It's your life translate Spanish
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It's ironic that this body isn't allowing me to stay by your side as your life begins.
Quedarme a tu lado ahora que tu vida empieza.
Somehow you keep going, even if it's the hardest thing you've ever done in your life.
De alguna manera sigues adelante Aunque sea lo más difícil que hayas hecho en tu vida
An endless stream of human shit coming out of your ears for the rest of your life and it's like, just part of your life.
¿ qué pasa? Te sale una catarata de mierda por los oídos... Por el resto de tu vida, se convierte en parte de tu vida.
I mean, I know- Well, it's a new chapter in your life.
Digo, ya sabes- - sé que el divorcio no es un tema feliz, pero estoy feliz.
It's your life, Mr. Zapruder.
Es su vida, Sr. Zapruder.
It's harder for me to understand why you're risking your life for this.
Es más difícil para mí entender por qué arriesgas tu vida por esto.
It's your life.
Es tu vida.
It's your life.
Tu vida.
So put me in your book so you know what it's like to live a life not knowing what a normal life's like.
Así que me puso en su libro para que sabes lo que es vivir a vida sin saber lo que es un de vida normal como.
Okay, so now that you've met all three of your potential grooms, it's time to make the biggest decision of your life.
Bien, ahora que has conocido a los tres de sus novios potenciales, es el momento de hacer la decisión más grande de su vida
I have something to give you, something of value, and it's not the coaching of your love life.
Tengo algo para darte, algo de valor, y no es el entrenamiento de tu vida amorosa. No es todo...
It's the worst decision you've ever made in your life.
Es la peor decisión ¿ Alguna vez has hecho en tu vida.
It's like you've been sleeping your whole life, and suddenly instead of just dreaming, everything is bright and vivid, and you have control over all of it.
Es como haber estado durmiendo toda la vida, y de repente, en vez de estar soñando, todo es brillante y vívido, y tienes control sobre todo eso.
What's it gonna be? It's your daughter... or the man who ruined your life.
Es tu hija... o el hombre que arruinó tu vida.
See, I could smack you across the face, but I think it's better I get out your way let life bend you over instead.
Mira, podría partirte la cara, pero prefiero dejarte pasar y que la vida te golpeé.
If it's not done within a legal framework, you're gonna be writing checks for the rest of your life.
Si no se hace dentro de un marco jurídico, vas a escribir cheques para el resto de su vida.
It's like I stepped into a part of your life where I don't belong.
Es como que entre a una parte de tu vida a la que no pertenezco.
To select what you love by it's format... cuts you off from something that you might enjoy... more than anything you've ever seen in your entire life.
Al desechar algo por su formato... te pierdes algo que podrías disfrutar... más que cualquier cosa que hallas visto en toda tu vida.
It's such a call to arms, and a suggestion or an imperative about a way to live your life.
Es como un llamado a las armas. Y una sugerencia o un imperativo de una manera de vivir tu vida.
"and it's gonna make me feel even better If you go for what you've been trying to do all your life."
"No, este es tu sueño, y me va a hacer sentir mejor si vas para lo que has soñado hacer toda tu vida."
Yeah, it's sure to be some of the best and... weirdest toe-curling you'll ever have, but... it's also sure to ruin your life.
Sí, seguro que será uno de los mejores y... más raros momentos que tengas, pero... también es seguro que arruinará tu vida.
First you spend your life dreaming about how great things are gonna be one day, then that one day finally arrives and it's thrilling and scary and it's everything and nothing like you thought it would be.
Te pasas la vida soñando sobre lo grandioso que será todo. Cuando ese día llega, es emocionante y aterrador. Es todo y no es nada como creíste que sería.
Darling, it's a truly terrible thing that's happened but you need to think about restarting your life.
Amor, es terrible lo que ha pasado pero necesitas pensar en reiniciar tu vida.
So if you fold here, you'll spend the rest of your life watching T-shirts go by from the movie you got screwed on. So I'd say it's worth another 30 seconds of your time to play this out.
Si te rindes aquí, pasarás el resto de tu vida viendo pasar playeras de la película en que te robaron, así que digo que vale otros 30 segundos de tu tiempo ver cómo sale.
It's just 20 minutes out of your life.
Son solamente 20 minutos de tu vida.
And if you shut him out out of spite or ego, whatever it is you're feeling, that's gonna be your next mistake and possibly the biggest mistake of your life, when your son can never forgive you.
Y si le excluyes por rencor o por ego, sea lo que sea que sientas, será tu próximo error y posiblemente el mayor error de tu vida, cuando tu hijo no pueda perdonarte nunca.
