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It's yours translate Spanish

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But it's that rich boss of yours that you're thinking about. You're restless to see him.
Pero estas pensando en no nombre de tu jefe estas inquieta de verlo
It's called Tagalog, and it's better than yours.
Se llama Tagalog, y es mejor que el tuyo.
It's mostly yours.
Es casi toda tuya.
It's yours
Es tuya.
The motorbike outside, it's yours?
¿ Es tuya la moto que hay fuera?
- It's yours.
Es tuya.
I got about $ 500 right here. It's yours. What do you say?
Tengo unos quinientos dólares aquí. ¿ Qué dicen?
As long as you don't shit the bed, it's yours.
Hazlo bien y el papel es tuyo.
It's all yours.
Es todo tuyo.
It's yours.
Es tuya.
It's yours now.
Es tuyo ahora.
The only regret I have is that this whole mess... it's meant you didn't get what should've been yours.
De lo único que me arrepiento de todo este lío que no conseguiste de verdad lo que debería haber sido tuyo.
Yeah, of course you can, it's yours.
Claro. Es tuyo.
I must get my hands on that novel of yours when it's finished.
Tengo que hacerme con esa novela que está escribiendo cuando esté terminada.
But it's yours now.
Pero es tuya ahora.
If it was anyone's, it was yours.
Si fué de alguien, fué tuya.
It's like I've said from the start... you just don't know how to keep that stupid pride of yours in check.
Es como lo he dicho desde el principio... no sabes cómo mantener ese estúpido orgullo tuyo bajo control.
It's to break that stupid pride of yours that I pay you so much money.
Es para quebrar ese estúpido orgullo tuyo... que te pago tanto dinero.
But if that daughter of yours shows me anything it's that you're a great father.
Pero si algo me está enseñando tu hija... es que tú eres un excelente papá.
- It's yours now.
- Es tuyo ahora.
It's yours.
Es el suyo.
It's because you've been so cowed, you don't even know how to fight for what is yours!
Es porque has estado tan acobardada, ¡ que ni siquiera sabes cómo luchar por lo que es tuyo!
It's yours now.
Es tuya ahora.
That's terrible. And I know it's standard new age procedure to blame your parents for your troubles, and I take my shame of blame for my problems, and yours too, but you can't make me a stooge for everything that makes you unhappy about yourself.
Y sé que es habitual de la Nueva Era... el culpar a tus padres... de tus problemas, y si tomo mi... culpa por mis problemas, y en parte por lo tuyo también, pero no puedes hacerme... un blanco, de todo lo que te hace... infeliz de ti misma.
It's all yours, big guy.
Es todo tuyo, chico grande.
- ls that yours? Yes, it's in Vimaan Nagar.
Sí, está en Vimaan Nagar.
The bookshop isn't yours to give, it's Bella's too.
La librería no es tuya para que la apuestes, es de Bella también.
So I-I realize it's yours, but just, like... investment-wise... if you didn't have to sell it, would you buy this place?
Me doy cuenta que es tuya, pero como buena inversión... ¿ si no tuvieras que venderla, comprarías esta casa?
It's yours.
Es tuyo.
Being that it's yours, we certainly don't have to remind you that it's loaded.
Siendo que es tuyo, sin duda no tiene que recordarle que está cargada.
Blinky! It's yours!
¡ Blinky, es tuyo!
I'm guessing it's not yours.
Supongo que no es tu caso.
- I mean, it's yours if you want it, but...
- Es suya si la quiere, pero... - No.
- Yes. Then it's yours.
Pues esta es la tuya.
They knew there was something out there, and they knew they'd need yours and Cat's help to stop it.
Sabían que había algo ahí afuera, y sabían que necesitarían tu ayuda y la de Catherine para detenerlo.
Is it yours or the patient's?
¿ Es tuya o del paciente?
It's all yours.
Todo tuyo.
It's yours!
¡ Es tuyo!
Take it, it's yours!
Venga quítamelo, te lo regalo, ¡ mira!
- -Yes and it's your fault too... yours and Saverio's.
- Creo que vamos a estar así toda la vida. Y la culpa es tuya. Tuya y de Saverio.
She's yours own mother and you're her only son and it's not going to change.
Es tu única madre y tú su único hijo, eso no cambiará nunca.
- So it's yours, right?
- Entonces es tuyo, ¿ no?
If you're saying it's not yours, then I believe you.
Si dices que no es tuya, te creo.
So you're going to continue to tell me it's not yours.
Vas a continuar diciendo que no es tuya.
It's not yours, it's not Carlos', it's not mine either, so I'll throw it away.
No es tuya, no es de Carlos, mía tampoco, así que la tiro.
It's yours now, Suzu.
Ahora es tuyo, Suzu.
It's all yours, bud.
Es todo tuyo, amigo.
- So it's yours?
- ¿ Entonces es tuyo?
Well, there is no way to tell if it's yours specifically.
Bueno, no hay forma de saber si es tuya específicamente.
It's no concern of yours.
No es de tu incumbencia.
It's not as straight as yours.
No es tan recto como la suya.

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