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It was nice seeing you translate Spanish

209 parallel translation
It was nice seeing you again, Joe.
Ha sido un placer volver a verte.
It was nice seeing you.
De todas formas, me alegro de verla.
But it was nice seeing you again, Eddie.
Pero fue un placer verte de nuevo, Eddie.
It was nice seeing you, Miss Etting.
Ha sido un placer, Srta. Etting.
It was nice seeing you.
Ha sido un placer.
Well, it was nice seeing you again, Mr. Hagen.
Ha sido un placer verle, Sr. Hagen.
It was nice seeing you.
Mucho gusto.
It was nice seeing you again.
Fue un placer reverlo.
It was nice seeing you again.
Cuánto me ha alegrado verte.
It was nice seeing you again.
Fue bueno volverte a ver.
It was nice seeing you again.
Fue bueno verte otra vez.
It was nice seeing you.
Fue lindo verte.
Just leaving. It was nice seeing you.
Ya me iba.
It was nice seeing you again.
Me dio gusto volver a verte.
- It was nice seeing you again.
Fue bueno verte de nuevo
It was nice seeing you, Woody.
Fue muy agradable ver que usted, Woody.
It was nice seeing you again, princess.
Fué bueno verte de vuelta, princesa.
It was nice seeing you again.
Bueno, un placer haberte visto nuevamente Larry
Well, it was nice seeing you, Jerry.
Me alegro de verte, Jerry.
It was nice seeing you again.
Fue un placer volver a verte.
It was nice seeing you again.
- Fue un placer verte.
It was nice seeing you again, Dr Crane.
Gusto en verlo, Dr.Crane.
Look, it was nice seeing you again, Gail.
Fue un placer volver a verte, Gail.
Um... Look, it was nice seeing you Noah, but I've gotta go.
Ha sido bueno verte, Noah, pero tengo que irme.
Well, it was nice seeing you folks.
Bueno, fue un gusto verlos.
- Anyway, it was nice seeing you.
- Bueno. Estuvo bien verte.
It was nice seeing you.
Fue bueno verte.
Oh, it was nice seeing you again.
Oh, un gusto verte otra vez.
Anyway, it was nice seeing you again, Mitch.
Fue un gusto verte, Mitch.
- It was nice seeing you, too.
- Gusto en verlo, también.
- It was nice seeing you again.
- Fue bueno volver a verte.
It was nice seeing you... and good luck.
En fin, será : Me alegro de verte... y buena suerte. "
Oh, well, he wasn't really all that charming. ( laughs ) Well, it was nice seeing you again, Frasier.
Bueno, realmente no era tan encantador.
It was nice seeing you.
- Fue bueno verte.
Um, it was nice seeing you.
Un gusto haberla visto.
It's nice seeing you again. But I was expecting my other suit. Did you see it?
Me alegro de volver a verles, pero esperaba mi otro traje. ¿ Lo han visto?
Well, all I can say is, it was nice knowing you... while you were happily married, and I'll be seeing you.
Sólo puedo decirte que fue un gusto conocerte... mientras estuviste felizmente casada.
- It was so nice seeing you together again.
- Fue un placer verlos juntos otra vez.
Yeah, well... it was er... nice er... seeing you.
Bueno... encantado... de verla.
It was so nice seeing you again, Peg.
Encantada de volver a verte, Peg.
Well, it was really nice seeing you.
Me alegro mucho de verte.
- It was very nice seeing you again.
- Fue un placer verlos de nuevo.
It was really nice seeing you again.
Fue muy agradable verte de nuevo.
- It was so nice seeing you again.
- Mucho gusto de verte otra vez.
It was really nice seeing you again.
Me ha encantado volverte a ver.
It was really nice seeing you again.
Realmente fue un placer verte de nuevo.
It was nice seeing you again.
Me ha encantado verte.
It was especially nice seeing you again.
En especial, me dio mucho gusto volver a verte.
It was a nice change seeing you at night.
Fue un cambio agradable verte de noche.
- It was really nice seeing you. - You, too. - Look after yourself.
Siguiente, Gareth.
Mom, it was so nice of you to tell Rory to invite a friend tonight... seeing as this is her night.
Fue muy amable de tu parte haberle dicho a Rory de invitar a alguien... ya que ésta es su noche.

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