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It isn't worth it translate Spanish

506 parallel translation
A glance from my eyes, isn't it worth it for you?
No habria valido la pena por una mirada mia?
Isn't it worth losing a hand to have created the man of the future ― the Machine-Man —? !
¿ no merece la pena haber perdido una mano para construir a los hombres del futuro... el SER-MÁQUINA?
She isn't worth it.
Ella no se lo merece.
Here, Mike. That's worth your trouble, isn't it?
Valía la pena, ¿ eh?
Now, please, it isn't worth crying about.
Venga, por favor, no vale la pena llorar por esto.
That's worth millions, Carol, Isn't it?
Eso vale millones, Carol, ¿ no es cierto?
He isn't worth it.
No vale la pena.
It isn't worth it, Mr Gentry.
No merecen la pena.
It isn't worth the paper it's written on.
No vale ni el papel en que está escrito.
He simply isn't worth it.
Él no se lo merece.
Money isn't worth it.
El dinero no vale la pena.
Because it isn't worth anything.
Porque no vale nada.
Yesterday, you had a title worth $ 1 million. Today, it isn't worth a nickel.
Tu título no vale nada a día de hoy.
If my book can help criminologists deal intelligently with the problem of crime in this country, isn't it worth some risk?
Si mi libro ayudara a los criminólogos a tratar el problema del crimen en este país, ¿ no vale la pena el riesgo?
It isn't worth a nickel unless it's handled right.
- No dará un centavo a menos que sea bien manejado.
It's worth a shot, isn't it?
Vale la pena, ¿ no cree?
He isn't worth it.
Él no vale la pena.
He isn't worth it, Either.
Todo el mundo.
I might pay about $ 75 but it isn't worth a cent more.
Igual pago unos 75 dólares, pero no vale ni un centavo más.
- A silver cup isn't worth it.
- Una copa de plata no lo vale.
- But it isn't worth $ 20.
- Sí. Pero no vale 20 dólares.
Oh, but, darling, it isn't worth going to all that trouble.
Amor, no vale la pena tanta molestia.
My life. It isn't worth anything.
Mi vida no vale nada.
Roger isn't worth it.
Roger no vale la pena.
This whole business isn't worth it.
Nada de esto vale la pena.
It isn't worth it, Danny.
No vale la pena, Danny.
It's worth the effort, isn't it?
Vale la pena el esfuerzo, ¿ no?
It isn't worth taking the chance.
No vale la pena correr el riesgo.
- It isn't worth it.
- No vale la pena. - ¿ No?
That isn't my idea, though it might be worth some help.
No es mi idea, pero valdría la pena algo de ayuda.
- Why? - Because he isn't worth it.
- Porque él no vale la pena.
My boy, a woman's advice isn't worth listening to but any man who doesn't take it is a fool.
No merece la pena escuchar el consejo de una mujer pero el hombre que no lo sigue es tonto.
Jeff, it isn't worth it.
Jeff, no merece la pena.
- This must be worth a fortune, isn't it?
Debe valer una fortuna. - ¿ Verdad?
That it isn't worth it... the lying outweighs the happiness we might have together.
Que no vale la pena que la mentira supera a la felicidad de estar juntos.
He isn't worth it. Oh, June, it's no use.
June, es inútil.
- It isn't worth it.
- No vale la pena.
- It's worth killing a man for, isn't it?
- Sí, pero... - Valía la pena matarle.
Well, it's worth a try, isn't it?
Bueno, vale la pena intentarlo, ¿ verdad?
It isn't worth mentioning again.
Ni vale la pena mencionarlo.
It isn't worth it.
No merece la pena.
That's worth a slice, isn't it?
Eso vale algo, ¿ o no?
It isn't worth it.
- No vale la pena.
She isn't worth it.
Ella no es una gran cosa.
I did all I could. That's worth a small reward, isn't it?
Hice todo lo que pude. ¿ Eso vale una pequeña recompensa, no?
Isn't she worth it?
- ¿ Ella no lo vale?
~ Lovesickness isn't worth it My darling ~
~ que Lovesickness no está que vale eso / yo Mi querido /
I'm grateful to you, Tom, For wanting to do it... but it just isn't worth it.
Te agradezco, Tom, que quieras hacerlo... pero simplemente no vale la pena.
Gee, maybe it isn't worth it.
Tal vez no valga la pena.
Él no las vale.
Por eso vale 10000 $, ¿ no?

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