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It has been a long time translate Spanish

342 parallel translation
Well, it has been a long time, hasn't it?
- Pues sí, ha pasado tiempo.
It has been a long time, Hjalmar.
Ha pasado mucho tiempo, Hjalmar.
It has been a long time since you went.
Ha pasado mucho tiempo desde que fuiste.
It has been a long time since I condemned the Code.
Hace tiempo que condené el Código.
It has been a long time, hasn't it?
Ha pasado mucho tiempo, ¿ no?
It has been a long time, father.
Ha pasado mucho tiempo, padre.
It has been a long time.
Ha pasado mucho tiempo.
It has been a long time, hasn't it? How's pat?
- ¿ Cómo está Pat?
It has been a long time since I stood here.
Ha pasado mucho tiempo desde la última vez que estuve aquí.
But then, it has been a long time.
Pero ya hace mucho que no te veo.
Monsieur, it has been a long time since a man with your mature taste has visited our island.
Monsieur, ha pasado tanto tiempo desde que un hombre maduro con gusto visitó nuestra isla.
It has been a long time, madam
Cuánto tiempo.
It has been a long time.
Ha pasado mucho tiempo. ¡ Sí!
It has been a long time since we have tasted tea together in my humble abode.
Hacía mucho tiempo que no tomábamos el té juntos en mi humilde morada.
It has been a long time!
¡ Qué sorpresa!
It has been a long time.
¡ Cuánto tiempo sin verle!
It has been a long time since I've seen one of these.
Hace tiempo que no veía una de estas.
My dear Sir Robert, it has been a long time since I last saw you.
Mi estimado Sir Robert, ha pasado mucho tiempo desde la última vez que lo ví.
It has been a long time...
Ha pasado mucho tiempo...
It has been a long time, Princess.
Ha pasado mucho tiempo, Princesa.
It has been a long time since we last saw each other, mon cousin.
Cuánto tiempo sin vernos, mon cousin.
It appears that he has been practicing black magic for a long time.
Según parece lleva practicando magia negra mucho tiempo.
It has been a long time.
¿ Alguna noticia? No...
Has been a long time, hasn't it Biff?
Ha pasado mucho tiempo, ¿ verdad Biff?
Se ha testificado que la acusada y el hombre asesinado se miraron bastante tiempo y ella de repente se desmayó.
It has been a long time since I've seen him... 50 years, isn't it?
Cincuenta años, puede ser?
It has been such a long time since your last visit.
Ha pasado mucho tiempo desde su última visita.
yes, I've come to you you haven't been here for a long time it had been too long forgive me, I know I no longer have the right then you must forgive me it is I who has to right no... to shy away from you
Sí, he venido a verte. Hace mucho que no nos veíamos... ¡ demasiado!
It's been there a long time, and you've held it back... even from me.
Hace mucho que está ahí y lo has ocultado incluso de mí
It's like my youth has come back after having been away a long, long time.
Es como recuperar mi juventud perdida hace mucho, mucho, tiempo.
Last Thursday week. Has it been a long time since then?
El jueves pasado ¿ No ha pasado mucho tiempo desde entonces?
We have been away a long time, and it has been very wonderful.
Hemos estado lejos mucho tiempo. Y ha sido maravilloso.
The boys has been considering it for a long time.
Los chicos lo han estado considerando por un largo tiempo.
- Yeah. - Has it been parked there a long time?
- Sí. - ¿ Ha estado ahí durante mucho tiempo?
That is my job, and it has been for a long time.
Ese es mi trabajo, y lo ha sido por mucho tiempo.
It's been a long time since anyone has said...
Ha pasado mucho tiempo desde que alguien me lo dijo...
It isn't illness that made me say that it has been on my mind for a long time.
No digo esto debido a la enfermedad. Lleva en mi mente hace mucho tiempo.
It has been such a long time
Hace tanto tiempo.
You have been unreal to me for so long it is hard to believe that all of this is not something I dreamed a long time ago
Has sido irreal durante tanto tiempo que es difícil creer que todo esto no es algo que soñé hace mucho tiempo
A long time. I've been living in a dream these last few days. It has to stop.
He estado viviendo como en un sueño durante los últimos días y tenemos que dejarlo.
You see, your tab has run awfully high and... Well, Mr. Orsatti, he'd like to carry you, but it's been going on such a long time.
Su cuenta ha subido tanto que... aI Sr. Victor Ie gustaría fiarIe, pero...
Yes, it has been a long time - too long - which, indeed, prompts this call.
OH, ya veo.
Has it been a long time... since you had any?
¿ Hace mucho tiempo que no lo comía?
Brad, I guess it's been a long time since either one of us has been inside a church.
Brad, creo que ha pasado mucho tiempo... desde que alguno de los dos entró a una iglesia.
Has it been a long time since you sleep with whomever you want?
¿ Y ha pasado mucho desde que te acostaste con alguien a quien quieres?
It's been a long time, but remember the clouds?
Hace años que no nos vemos, pero... ¿ te has olvidado de las nubes?
Now, master, it has been a very long time.
Amo, ha pasado mucho tiempo.
It can work, has been a long time since I did something.
Puede funcionar, ha pasado largo tiempo desde que hice algo así.
It has been such a long time, Cigdem.
Ha pasado mucho tiempo, Cigdem.
He'd be able to fix it for you. Look, he has been gone rather a long time.
Él sería capaz de arreglarlo por vosotros.
You didn't have it for a long time because you've been locked up.
No lo tuviste por una buena temporada porque has estado encerrada.

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