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Lexcorp translate Spanish

96 parallel translation
They both worked at LexCorp.
Los dos trabajaban en LexCorp.
You know, it is amazing, all things considered... LexCorp came through this computer virus relatively unscathed.
Es increíble, tomando todo en consideración a LexCorp casi no la afectó el virus informático.
It's part of our series on the breakup of LexCorp.
Es parte de la serie sobre la separación de LexCorp.
- LexCorp.
- LexCorp.
But when LexCorp broke up, there was a substantial amount missing from Lex Labs.
Pero cuando LexCorp se disolvió, desapareció una cantidad importante.
- Well all LexCorp lab records are on file at Data Stor.
- Bueno el registro de LexCorp está en Data Stor.
Well, I was gonna try and access the LexCorp lab records at Data Stor but their password is some impossible alphanumeric code.
Intentaba acceder a la información de LexCorp pero la clave es un código difícil.
Do you know if he set up a lab somewhere after he was laid off from LexCorp?
¿ Sabe si instaló un laboratorio después que lo echaran de LexCorp?
It's owned by OmniAgricultural, a former division of LexCorp. - Lex Luthor?
Pertenece a OmniAgricultural, que antes fue filial de LexCorp.
And a former division of LexCorp built the Metropolis Diamond Hotel.
Y una filial de LexCorp construyó el Hotel Metropolis Diamond.
How do you respond to charges that the museum is really just a large tax shelter for LexCorp?
¿ Cómo responde a la acusación de que el museo es sólo una enorme fachada fiscal para Lexcorp?
I hear Wayne's deal with the Lexcorp could run into the billions.
Oí que el acuerdo de Wayne con Lexcorp valdría una fortuna.
That robot tonight, it came from Lexcorp.
Ese robot de hoy es de Lexcorp.
His statements have been questioned both by local law officials and industrialist Bruce Wayne who announced the immediate termination of his partnership with Lexcorp.
Sus declaraciones fueron objetadas por los funcionarios locales y el empresario Bruce Wayne, quien anunció la disolución inmediata de su sociedad con Lexcorp.
And once LexCorp has been rebuilt cementing your stranglehold on Metropolis we move to the final phase of the plan.
Y una vez que LexCorp haya sido reconstruida consolidando su domino sobre Metrópolis pasaremos a la fase final del plan.
By the end of the week, we should have the final pieces of LexCorp in our control and everything and everyone that can tie us to Vixen will be gone.
Al acabar la semana, debemos tener las últimas piezas de LexCorp en nuestro control y todos los que puedan relacionarnos con Vixen deben desaparecer.
Need I remind you that your present condition is the result of the accident you suffered while working for one of LexCorp's most hated competitors.
No necesito recordarte que tu estado actual es resultado de un accidente que sufriste trabajando para uno de los competidores más odiados de LexCorp.
I mean, if Leslie should happen to scoop up the other half from O'Neil LexCorp could live again.
Si Leslie se hiciera con la otra mitad que pertenecía a O'Neil LexCorp renacería.
Superman is going to become an employee of LexCorp.
Supermán va a convertirse en empleado de LexCorp.
Here's that LexCorp research you asked for.
La información que pediste sobre LexCorp.
I murdered several of LexCorp's employees and the union leaders they were meeting secretly with.
He matado a varios empleados de LexCorp y a los líderes sindicales con los que se reunían en secreto.
No more of this nonsense about LexCorp going union.
Se acabo ya la tontería esa de sindicar LexCorp.
I guess we could hear your plans for LexCorp.
Supongo que podríamos oír sus planes para LexCorp.
Some supervisors from the LexCorp factory.
Son inspectores de la fábrica de LexCorp.
Probably to unionize LexCorp.
Para sindicar LexCorp.
You'll help rebuild LexCorp.
Me ayudarás a reconstruir LexCorp.
The LexCorp Sky Sentry.
El Centinela Aéreo LexCorp.
Tomorrow I'm gonna print a story suggesting possible sabotage within LexCorp.
Mañana publicaré un artículo sobre un posible sabotaje en LexCorp.
Every single one of his parts is registered LexCorp property.
Hasta la última pieza de este aparato está registrada a nombre de LexCorp.
Wayne Tech, LexCorp, S.T.A.R. Labs and this circuitry is far more advanced than anything I've ever seen.
Díaz Tech, LexCorp, Laboratorios S.T.A.R y jamás vi un sistema de circuitos tan avanzado como éste.
You got into Wayne's computers during his partnership with LexCorp.
Interviniste las computadoras de Díaz cuando fue socio de LexCorp.
LexCorp has been testing explosives off the eastern seaboard.
LexCorp estuvo probando explosivos en la costa del Este.
Well, my dad decided to give LexCorp another shot so here I am, back in the boonies.
Mi padre le dio otra oportunidad a LexCorp así que, aquí estoy de regreso en el frente.
As you know, LexCorp is in the midst of major plan expansion.
Como sabe, LexCorp está en medio de un gran plan de expansión.
LexCorp owns it.
LexCorp es mío.
You'll be happy to hear LexCorp has secured the contract... for the preservation of this entire area.
Estarás feliz de saber que Lexcorp ha asegurado el contrato para la conservación de toda esta área.
Back to running LexCorp?
¿ Volverá a dirigir LexCorp?
Subject was found guarding smuggled weapons in LexCorp's harbor warehouse during a search that was initiated by the Justice League.
El sujeto cuidaba armas robadas en un almacén del muelle de LexCorp durante una búsqueda iniciada por la Liga de la Justicia.
Dee was apparently a low-level LexCorp employee.
Aparentemente, Dee era un empleado de bajo nivel de LexCorp.
Subject was found guarding smuggled weapons in LexCorp's harbor warehouse.
El sujeto cuidaba armas robadas en un almacén del muelle de LexCorp.
This dog took Lexcorp out of the hole you dug and brought up the stock 38 percent, all on her own.
Este perro sacó a LexCorp del agujero e hizo subir las acciones un 38 por ciento, sin ayuda.
It wasn't wise of you, son, to wager all of your assets as collateral against LexCorp when you took out your loan.
No fue muy inteligente que arriesgaras todos tus bienes en garantía por LexCorp cuando sacaste tu préstamo.
Because ever since he took LexCorp, he knows I've been looking to get back at him.
Porque desde que tomó LexCorp sabía que trataba de ir contra él.
I was thinking of giving you LexCorp back.
Estaba pensando en devolverte LexCorp.
The state is threatening to revoke LexCorp's custodial management of the cave.
El estado amenaza con revocar la custodia de la cueva de LexCorp.
A representative from an offshore shell company... who bears an uncanny resemblance to Mr. Santori here... has been quietly approaching LexCorp employees and buying their voting shares.
Un representante de una compañía marisquera que mantiene un parecido extraño con el señor Santori se acercó a los empleados de LexCorp para comprarles sus acciones.
Your attempt to build LexCorp was at the expense of our mutual goals.
Tu intento de construir LexCorp fue a expensas de nuestras metas.
If you were ready to run LexCorp, there's no way I could have taken it from you.
Si estuvieras listo para dirigir LexCorp, de ninguna manera te la quitaría.
Because the decision to buy out LexCorp affects him as much as it does me.
Porque la decisión de comprar LexCorp le afecta tanto como a mí.
Higher than LexCorp?
¿ Aparte de Lexcorp?

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