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Just for a few hours translate Spanish

217 parallel translation
Just for a few hours, of course.
Sólo por algunas horas.
Just for a few hours let's have some peace.
Tengamos paz por unas horas.
I'd loved thinking it was mine, even if it was just for a few hours.
Me ha encantado tenerlo durante unas horas.
Wear it, paula, just for a few hours.
Úsala, Paula, sólo por unas pocas horas.
Just for a few hours'rest.
- Durmamos sólo unas horas.
Yes. I have to get away occasionally just for a few hours. Even if it's just down to the hairdresser, or a round of golf, or a bridge evening with some of the girls, drive in the country sometimes, just on my own.
A veces me escapo unas horas, a la peluquería o a jugar al golf o al "bridge" con las chicas.
My idea of heaven is to be allowed to be put in manacles just for a few hours.
El paraíso... ... sería que me pusieran grillos un par de horas.
It's just for a few hours, until I win a bet, then we'll get it annulled tomorrow.
Es sólo por unas horas, hasta que ganar una apuesta, a continuación, lo haremos mañana anulada.
Dad, it's just for a few hours.
Papa, es solo por algunas horas.
For a while there, just for a few hours... I felt like she was mine.
Por un momento, por tan sólo unas horas sentí como si fuera mía.
Just for a few hours. Julie Will be With you.
Fuera un par de horas, Julia estará contigo.
For a while there- - just for a few hours- -
Por un rato... solo por unas horas...
Honey, we're gonna look after you... just for a few hours till your mommy feels better, okay?
Cielo, nosotros te vamos a cuidar pero sólo un rato hasta que mamá esté mejor, ¿ sí?
Just for a few hours,'cause, look, we're cutting things a bit fine now.
Sólo un ratito, y las cosas nos irán mucho mejor.
In a few hours you might have succeeded in climbing down to us It will just be in time for the two I tried to keep them warm as best I could But don't search for me for too long. Old Christian :
Viejo Christian :
Te dejo en el hotel y, cuando regrese a buscarte seré inmortal o sólo otro lunático que debió seguir dando clases.
I'll require your services for just a few hours this evening.
Preciso sus servicios por unas pocas horas esta noche.
Have you ever been quiet for a few hours, and just think?
¿ Te has quedado, por horas, solo pensando?
For just a few hours, so... completely no, don't tell me that his whole system isn't affected by it.
Durante dos horas, tan a fondo. Estoy seguro de que toda su persona queda afectada.
I know you've only a few hours, but- - but listen for just a minute, that's all.
Sé que sólo tienes unas pocas horas pero- - Pero óyeme por un momento. Eso es todo.
Couldn't we stand like this for just a few hours?
¿ No podríamos seguir así unas cuantas horas?
All those hours of lying and plotting and sneaking through side exits just for a few moments together.
Todas esas mentiras, y escapando para estar un ratito a tu lado.
So we'll just hold on for a few hours and give Tobe a chance.
Esperemos unas horas y demos a Tobe una oportunidad.
El solo vino con la tormenta hace unas horas buscando un cuarto seco y una cerveza fria y trabajo por unas horas.
To prolong, even by just a few hours, a life about to be swallowed up by the void, for the sake of someone as powerless as I am... It felt strange to me.
Pensar en prolongar, aunque sea por poco tiempo, una vida a punto de ser tragada por el vacío, por el bien de alguien tan insignificante como yo me da una sensación un tanto extraña.
Well, just to hang around the suite for a few hours.
Estaré en la habitación unas pocas horas.
Was it really so unusual for her to be just a few hours late, Mrs. Quaife?
Ya, pero no es nada extraño que la niña se retrase algunas horas, Sra. Quaife.
He just wants your attention for a few hours, Clint.
Sólo quiere que le dedique algunas horas, Clint.
He just held me for a few hours while my mom was freaking out.
Me retuvo por unas horas mientras mi mamá se preocupaba.
Mom's been buried for just a few hours and look at him.
Acabamos de enterrar a mamá y míralo ya...
for just... just a few hours.
¿ Qué clase de respuesta es esa? - Bueno, yo...
if we leave him alone for just a few hours, there's no telling what sort of things he might see... or what he might bring.
- Lo hice. - Yo solo perdí.
Or we could just take all that sexual energy... and kind of hold onto it for a few hours... and then rechannel it into your pitching tonight.
O podríamos tomar toda esa energía sexual... y contenerla unas cuantas horas... y luego "recanalizarla" para que lances bien esta noche.
What they didn't say was that a poor man with an obscure name... who was for years in Egmont's employ, an ordinary man was arrested just a few hours after his muster and was beaten with iron bars to the point that, three hours later he was still groaning.
Lo que no dijeron fue que un pobre hombre con un nombre extraño que fuera por años empleado de Egmont, un hombre común fue arrestado algunas horas después de su maestro y apaleado con barras de hierro de tal manera que, tres horas después seguía gimiendo.
I'm just gonna sleep for a few hours.
sólo dormiré un par de horas.
Well, I don't mind letting him live, just as long as he don't mind being inconvenienced for a few hours.
No me importa permitir que siga con vida. Siempre que a él no le importe estar incapacitado durante unas horas.
I'd like Holly to stay here for few hours... just a couple hours.
Me gustaría que Holly se quede aquí un par horas..
Sólo pasea por el pueblo durante unas horas :
To us, Mr Rimmer will be gone for just a few hours, but Mr Rimmer will have to wait six centuries for us.
Para nosotros, Mr Rimmer estará fuera unas horas, ¡ pero él tendrá que esperarnos 6 siglos enteros!
Why don't we just forget about fighting the phallacracy for a few hours... and go have a good time?
¿ Por que no nos olvidamos de pelear contra las ofensas ante la mujer... y nos divertimos?
I was thinking we could go and just play for a few hours.
Pensaba que podríamos ir y jugar por un par de horas.
No, not at all, i just have keep studying for a few more hours.
No, sólo tengo que estudiar unas cinco o seis horas más.
Nah, they just have to ask us a few questions... for about six hours.
No, sólo tienen que hacernos algunas preguntas... durante unas seis horas.
I need a ship that can slip in quietly bring me in just outside the capital city and wait a few hours for my return.
Necesito que una nave silenciosa... me deje cerca de la capital y me espere unas horas para regresar.
I just need to ice it for a few hours.
Solo necesita hielo por un par de horas.
Well, we just have to keep it together for a few more hours.
Debemos quedarnos juntos por algunas horas.
I'm just saving it for a few hours till we come back here and Michael can see it.
La voy a guardar por unas horas hasta que regresemos aquí y Michael pueda verla.
So, uh, just try and stay out for a few hours, okay?
Entonces, eh, quédense por algunas horas, ¿ ok?
I was just gonna go out for a few hours.
Iba a salir unas cuantas horas.
I'll just walk the streets for a few hours.
Sólo saldré a caminar unas cuantas horas.
We're just gonna hold you down and enjoy ourselves for a few hours.
Sólo os vamos a colgar boca abajo para entretenernos un par de horitas.

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