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Leeches translate Spanish

583 parallel translation
You're nothing but a pack of leeches.
- ¡ Salgan de aquí, sanguijuelas!
- Leeches? - Yes, leeches!
- ¿ Sanguijuelas?
It's just a big duck pond full of leeches.
Es una charca llena de sanguijuelas.
Leeches, leeches, leeches.
Sanguijuelas, sanguijuelas, sanguijuelas.
We can't make you solvent if you keep on sending money to these leeches.
No podemos hacerte solvente si sigues enviando pasta a todas esas sanguijuelas.
Because of all the money to these leeches.
A causa de todo este dinero para esas sanguijuelas.
Like horse-leeches my boys, to suck, to suck, the very blood to suck.
Y allí sanguijuelas, ¡ chupemos, chupemos, chupemos de la misma sangre!
Those leeches that suck the blood of their kinsmen!
; Las sanguijuelas que se alimentan chupando Ia sangre de sus hermanos!
They were leeches! Both of them.
Lo querían todo.
I can't stand leeches.
No soporto que se me peguen.
Powders and leeches, milk lathers, creams and tinctures beyond measure, put them away.
Polvos de Chipre y sanguijuelas, espuma de leche, crema y tintura, los pongo allá.
I'm grateful up to my ears! Shaving, hair, wigs, all free. And some leeches!
En agradecimiento le afeitaré y le cortaré el pelo gratis toda la vida.
I'm all yours : soul, body, razor and leeches!
- ¡ Soy todo suyo! ¡ En cuerpo, alma, navaja y sanguijuela!
If there's anything in the world I hate, it's leeches.
Si hay algo que odio, son las sanguijuelas.
I'll have the leeches to her, sir - straps, confinement.
Haré que le pongan sanguijuelas, que la aten, que la recluyan.
Well, tomorrow Papa's being bled with leeches.
Bueno, mañana toca sangrar a papá.
Mr. Pitt, Dr. Warren, these leeches are going to it
Eh, doctor, esas sanguijuelas son caníbales! Qué agonía!
You're leeches and scrounges, trying to turn John into something he isn't... trying to make another Tom Wiley out of him, so you can go on getting drunk... in your big free playpen.
Son gorrones sanguijuelas que intentan convertir a John en algo que no es, intentan hacer de él. otro Tom Wiley, para poder seguir emborrachándose... en su gran parque gratuito.
Un granuja.
Like leeches!
¡ Como las sanguijuelas!
The police are all leeches.
La policía es peor que las liendres.
She'll take the leeches off your back.
Le quitará las sanguijuelas.
I've been eating grass and leeches.
Sobreviví comiendo hierba y sanguijuelas.
That's good. Clinging onto Toshio like a bunch of leeches is pitiful.
Aferrarse a Toshio como sanguijuelas... es patético.
He has covered my wife with suckers a hundred leeches sucked her blood, but she her condition is the same.
ha puesto cien sanguijuelas a que Ia chupen y ella sigue igual.
- They're only leeches.
- Son sólo sanguijuelas.
- Not the leeches again!
- No las sanguijuelas de nuevo!
Tell me, or I'll bring the leeches again.
Dime o traeré las sanguijuelas de nuevo.
This time the leeches will get better acquainted with you.
Esta vez, las sanguijuelas conseguirán conocerte mejor.
A girl, tortured by leeches.
Una joven chica, torturada con sanguijuelas.
The leeches?
¿ Las sanguijuelas?
When you think of what he did to his wife and to those girls and about those leeches?
Cuando piensen en lo que les hizo a su esposa y a esas chicas ¡ y en esas sanguijuelas!
They're all leeches... bleeding the underprivileged masses.
Son todos unas sanguijuelas... desangrando a las masas desprivilegiadas.
I didn't know we have enough blood left for these damn leeches.
¡ Como si nos quedara sangre para las sanguijuelas!
Look at them, look at them out there - the dregs, carrion, leeches sucking us dry, carrying evil around with them like cold germs.
el primer ataque realizado. Míralos, míralos allí fuera Desechos, carroña, sanguijuelas dejándonos secos, llevando la maldad con ellos como gérmenes dormidos.
Can it be that there are leeches there?
¿ Habrá sanguijuelas?
Would it by any chance be Peppino? Who used to fish for leeches?
¿ No sería por casualidad Peppino, ese que pescaba sanguijuelas?
Stay back praying mantises, leeches...
Atrás mantis religiosas, sanguijuelas...
This is where I keep away from the leeches and vultures upstairs...
Aquí es donde me escondo de las sabandijas y buitres de ahí...
France will never be anything until we're rid of these high-born leeches who've been sucking the life-blood of France for so long.
Francia no será nada hasta deshacerse de estas sanguijuelas de alta cuna que nos chupan la sangre.
Unfortunately, I shall have to go out and collect some leeches.
Desgraciadamente tengo que conseguir sanguijuelas.
And I can't stand the thought of having leeches on me!
Y no me hace gracia la idea de tener sanguijuelas encima mía.
Well, you wouldn't like it if I wanted to stick leeches all over you, would you?
Bueno, a tí no te gustaría que te pusiera sanguijuelas por todo el cuerpo, no?
The cold is getting to you, the leeches suck the blood, hunger torments you.
El frío te esta llegando, las sanguijuelas te chupan la sangre, el hambre te atormenta.
Tonight's episode, "The Leeches"
They're leeches.
¡ Son sanguijuelas!
Leeches make getting next to your skin their life's ambition.
La ambición de las sanguijuelas es acercarse a su piel.
At least, there are no leeches here, no Japs creeping up on you.
Al menos aquí no hay sanguijuelas ni aparecen japoneses.
Her blood has a bad cold. We should use some leeches.
Tenemos que usar sanguijuelas.
Put those leeches away!
¡ Quitadle esas sanguijuelas!

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