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Translate.vc / English → Spanish / [ J ] / Just stay out of this

Just stay out of this translate Spanish

130 parallel translation
Honey, you just stay out of this now.
Cariño, no te metas, por favor.
You just stay out of this.
No te metas en esto. ¿ Yo?
Just stay out of this.
Vosotros no os metáis.
Just stay out of this, Mrs. Fletcher.
No se meta.
just stay out of this.
Solo permanece fuera de esto.
- Nadia, just stay out of this.
- Nadia, no te metas.
Achilles, you just stay out of this!
¡ Achilles, mantente fuera de esto!
- Just stay out of this.
- No se meta en esto.
Just stay out of this.
- ¡ Quítate!
Just stay out of this.
Aléjate de todo.
- You just stay out of this. - Oh, i can't have an opinion?
- ¿ Puedo hablar?
- What's the deal? And they are my children, and you just stay out of this. I'm sorry.
Y son mis hijos, así que no te metas.
Just stay out of this Holly.
No te metas en esto Holly. |
- Cor, just stay out of this.
- Cor, no te metas.
Okay, Angela, let's just stay out of this.
Bueno, Angela, no nos metamos en esto.
Just stay out of this.
Nada más no te metas.
Richard, I know it's none of my business, I know the conventional wisdom tells me to just stay out of this, and I know there are 100 reasons for me to keep my mouth shut!
Sé que no me incumbe, y que hay 1 00 razones por las que debería callarme.
Do me a favour, just stay out of this.
Manténganse al margen.
She's an adult, so we should probably just stay out of this.
Ella es adulta, así que deberíamos quedarnos al margen.
Just stay out of this.
Solo apartate de esto.
- Just stay out of this.
- Alejate de esto.
Just stay out of this.
Mantente fuera de esto.
You just stay out of this, missy.
¡ No te metas, nena!
Listen, just stay out of this!
¡ Oiga, no se meta!
Now if we can just keep this distance between them and us, stay out of bow shot, we've got a running chance.
Si podemos mantener esta distancia entre ellos y nosotros, y esquivamos sus tiros, tenemos una oportunidad de correr.
Oh, you just sit down and stay out of this.
Siéntate y no te metas en esto.
Here we stand in this crummy little shop, with the whole world out in front of us, with anything to wish for that we want, and you just stay on my back...! Arthur!
Estamos aquí en este miserable lugar... con el mundo entero frente a nosotros,... pudiendo pedir lo que queramos... y tú sólo te paras detrás de mí y...
Just stay out of my sight, because every time, every time I see you, I will make you remember this historic day!
Sólo sal de mi vista, porque cada vez, cada vez que te vea, te haré recordar este día histórico!
Oh, no, sir. Just as we agreed, we're gonna stay out of this thing until your nephew's released.
No, según lo acordado, intervendremos sólo cuando aparezca su sobrino.
But I've been just quick enough to stay out of this graveyard.
Pero he sido lo suficientemente rápido para mantenerme lejos de este cementerio.
Michele Palombo, we will not allow you to keep this dump open just because you promise to stay out of politics!
Michele Palombo, no te permitiremos mantener este basural abierto sólo porque prometiste salirte de la política.
But just stay out of my way until this is done, Captain.
Pero quédese afuera de mi camino hasta que este terminado, Capitán.
I try to stay out of the way because what you people do here is so important... but, understand, at a time like this, what I have to do is just as important.
Intento no interferir porque lo que Uds. Hacen es muy importante... pero en un momento como éste, lo que yo hago es igual de importante.
You're not just sayin this to stay out of trouble?
¿ No me estás diciendo esto por no meterte en problemas?
For years we scratched away at this rock... just trying to get enough out of her to stay alive.
Hemos escarbado en esta roca durante años... intentando sacar de ella lo suficiente para mantenernos vivos.
Look, I'm the muscle in this pen. Just stay out of my way.
Mira, cabeza de jamón, aquí yo soy el que manda.
- Dawson, this is my father. I am begging you, just stay out of it.
Se trata de mi padre, te pido que no interfieras.
- Oh. you're right. - So just stay out of this!
- Entonces no te metas.
Just stay out of- - ho. I don't need this, dad!
Ni siquiera escucha, no me escucha a mí.
You don't know anything about this, Rena, so just stay out of it.
Rena, no sabes de esto así que no te metas.
Just this once, stay out of it. You're the second person to say that to me today.
Eres la segunda persona que dice eso hoy.
It's not just out of my own selfish desire that I'm trying to stay clean on all this.
Escuche, Jack. No es sólo por mi interés egoísta que trato de zafarme de todo esto.
We're just gonna stay out of this one.
Nos quedaremos fuera. Hey, esperen un minuto.
Oh, boy, General Disarray, maybe we just ought to stay out of this one.
Oh, General Desorden, creo no deberíamos de estar aquí.
This zoo of particles was just impossible to pull together, physicists for their meat and drink, night and day, try to work out a better story about how these things could be pulled together and the problem didn't just stay inside physic labs.
Este zoológico de partículas era imposible de agrupar, y los físicos día y noche trataron de trabajar en una historia mejor acerca de como estas cosas podían trabajar juntas. El problema no solo se quedó dentro de los laboratorios de física.
d'Cause that's the shit that got me kickin'out d d Makin'these Gs d d My brother Steve's on the court d d'Cause to ball is his dream d d Mind the rhyme, how it is how it always has been d d See it's not the lines that you read d # But the shit is between # d Thugs is made out of dirt yet I still stay clean d d Because I'm real d d This is for all my people riding'the trains Stay real d d Just to go to work in small-time chains d
Subtítulo por Betorivas para aRGENTeaM
Well, any of'em would give just about anything to be able to sashay off this planet, but most of'em are gonna stay and they're gonna live forever and ever and ever. And your Mr. Milligan, well, it turns out he's just young enough to die.
Cualquiera de ellos daría lo que sea por poder irse de este planeta pero la mayoría se van a quedar y van a vivir para siempre y tu Sr. Milligan, bueno, es lo suficientemente joven para morir.
I just think that you should stay out of this one.
Creo que no deberías involucrarte. - Papá...
Look, just stay out of trouble on this one,
Y no te metas en problemas.
But we promised each other that we'd stay out of each other's love lives, right? Okay, just answer me this.
Pero nos prometimos no meternos en la vida amorosa de la otra respóndeme a esto
- Come on, he just wants you to quit. - Hey, you stay out of this!
- Quiere hacerte dejar la escuela.

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