I know what it's like. To think your life is one thing, then find out it's another, that it's all a lie.
Sé lo que es creer que tu vida es una cosa, y entonces averiguar que es otra, que es todo una mentira.
And it's the worst thing that can happen, because you have to live with it for the rest of your life.
Y es la peor cosa que puede suceder, porque tiene que vivir con ella por el resto de tu vida.
You mean your speech about how you've been this overbearing jerk to me my whole life, but somehow it's okay because you love me?
Te refieres a tu discurso sobre como has sido prepotente conmigo toda mi vida pero que de alguna manera eso está bien ¿ porque me amas?
When I was bouncing around from home to home, all I ever did was run away, and just being you and living your life, it's taught me to stand up for myself.
Cuando iba rebotando de una casa a otra. Todo lo que siempre hice fue huir y sólo ser tú y vivir tu vida Me ha enseñado a defenderme.
It's not your job to monitor my love life.
No es tu trabajo controlar mi vida amorosa.
It stops being about what you want, and it starts being about what you can do to make your child's life better.
Deja de ser sobre lo que tu quieres, y empieza a ser sobre lo que puedes hacer para mejorar la vida de tu hijo.
I was raised in an orphanage. So it's almost like your life didn't begin until you met Desmond.
Es como que tu vida no empezó hasta que conociste a Desmond.
Your mother got saddled with a mess, and she's doing her best to clean it up, and I prioritize my life around snorting powder like a damn shop-vac. ( Scoffs )
Tu madre quedó cargada con un lío, y está haciendo lo mejor para mejorarlo, y dar prioridad a mi vida sobre esnifar como una maldita aspiradora.
It's been quite a year for you, Kate... the Marburg outbreak, putting your life on the line.
Ha pasado todo un año para ti, Kate... la epidemia de Marburg, poniendo la vida en la línea.
Your life is exactly as it's supposed to be.
Tu vida es exactamente como debe ser.
It's the worst thing that can happen, because... you have to live with it for the rest of your life. ( loud breathing ) ( screaming )
Es la peor cosa que puede suceder, porque... tienes que vivir con ella por el resto de tu vida.
What is it like to have someone's life in your hands?
¿ Cómo es tener la vida de alguien en tus manos?
When you live for a sport and then you have to quit, it's like your life empties out.
Cuando vives para el deporte y tienes que dejarlo la vida pierde su sentido.
I know you think your life is over, but it's not.
Sé que piensas que tu vida acabó, pero no es cierto.
In my line of work, most of the time you lose your life. So it's important to have a Plan B. An exit strategy.
En mi línea de trabajo, la mayoría de las veces pierdes la vida, así que es importante tener un plan B, una estrategia de salida.
"honey, you're scrubbing that floor like it's the most important job of your life."
"Cariño, estás fregando ese suelo como si fuera el trabajo más importante de tu vida."
It's important in life that you clean up your own messes.
En la vida, es importanta que limpies tus propios desastres.
Funny thing, Emily had this crazy theory that your life took a turn after that wrestling match. ( laughs ) That's why you're always telling that story, and... what- - ah, forget about it.
Qué gracioso, Emily tenía esta loca teoría de que tu vida dio un giro después del partido de lucha. Y es por eso que siempre cuentas esa historia, y... que, olvídalo.
Sir, it's a part of your life.
If the best times of your life are now, Don't you think it's a bit that's crazy.
¿ Que esta sea la mejor parte de tu vida? Es un poco como con Benjamin Button.
It's not a bit of your life.
- No es una parte de tu vida.
That's not Scardino's. 'Cause your mom's little blow-up... got us banned from Scardino's for life. It's Scandoni's.
No es de Scardino's, es de Scandoni's.
It's not an accident taking people away in your life.
No es un accidente que te quita a gente de tu vida.
You are so blinded by your hate for him that you don't realize the damage that it's doing in your own life.
Estás tan cegado por tu odio hacia él que no te das cuenta del daño que le estás haciendo a tu propia vida.
I risked my life to save all your asses and take that guy down, and that's it?
Arriesgo mi vida para salvar vuestros traseros y derribar a un tipo, ¿ y eso es todo?
it's your choice 290
it's your birthday 200
it's yours 974
it's your turn 401
it's your move 63
it's your decision 99
it's your funeral 64
it's your turn now 40
it's your call 289
it's your lucky day 103
it's your birthday 200
it's yours 974
it's your turn 401
it's your move 63
it's your decision 99
it's your funeral 64
it's your turn now 40
it's your call 289
it's your lucky day 103