It's you translate Spanish
398,694 parallel translation
So you think it's okay? might as well get it over with.
¿ Tú crees que está bien? No, te dejará por otro, sería mejor empezar a aceptarlo.
it's okay. like I'm being selfish and holding you back.
No tienes que hacerlo, está bien. ¿ Ves? Ahora me siento fatal, como si estuviera siendo egoísta e impidiera que avanzases.
No, you think it's harmless.
No, piensan que es inofensivo.
But what's your deal? You don't believe it either?
Pero entonces... ¿ tú tampoco lo crees?
When you say, for instance, it's a pseudoscience, right?
ASTRÓLOGO, REVISTA EBONY Tú hablas de una pseudociencia.
Um, however... it's just, to me, you know- - I kind of take- - I think it's fun.
Sin embargo para mí... yo creo... que es divertido.
I like the fact that you're saying, it's not science.
- Sí. Me gusta que digas que no es una ciencia.
Gotta say... as a, uh... scientifically literate guy, or I try to be... when you realize what's really happening in the universe, what's really happening in the cosmos, it's far more inspiring.
Debo decir que... como alguien educado en la ciencia, o eso intento ser darte cuenta de lo que en realidad pasa en el universo, de lo que en realidad pasa en el cosmos, es mucho más inspirador.
It's bad for you.
Es malo.
- It's up to you.
Depende de ti.
You saw, it's just a little drop in a baby's mouth.
Lo viste, es una gotita en la boca del bebé.
There's still a few places where you can get it, right?
Hay lugares donde aún no se ha erradicado, ¿ no?
It's very nutritious, and it even helps keep you regular.
Es muy nutritiva e incluso ayuda a mantenerte regular.
We watched Tyler Perry's Food Kills, which is the same movie except it stars black folks you've never heard of and white folks you don't hear from anymore.
Vimos "La Comida Mata de Tyler Perry" que es la misma película excepto que la protagonizan negros de los que nunca has escuchado y blancos de los que ya no escuchas.
It's exactly the stuff I'm trying to get you not to eat.
Es exactamente lo que estoy tratando de evitar que comas.
Everything's very expensive because you're paying for it on an iPad.
Todo es muy costoso porque lo esta pagando en un iPad.
The longer you wait, the worse it's gonna get.
Cuanto más esperes peor será la situación.
You don't know what it's like to be alone.
Tú no sabes lo que es estar solo.
It's not about you, man.
No te metas, tío.
Well if it's a hammerhead, you just tickle it between the sideways eyes and you have a companion for life.
Bueno si es un tiburón martillo, solo tienes que hacerle cosquillas entre los ojos y tendrás un compañero de por vida.
I don't even think he realizes it, but he's still in love with you.
Creo que aún no lo sabe, pero todavía está enamorado de ti.
It's always the person you least expect.
Siempre es quien menos esperas.
You know it's a good day when you got more sales than coffees.
Sabes que es un buen día cuando tienes más ventas que cafés.
And if I was in melissa's situation, You're the person I'd want in charge of figuring it out.
Y si yo estuviese en la situación de Melissa, tú eres la persona que querría al cargo de arreglarlo.
It's good to see you.
Es bueno verla.
If anyone can get us out of here on a wing and a prayer, it's you.
Se hay alguien que nos pueda sacar de aquí, con un poco de suerte eres tú.
You think it's the answer?
¿ Piensan que es la respuesta?
It's a good thing you're still strong as an ox and as stubborn as a mule.
Es bueno que aún estés saludable como un toro y terco como una mula.
You said it was for my sister's sake, right? For us to go out hunting alone like this.
Dijiste que fue por mi hermana que salimos a cazar así.
That's why we told you, Zuru, you guys can't do it on your own!
Por eso se los dijimos, Zuru. ¡ No pueden salir solos!
So... don't you think it's worth taking a chance?
¿ No creen que valga la pena asumir el riesgo?
It's like, you know... your nose kind of stings.
Sientes que, ya saben, te pica la nariz.
- It's so good to see you. - Good to see you.
- A mí también.
It seemed like the Air Force didn't know what it was, and if that's true, then what was it, you know?
Parece que la Fuerza Aérea no sabe. Si es así, ¿ qué fue entonces?
Would you say you're a hundred percent sure it's not or you're ninety-nine percent sure and still open to the possibility?
¿ Está 100 % seguro de que no, o 99 % y abierto a la posibilidad? No.
It's 7 : 30 in the morning, you dicks.
Son las 7 : 30 a.m., idiotas.
I think maybe I could give you some opinions, but, um, it's hard to speculate.
Pero es difícil especular.
It's very difficult to hold three people, you know, together.
Es difícil mantener a tres personas juntas.
Was it Josh's disappearance or would you guys have split up anyway?
Quiero saber si fue por la desaparición de Josh... o si hubiera pasado de todas formas.
If that's true, then what was it, you know?
Si eso es así, ¿ qué pasó? Yo no lo sé.
Do you think there's ever going to be a point where you can let it go, Dad?
¿ Crees que algún día puedas aceptarlo, papá?
- It's my turn to interview you.
- Me toca entrevistarte.
It's not a Hitchcock movie, you know.
- A ver si te gusta.
Do you know how hard it's gonna be to walk through this canyon in the dark?
Ya has hecho eso dos veces y necesitamos volver.
- You know the way back. - It's already dark.
- Sabes cómo volver.
Are you sure it's not a dead end?
- ¿ No es un callejón sin salida?
You're not gonna see anything up there, it's pitch black.
No vas a ver nada. Todo está oscuro.
You guys, it's getting cold.
Cada vez hace más frío.
But I'm enough of a believer in the gambler's creed, that if you're in a bad streak, there's nothing to do about it.
Pero creo lo suficiente en el credo del jugador de que si tienes una mala racha, no hay nada que hacer.
You go ahead and do a thing, but after it's all over, your knees start shaking.
Vas y haces algo, pero cuando todo termina te empiezan a temblar las piernas.
[Coppola] But, on the other hand, when a film has the excitement of combat and the adventure connected with combat, it can't help but get those juices flowing in the audience. So that, even though you may consider that you're making an antiwar film, it's not, really, because it tends to, if not glorify, at least enhance the sensation that makes people be able to participate in this kind of thing.
Por otro lado, cuando una película tiene la emoción del combate y la aventura conectada al combate no se pueden evitar las reacciones de la audiencia así que aunque consideres que haces una película contra la guerra no es así porque tiende si no a glorificarla o al menos a resaltar la sensación que hace que la gente quiera participar de esta clase de cosas.
it's your choice 290
it's your birthday 200
it's yours 974
it's your turn 401
it's your move 63
it's your decision 99
it's your funeral 64
it's your turn now 40
it's your call 289
it's your lucky day 103
it's your birthday 200
it's yours 974
it's your turn 401
it's your move 63
it's your decision 99
it's your funeral 64
it's your turn now 40
it's your call 289
it's your lucky day 103