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It never fails translate Spanish

142 parallel translation
It never fails, does it?
Nunca falla, ¿ verdad?
- It's a sure thing. It never fails.
- Te mostrare que nunca falla.
It never fails.
Nunca falla.
- It never fails
- Nunca falla
It never fails to surprise me there are still vast lands in the United States literally uncultivated.
Siempre me sorprende ver tanta tierra sin cultivar en absoluto.
It never fails.
Cada vez que conozco una chica linda... o estoy muy cansado o ordenan la retirada. Siempre pasa.
They will give you more. It never fails.
Es fácil cuando se es Inspector General.
- It never fails.
- Nunca ha fallado.
- It never fails.
- Es un sistema infallibile.
It never fails!
No falla.
Never fails, my dear sir, it never fails.
Nunca falla, querido señor, nunca falla.
As many as I've delivered, it never fails to awe me.
Por muchos que traiga al mundo, no deja de sobrecogerme.
Good booze, bad women. It never fails to work.
Buena bebida, malas mujeres, nunca falla.
It never fails. Not with me, anyhow.
En todos los casos nunca falla.
And with Carmela it never fails!
Y con Carmela nunca falla.
- Nasty night, isn't it? - It never fails.
- Vaya una nochecita, ¿ eh?
Three, seven, nine - it never fails.
El tres, el siete y el nueve. Es infalible.
It never fails. it never fails.
Nunca falla. Nunca falla.
No matter how many times I stare at the sun setting on the Riviera it never fails to excite me.
No importa cuantas veces Miro fijamente la puesta del sol en la Riviera nunca falla en excitarme.
No matter how many times, it never fails to excite me.
No importa cuantas veces, esto nunca falla en excitarme.
It never fails to come up when a McLonergan is down.
Que resplandezca cuando un McLonergan esté triste.
- Wait a minute, 99, - if he says it never fails... - Aha,
- Espera, 99 si dice que nunca falla...
It never fails.
Esa no falla.
Here, I'll get you a glass of water. It never fails.
Le serviré un vaso con agua.
It never fails : one hand washes the other.
Nunca falla : favor con favor se paga.
Well, perhaps not legend, but it never fails to get a big laugh.
- Bueno, quizá no una leyenda pero nunca deja de provocar una buena carcajada.
The Captain says it never fails.
El Capitán dice que nunca falla.
- Bridge night. It never fails.
- Noche de bridge.
It never fails, this guy's already...
Nunca falla, ¿ saben? Esos tipos son idiotas.
This is an old remedy, it never fails
Éste es un antiguo remedio. Nunca falla.
It never fails to amuse at parties.
Siempre anima las fiestas.
It never fails.
Cada vez me pasa lo mismo.
It never fails. I always even out.
Nunca falla. Siempre salgo hecho.
It never fails.
No falla nunca.
NANCY : ( SCOFFS ) It never fails. Just when I'm ready to go out, something always comes up.
Nunca falla, cuando estoy a punto de salir, surge algún imprevisto.
It never fails.
- Nunca falla.
It never fails We finally made it!
Por fin hemos Llegado.
Answer a question with a sound bite, it never fails.
Responder a una pregunta con una mordida de sonido, nunca falla.
It never fails
Nunca falla
It never fails to amaze me how I overcome adversity.
No dejo de sorprenderme de como me sobrepongo ante las adversidades.
Well, it never fails.
Nunca falla.
It's a sure cure, never fails.
Es una cura segura, nunca falla.
If there's one thing Sister Sarah never fails in, it's solving other people's problems.
Si hay algo en lo que la Hermana Sarah nunca falla... es en resolver los problemas de otra gente.
Any man who fails to pass it will wish he'd never been born.
Cualquiera que no la pase deseará no haber nacido.
It's the one thing, Wart, that never fails.
Es lo único, Verruga, que nunca falla.
Because if it doesn't, I have an alternate alternate plan and that one never fails.
Porque si no funciona, tengo un plan alternativo al alternativo y ese nunca falla.
It means that my needle never fails.
¡ Significa que el que no falla es mi ojo!
And the gang never fails It raises our trust
Y la banca no falla Aumenta la confianza
It never fails.
No falla.
Take it easy. Salazar never fails. Everything's fine.
Tranquilo, Salazar nunca falla, además está todo bien.
See, it never fails.
Nunca falla.

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