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It makes me sick translate Spanish

510 parallel translation
It makes me sick to even hear you say the word.
¡ Esa palabra en tu boca me suena enferma!
It makes me sick to think of him when I look at you.
Me pone enferma pensar en él cuando te miro a tí.
Every time I think of those sticky hands of yours touching me, it makes me sick.
Cuando pienso que esas sucias y gordas manos me han tocado, me pongo enferma.
It makes me sick to look at my classy car each the morning.
¡ Ya me pongo malo de ver todas las mañanas este coche de lujo!
It makes me sick.
Me hace vomitar.
It makes me sick, I tell you.
Te digo que me hace vomitar.
It makes me sick.
Me da asco.
It makes me sick.
- Les ganaron ustedes.
As for me, it makes me sick.
Hasta a mí me da asco.
Why, it makes me sick, it's so wonderful.
Es tan maravilloso que me marea.
It makes me sick to think of all that money doing nobody any good.
Me enferma pensar en todo ese dinero inutilizado.
You're so weak and pitiful, it makes me sick just to look at you.
Eres tan débil que me pongo enferma solo con mirarte.
Thinking about it makes me sick.
Me pongo malo de pensar en ello.
I don't want to, it makes me sick, but I have to tell you.
Me repugna, me da asco, pero tengo que decírtelo.
Take it away, it makes me sick.
Llévatelo. Me da ganas de vomitar.
- I know, it makes me sick.
- Lo sé, me pone malo.
it makes me sick to my stomach.
Me pongo malo.
- It makes me sick to my- -
Me pongo malo. - ¡ No disimule!
It makes me sick.
Me pone enferma.
Inside it makes me sick, cheap.
Me enferma por dentro, me hace sentir vil.
Even on paper, it makes me sick when I think of the poor fish.
Incluso en las revistas, me pongo enfermo cuando pienso en los pobres peces.
It makes me sick, nervous, OK?
Me sienta mal, me pone nervioso, ¿ vale?
It makes me sick, your stuff!
¡ Vuestras cosas me dan asco!
It makes me sick.
Me pone enfermo.
It makes me sick, it hasn't got any taste.
Esta da asco, no sabe a nada.
It makes me sick!
Humillada sin necesidad.
It makes me sick.
Me enferma.
- It makes me sick.
- Me enferma.
It makes me sick. I'd rather not have anything!
Me sienta mal.
It makes me sick to think about it.
Me da asco sólo de pensarlo.
It makes me sick to think of the life I sacrificed to my so-called art.
Me pone malo pensar en la vida que he sacrificado por mi supuesto arte.
It makes me sick to breathe the same air.
Me enferma respirar el mismo aire.
Every time i read it, it makes me sick.
Cada vez que la leo, me pongo enfermo.
It makes me sick to think of it.
Sólo de pensarlo me da asco.
It makes me sick.
Me hace daño.
Blood always makes me feel sick, even the mention of it.
No te preocupes. Tu casco.
You know, it makes me real sick to look at a house like that.
. Realmente me enferma ver una casa asi.
Honestly, it just makes me sick to think of a man like Gil Warren... trying to run Chicago when there are men here like your brother.
De veras, me revuelve el estómago pensar que un hombre como Gil Warren... intente llevar las riendas de Chicago habiendo hombres aquí como tu hermano.
It makes me feel kinda sick talkin about it.
Me siento mal cuando lo cuento.
It just makes me sick way down inside to see you so worried.
No me gusta verte tan preocupada.
It makes me feel sick to have Johnny mad at me.
Me hace sentir mal tener a Johnny en mi contra.
You know I hate being shut up down there. It makes me feel sick.
Sabes que odio quedarme trabada ahí, me hace mal.
It isn't the sea that makes me sick, it's the loss of my typewriter.
Es haber perdido la máquina.
It just makes me sick the way you've let everyone manage you all your life.
Me pone enferma la manera en que dejas que todo el mundo organice tu vida.
Now it just makes me sick. That love is worry, manipulation and care.
Ese amor es preocupación, manipulación y cariño.
It just makes me sick in my stomach to think that I got you in trouble with the Colonel.
Me pone enfermo pensar que le he causado problemas con el coronel.
- It makes me kind of sick.
- Me da ganas de vomitar.
- No, it all makes me sick.
- No, me sentará mal.
I don't mean you... but at times, it all makes me sick.
No me refiero a ti... pero a veces, todo es una mierda.
It makes you feel sick.
¡ Me pone enfermo!
This time, it makes me really sick.
- Sé bueno. - ¡ Qué daño!

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