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John paul translate Spanish

405 parallel translation
Well, my great-great-great - grandfather was John Paul Jones.
Mi tata tatarabuelo fue John Paul Jones.
Well, I left my leg with John paul Jones back in'78.
Bueno, dejé mi pierna con John Paul Jones en el 78.
John Paul Jones, Patrick Henry, Samuel Adams.
John Paul Jones, Patrick Henry, Samuel Adams.
John Paul Jones, don't you hate people who do that?
John Paul Jones, ¿ no odias a los que hacen eso?
Good night, John Paul.
Buenas noches, John Paul.
I want to talk to you, John Paul Jones.
Quiero hablar contigo, John Paul Jones.
I feel like John Paul Jones!
- Que eres un magnífico artillero.
His name was Jones-John Paul Jones.
Se llamaba Jones... John Paul Jones.
What you have done, madam, is an act of desecration not unlike the defacing of a statue of john paul jones.
Lo que ha hecho, madame, es un acto de profanación no muy distinta de la desfiguración de una estatua de John Paul Jones.
Rover, this is John Paul.
Rover, aquí John Paul.
Rover, this is John Paul.
Aquí John Paul.
OK, John Paul. This is Rover.
John Paul, aquí Rover.
I'm answering you, John Paul.
Ésta es mi respuesta, John Paul.
This is John Paul.
Aquí John Paul.
John Paul, this is Rover.
John Paul, aquí Rover.
Rover to John Paul. Have you got me now?
Rover a John Paul. ¿ Me recibe ahora?
Hold it, John Paul, hold it!
¡ Espere, John Paul!
This is John Paul. Roger, 17 ships.
Aquí John Paul. 17 buques.
Hello, Rover, this is John Paul.
Hola, Rover, aquí John Paul.
Excuse me, John Paul, I'm gonna be a trifle busy.
Perdóname, pero voy a estar algo ocupado.
'The second test-tube baby..' 'Pope John Paul's successor..'
Nació el segundo bebé de probeta!
For the first time, our Mexican land will be visited by the highest authority of the Holy Mother Church,... His Holiness Pope John Paul II.
Por primera vez nuestra tierra mexicana recibirá la visita de la más alta autoridad de la Santa madre Iglesia, su santidad el Papa Juan Pablo II.
Hey Coach, are you really gonna play him against John Paul Jones?
¿ Entrenador, lo dejará jugar contra la liga John Paul Jones?
Now, I want you to do a good job on old John Paul Jones, and tomorrow, I want you to do the same thing to Navy.
Ahora quiero que hagan un buen trabajo contra John Paul Jones. Y mañana repítanlo contra la Marina.
Pope john paul.
Papa Juan Pablo.
Fred, john paul jones.
Fred, Juan Pablo Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, His holiness pope john paul ii.
Damas y caballeros, su Santidad el Papa Juan Pablo II.
Sí, los actores las preferimos.
We're headed for St. Paul.
Vamos a San Paúl. John, tuve que hacerlo.
There was Paul Bunyan ´ s ax ; John Henry ´ s hammer ;
Estaba el hacha de Paul Bunyan el martillo de John Henry,
come out.
John, Paul, George...
John, Paul, George and Fred.
John, Paul, George y Fred.
What, John, Paul, George and Fred?
¿ John, Paul, George y Fred?
But I do think I should have had a word with John, Paul, George and Fred before I left.
- Paul, George y Fred. - Estaban descansando.
About your nephews...
- John, Paul, George y Fred.
John, Paul, George and Fred.
Niños queridos, todos ellos.
What do you know about Paul John Mondebello?
¿ Qué sabe usted sobre Paul John Mondebello?
99, this woman claims she has the evidence to convict Paul John Mondebello.
99, esta mujer asegura que tiene evidencia para atrapar a Paul John Mondebello. ¿ Qué?
Did she say what she wanted?
¿ Dijo qué era lo que quería? Ella me dijo que me entregaría toda la evidencia que tenía en contra de Paul John Mondebello por 50000 dólares. Sí.
She said that she would turn over the evidence that she has on Paul John Mondebello for $ 50,000. Yes. Mr. Smart, you must do as she asks.
Señor Smart, tiene que hacer lo que ella le pide.
I confess to Almighty God, the Blessed Virgin, St. Michael, St. John, and the apostles Peter and Paul, that I have sinned in thought, word and deed through my most grievous fault.
Confieso a Dios Todopoderoso, a la Virgen María, al arcángel San Miguel, a los apóstoles Pedro y Pablo, a todos los santos, y a usted padre, que he pecado de pensamiento, palabra y omisión.
I confess to Almighty God, Creator of heaven and earth for Jesus Christ, his only Son to the blessed Virgin Mary to John the Baptist, to archangel Michael and the apostles Peter and Paul to all the saints and all my brothers that I have sinned, in thought, word and deed through my fault, through my fault through my most grievous fault.
Yo pecador, me confieso ante Dios todopoderoso, creador del cielo y de la tierra a Jesucristo su único hijo, nuestro Señor a la bienaventurada siempre virgen María a San Juan Bautista, a San Miguel Arcángel a los apósteles, Pedro y Pablo a todos los santos y a todos nuestros hermanos que he pecado de pensamiento, palabra, obra y omisión por mi culpa, por mi culpa, por mi grandísima culpa.
I'm a firm believer that words alone are useless, so I'm going to make sure you remember our little chat every time you sit down this week, but don't worry, you'll still be in there against John Paul Jones Academy.
No. Las palabras por si solas no cuentan. Así qué...
I confess to Almighty God, to blessed Mary, ever Virgin, to blessed Michael the Archangel, to blessed John the Baptist, to the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul, and to all the Saints, that I have sinned exceedingly in thought, word and deed through my fault, through my fault, through my most grievous fault.
Yo confieso ante Dios Todopoderoso, a Santa María, siempre Virgen, al bendido Arcángel Miguel, al bendito Juan el Bautista, a los Santos Apóstoles Pedro y Pablo, y a todos los santos, que he pecado mucho de pensamiento, palabra y obra por mi culpa, por mi culpa, por mi grandísima culpa.
John Briggs said this morning that Dade County, Oklahoma... and St. Paul, Minnesota, were only preliminary battles.
John Briggs dijo esta mañana que Dade County, Oklahoma... y St. Paul, Minnesota, fueron sólo batallas preliminares.
Her husband, John C. Forrester, has been rushed to St. Paul's Clinic.
Su marido, John C. Forrester, ha sido trasladado a la clínica St. Paul.
- Paul, it's John Book.
- Paul, es John Book.
Like John, Paul, George and Ringo.
Como John, Paul, George y Ringo.
John, Paul, George and Ringo.
John, Paul, George y Ringo.
I want to walk up Berkeley Square and down Wimpole Street... and stand in St. Paul's where John Donne preached.
Quiero ir a Berkeley Square y a la calle Wimpole y pararme en St.Paul, donde predicaba John Donne.
Join alf and his guests- - His holiness pope john paul ii,
Acompañen a Alf y sus invitados :

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