Less than that translate Spanish
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Some came up with less than that, some more.
Algunos acabaron con menos, otros con más.
Hmm! My grandfather was burnt less than that when they cremated him.
Mi abuelo estaba menos quemado que eso cuando lo incineramos.
A little less than that.
Un poco menos de eso.
With less than that.
- con menos que eso. - Enfatizar el control.
Well, our Haitian doctor was living on a lot less than that.
Bueno, nuestro médico haitiano estaba viviendo con mucho menos que eso.
Value is less about the actual object, than our opinion of it, and that opinion is relative to our need :
... porque el valor no está en si mismo está en lo que queremos. Este "querer" se relaciona con nuestras necesidades.
It's been less than an hour since half that campus watched him attack her.
Ha pasado menos de una hora desde que la mitad del campus le viera atacarla.
That's less than 15 feet.
Eso es menos de 4.5 metros.
Okay, but you do know that it pays about 30 % less than bartending, right?
Bueno, ¿ Pero sabes que la paga es como 30 % menos que atender el bar, cierto?
That was less than a month after the shooting.
Eso fue a menos de un mes del tiroteo.
So, we must assert ourselves in ways that are, well, less than feminine.
Así que, a veces, debemos imponernos de forma poco... bien... poco femenina.
Girls that hot don't go for anyone less than an eight.
Chicas así de buenas no van con alguien que tenga menos de un ocho.
Did you know that less than half the people in this country read the newspaper anymore?
¿ Sabes que menos de la mitad del país lee el diario?
Or that even less than half of that read books?
¿ Y que aun muchos menos leen libros?
I think I just was upset that you finally found out that I'm less than perfect.
Creo que sólo estaba enojado porque finalmente te enteraste. que soy un poco menos que perfecto.
Bruce Forsyth could get this thing round the Nurburgring in less time than that.
Bruce Forsyth podría poner esto a rodar por Nurburing en menos tiempo que eso.
Tonight we are engaged in a challenge that was supposed to be to find the best four-seater convertible you can buy for less than £ 2,000.
Esta noche tenemos un desafío que se suponía era para encontrar el mejor descapotable de cuatro asientos por menos de 2000 £.
" There are less than 1,000 negro lawyers, and we are going to change that.
" Hay menos de 1.000 abogados negros, y vamos a cambiar eso.
Colonel sinor, this is command. We are less than 30 seconds from detonation. Roger that.
Coronel Sinor, aquí la base, quedan menos de 30 segundos para la detonación.
That is less than a mile from the bank.
Eso está a menos de una milla del banco.
Sir, I calculated that the patient had less than 50 % burns.
Señor, calculé que el paciente tenía quemaduras en menos del 50 %.
And yet, the Lunar Rover, or moon buggy, cost £ 25 million and that was in 1971 when a V12 E-type Jag cost less than £ 3,500.
Y, sin embargo, el Rover Lunar, o la luna buggy, el costo de £ 25,000,000 y que fue en 1971 cuando un V12 E-Type Jaguar cuestan menos de £ 3,500.
Landmark documentary serials, such as Civilisation and the epic, The Ascent Of Man turned your TV into a home-based lecture theatre, but a bit less boring than I've made that sound.
Series documentales que marcaron un hito, como'Civilización'y el famosísimo'El ascenso del hombre'convirtieron tu TV en una sala de conferencias casera, pero no tan aburrida como suena mi descripción.
In the entire history of the human race, we've travelled less than a tenth of 1 % of that orbit.
Durante toda la historia de la especie humana, hemos viajado menos de una décima parte del 1 por ciento de esa órbita.
I know even less about that kind of stuff than Oleg.
- Se menos de esas cosas que Oleg.
That old fighter's needs were no less important than mine.
las necesidades de ese viejo luchador no son menos importantes que las mías.
In less than 48 hours, five convicts that had escaped from Attica were no longer at large, so if you want to talk to the feds and explain to them that you decided to break up this team, fine, go ahead...
En menos de 48 horas, cinco convictos que escaparon de Attica ya no se encuentran a la fuga, así que si quiere ir donde los federales y explicarles que decidió romper este equipo, bien, adelante...
Some places get less than a tenth of the rain that falls in the rainforests of the east.
Algunos lugares reciben menos de una décima parte de la lluvia que cae en los bosques del este.
I sleep well at night, Sarah, because I know that whatever damage I might have to do is far less than the damage they intend to do.
Duermo bien por la noche, Sarah, por que se que cualquier daño que haga es mucho menor que el daño que ellos tratan de hacer.
