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Kleinfeld translate Spanish

39 parallel translation
How much was it we paid Kleinfield, Klausewitz and Stummerhoppen to contest that phoney doctor's certificate?
¿ Cuánto le pagamos a Kleinfeld Klauswitz y Stummerhofen para refutar ese falso certificado médico?
David Kleinfeld, who never gave up on me through everything, thick and thin.
David Kleinfeld, quien nunca, nunca, nunca dudó de mí, en las buenas o en las malas.
Davey Kleinfeld.
- David Kleinfeld.
But Davey Kleinfeld, he ain't scared no more.
Pero Davey Kleinfeld ahora ya no tiene miedo.
Kleinfeld is my brother.
Kleinfeld es mi hermano.
Mr. Taglialucci to see his lawyer, Mr. Kleinfeld.
El Sr. Taglialucci para ver a su abogado.
Don't make me do it, Kleinfeld.
No me hagas hablar.
I never liked you, Kleinfeld.
Nunca me caíste bien, Kleinfeld.
Mr. Kleinfeld?
¿ Sr. Kleinfeld?
Mr. Kleinfeld, are you there? Send him in.
Hazlo entrar.
Mr. Brigante, there is a problem with Mr. Kleinfeld.
Hay un problema con el Sr. Kleinfeld.
Everything paid for by Kleinfeld.
La velada pagada por Kleinfeld.
Kleinfeld was coked out of his mind, the flaps of his nose, all red and swollen.
Kleinfeld estaba completamente dopado. Tenía las aletas de la nariz coloradas e hinchadas.
You were right about Kleinfeld.
Tenías razón sobre Kleinfeld.
I just wanted you to know you were right about Kleinfeld.
Sólo quería decirte que tenías razón sobre Kleinfeld.
Mr. Kleinfeld took a knife in the chest at 2 : 00 this afternoon.
El Sr. Kleinfeld fue apuñalado en el pecho esta tarde.
Kleinfeld's lucky to be alive.
Kleinfeld tiene suerte de estar vivo.
David Kleinfeld became a very big fish while you were gone.
David Kleinfeld se convirtió en un pez gordo en tu ausencia.
Kleinfeld's the one we're after.
Queremos a Kleinfeld.
Let it out all over the street that Kleinfeld set up that prison break then killed his father and his brother.
Diseminó la noticia de que Kleinfeld arregló la fuga y mató a Tony y a Frankie.
But knowing your relationship with Kleinfeld, that's a good possibility, don't you think, hermano?
Pero dada tu amistad con Kleinfeld, es una buena posibilidad, ¿ no te parece?
If you were on that boat, and I know goddamn well you were, testify against Kleinfeld for first-degree murder.
Si estabas en ese bote, y sé muy bien que estabas, declara contra Kleinfeld por asesinato.
You wanna get even with Kleinfeld? Here it is on a silver platter.
Véngate de Kleinfeld.
What if they get to Kleinfeld, twist his arm?
Si encuentran a Kleinfeld,
You don't owe Kleinfeld nothing.
Vamos, Carlito. No le debes nada a Kleinfeld.
Gotta look in Kleinfeld's eyes.
Debo mirar a Kleinfeld a los ojos.
Kleinfeld is my lawyer.
- Kleinfeld es mi abogado. - Bien.
There's a delivery for you, Mr. Kleinfeld.
Tengo una entrega para usted.
You know somebody tried to kill Kleinfeld?
Trataron de matar a Kleinfeld.
You heard Kleinfeld got whacked, so you figured I was dead, too!
Oíste que mataron a Kleinfeld y creíste que a mí también.
Kleinfeld, Stiasny and Jilovsky. They just killed them,
Mataron a Kleinfeld, Stiasny y Jilovsky para evitar que se propagara.
Kleinfeld, Stiasny and Jilovsky.
Kleinfeld, Stiasny y Jilovsky.
Now, what I did was hacked questions from the Kleinfeld-Ochs psych indicator into his applications.
Bueno, lo que hice fue piratear las preguntas a partir del indicador psicológico de Kleinfeld-Ochs de sus aplicaciones.
when a picture of a hot dog was liked by a guy named Sam, as in Sam Kleinfeld. - Ooh! - Ah!
Sam Kleinfeld.
Hello, Mr. Kleinfeld.
Hola, Sr. Kleinfeld. - Sí.
De Kleinfeld.

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