to have swordfish and... Trout.
Sólo es un poco demasiado para comer el pez-espada y... la trucha.
It's so overwhelming to have so much of your life missing.
It es tan abrumador tener gran parte de su vida que falta.
- I don't know. It's hard to say, not knowing her, but she'd probably experience something along the lines of... an overwhelming need to pinch my cheeks, uh, knit me a sweater.
Sin conocerla es difícil saberlo... pero probablemente sentiría algo así como... una necesidad irresistible de pellizcar mis mejillas, tejerme un suéter.
He's covering a lie, one so big, it's overwhelming him.
Encubre una mentira. Una tan grande que lo abruma.
It's all overwhelming.
Es todo tan abrumador...
It's just a little overwhelming to be pursued like this.
Es que... es abrumador que alguien me persiga así.
It's almost overwhelming.
Es impresionante.
With the Cairn, it's images, a flood of them all at the same time. It's overwhelming!
Con los cairn, son imágenes, un caudal de ellas al mismo tiempo. ¡ Abrumador!
It's just that the enormity of what we're doing is overwhelming.
- No, tiene razón, pero la magnitud de esto es agobiante.
I love sex so much, but everything has gotten too scary. - It's too overwhelming.
Adoro el sexo, pero todo pasó a ser demasiado espeluznante.
It's kind of overwhelming.
Es como irresistible.
And I'm afraid it's overwhelming his system.
Y me temo que está acabando con todo su sistema.
I'm sure it's a bit overwhelming for you to meet us like this.
Debe ser algo inusual conocernos asi.
I suppose it's because of my overwhelming charm.
Será mi irresistible atractivo.
It's an overwhelming honor, isn't it?
Es un honor abrumador, ¿ verdad?
It's overwhelming.
Es deslumbrante.
It's that same rush, that same overwhelming desire to see them, to hold them, bore other people to tears with every detail about them.
Es la misma excitación, el mismo vehemente deseo de verlos, de abrazarlos, de aburrir a otra gente hasta las lagrimas hablando sobre ellos.
I know it's overwhelming, but I'm an Indian, so what do you want from me?
Sé que es abrumador, pero soy un indio, así que, ¿ qué quieres de mí?
It's a little overwhelming.
- Es un poco abrumador.
It's such an overwhelming concept, I wouldn't know where to begin.
Porque estábamos destinados a estos roles.
And if you find just simple course selection so overwhelming, well, perhaps you need to consider if it's for you.
Y si encuentras una simple selección de cursos tan abrumador, bueno, tal vez necesitas considerar si esto es para ti.
It's just so overwhelming.
Es muy abrumador.
- Oh, good. Well, at least there's a science to this thing. It's what we ex-English teachers call a classic "Pinter" moment, where everything is said in silence because the emotion behind what we really want to say is just too overwhelming.
Es lo que las ex-maestras de Literatura llamamos un clásico momento "Pinter" donde todo se dice en silencio porque la emoción escondida lo que queremos decir realmente es sobrecogedor.
And trying to get my course schedule all figured out. It's overwhelming. And trying to get my course schedule all figured out.
E intentar resolver mi horario de clases.
It's really overwhelming to me.
Es algo realmente sobrecogedor.
The reading can be overwhelming... and the lectures are definitely long, but it's pretty intoxicating being the center of all that attention.
La lectura puede ser agobiante... y los textos son muy largos, pero es bonito embriagarse siendo el centro de todas las atenciones.
His looks were so striking, his voice was so distinctive, that all he'd have to do would be to do something fairly strong and it's overwhelming.
Tenía un aspecto tan llamativo y una voz tan inconfundible, que, en cuanto hacía algo medianamente exagerado, se convertía en abrumador.
It's a little overwhelming.
es un poco abrumador.
It's so overwhelming.
Es muy abrumador.
It's just a little overwhelming sitting here and being judged about my life.
Es un poco abrumador sentarse aquí y ser juzgada sobre mi vida.
Uh... Well, actually, it's all a little overwhelming
- Bueno... en realidad, todo es un poco abrumador.
It's overwhelming, no?
Es abrumador, ¿ no?
Well, to be honest, it's all a little bit overwhelming.
Le seré sincero : estoy algo aturdido.
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