This anti-northern spin tells me that Judah and Israel were far less united than the Bible is prepared to admit.
Este giro anti norteño me dice que Judea e Israel estaban bastante menos unidos de lo que la Biblia está preparada a admitir.
That guard's been dead less than a day, and you're already grasping at straws.
Ese guardia ha estado muerto menos de un día, y ya te estás agarrando a un clavo ardiendo.
There are families that are living on less than a dollar a day.
Hay familias que viven con menos de un dólar al día.
That'd be less painful than walking around in constant fear.
Dolerá menos que andar con miedo constante.
That I've been lieutenant for less than a week and there's already some game-playing, sick-as-fuck serial killer for me to catch?
¿ Que llevo menos de una semana como teniente y ya hay que atrapar a un asesino en serie jugando un jueguito?
What other purpose has such beauty than to note... that she is nothing less than the most exquisite.
Qué otro propósito tiene tal belleza que hacer notar... Que ella no es nada menos que lo más exquisito.
I gotta tell you, i thought the odds of that happening were less than zero.
- Tengo que decírtelo pensé que las probabilidades de que eso ocurra eran menos que cero.
And it has come to his attention that you have appointed a less-than-enthusiastic prosecutor to his case.
Y ha llegado a su atención lo que has apuntado, un fiscal menos entusiasta en su caso.
And he believes that he's still alive because his latest one - if his theory stands up - was committed less than two years ago in Bexhill.
Y cree que aún está vivo porque el último, si su teoría se sostiene, se cometió hace menos de dos años en Bexhill.
It filled out much less ones than we expected on small scales, and that's a true indication that the dimension's actually smaller than what we expected.
Rellenó muchas menos de lo que esperábamos a escalas pequeñas, y eso es un claro indicio de que la dimensión en realidad es menor a lo que esperábamos. Es menor que 3.
With the Stansted protest that some people did, it happened in less than a month that we went to court. But in other cases, like the Drax case, it took almost a year, so it can be any time.
Después de la protesta en Stanstead, en la que algunos participaron, tuvimos que presentarnos frente al tribunal en menos de un mes, pero en otros casos como en el de la central carbonera, Drax, tardaron casi un año, así que puede ocurrir en cualquier momento.
- First of all, it is far less humiliating than the things that you've put me through over the years.
- Antes que nada es mucho menos humillante que las cosas que me has hecho pasar en estos años.
So that puts an angry ex-boyfriend in her apartment delivering a package less than an hour before the murder.
Así que eso pone a un ex-novio furioso en su apartamento entregando un paquete una hora antes del asesinato.
Less than I'll save, if I get that information.
Al menos te salvara si le das aquella informacion
This is far less stable than that.
Esto es mucho menos estable que eso.
Yeah, "organic" is, uh, no antibiotics or growth hormones, but it can still be force-fed grain, which produces a less nutritious product than cows that are allowed to naturally graze on grass.
Sí, "orgánica" es sin antibióticos ni hormonas de crecimiento, pero puede ser alimentada con grano, lo que produce un producto menos nutritivo que las vacas que pastan de forma natural en la hierba.
I don't mean that when I was shooting, that I didn't do anything less than my best,
No pretendía eso cuando filmaba, que no hacía menos que lo mejor que podía.
Let me stress that China should pay no less than market price for your oil.
Quiero subrayar que China debe pagar el petróleo al precio de mercado.
That's a pretty substantial change in weight in less than 24 hours.
Es un cambio de peso bastante sustancial en menos de 24 horas.
Trent makes less than half of that.
Trent gana menos de la mitad de eso.
That's one less than hundred.
Estos son menos de cien.
Plus, there's no reason to believe that the foreign buyer will care for the plant any less effectively than my client.
Además, no hay razón para creer que un comprador extranjero cuidará de la planta menos efectivamente que mi cliente.
less than 199
less than a minute 21
less than an hour 24
less than an hour ago 18
that 10639
that's nice 2129
that's gross 203
that's enough 4716
that's it 18340
that's good 7000
less than a minute 21
less than an hour 24
less than an hour ago 18
that 10639
that's nice 2129
that's gross 203
that's enough 4716
that's it 18340
that's good 7000
that's great 6151
that's right 20311
that's all 8171
that's 10531
that's my boy 361
that's my girl 410
that's all i got 169
that all started with a big bang 89
that's awesome 830
that's good to hear 161
that's right 20311
that's all 8171
that's 10531
that's my boy 361
that's my girl 410
that's all i got 169
that all started with a big bang 89
that's awesome 830
that's good to hear 161