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Matheson translate Spanish

389 parallel translation
You invited Superintendent and Mrs. Matheson to dinner.
Invitaste a cenar al superintendente Matheson y su esposa.
Oh, my dear Mrs. Matheson.
Querida Sra. Matheson.
Jonathan, my dear fellow, more brandy for Doctor Matheson.
Jonathan, hijo, sírvele más brandy al Dr. Matheson.
Lady Matheson. It's nice to have a champion, thank you.
Sra. Matheson, es agradable tener una defensora, gracias.
Apart from bruising the elbow of a certain lady whose motives in complaining, I agree with Lady Matheson, are extremely questionable.
Aparte de contusionar el codo de una señora... cuyos motivos en la denuncia, coincido con la Sra. Matheson... son muy cuestionables.
Good morning, Lady Matheson.
Buenos días, Sra. Matheson.
Richard matheson.
Richard Matheson.
Richard matheson.
escrita por el sr.
And in this room you'll watch miss agnes moorehead in a tension-riddled attempt at escape from a pair of very improbable housebreakers.
Richard Matheson. Y en esta habitación Ud. va a ver a Miss Agnes Moorehead en una tensa balacera al intentar escapar de un par de muy improbables interruptores de casas.
The talented author richard matheson pays a return visit totwilight zone with a story called "mute."
The talented author Richard Matheson pays a return visit to Twilight Zone with a story called "mute."
Inspector Matheson, from the Fire Department.
El Inspector Matheson, del Dpto. de Bomberos.
Jack Warden, Susan Oliver, David Sheiner,
Jack Warden Susan Oliver David Sheiner Murray Matheson.
- Dick Matheson.
- Dick Matheson.
Matheson Hammock.
Matheson Hammock.
If I survived Rommel, I can survive an excruciating evening with Matheson.
Si sobreviví a Rommel, sobreviviré otra noche intolerable con Roger Matheson.
- Roger Matheson, Doctor.
- Roger Matheson, doctor.
" Victor Madison, Crane's protégé.
Víctor Matheson, protegidos de Crane.
Matheson Hammock.
Matheson hammock.
And on Friday, the president, Nora Matterson...
Y el viernes, la presidenta, Nora Matheson,
Nora Matheson.
Nora Matheson.
The Mathesons are here.
Los Matheson están aquí.
I'll put them off, it's only the Mathesons.
Les diré que vuelvan después. Son sólo los Matheson.
Have some more beans, Mrs. Matheson.
Un poco más de frijoles, Sra. Matheson.
Thank you, Mr. Matheson.
Gracias, Sr. Matheson.
This is Agent Matheson, F. B. I.
El agente Matheson, del fbi.
Matheson has been transferred from the Denver oftice to Frisco.
Le han trasladado de Denver a San Francisco.
Matheson, have you been totally brieted?
¿ Le han informado de todo?
These are highly trained agents, Mr. Matheson.
Son agentes adiestrados, Sr. Matheson.
Matheson wasn't along tor the ride. He was working surveillance.
Matheson iba en ese vuelo en misión de vigilancia.
The captain of the Matheson is demanding an update on his departure.
Comandante, el capitán del Matheson está exigiendo una actualización de su partida.
Senator Matheson?
¿ Senador Matheson?
Hyde and Royston up front, Matheson sub, unused.
Hyde y Royston adelante, Matheson substituo, no entró.
My name is Dana Scully and I'm trying to reach Senator Matheson at home.
Soy Dana Scully y necesito comunicarme con el senador Matheson.
Senator Matheson hasn't returned my calls.
El senador Matheson no responde mis llamadas.
¿ Matheson?
Harold Matheson, the food critic for the Times.
Harold Matheson, el crítico gastronómico del Times.
I took the liberty, Mr. Matheson.
Me he tomado la libertad, Sr. Matheson.
Enjoy your meal, Mr. Matheson.
Que aproveche, Sr. Matheson.
The look on Matheson's face.
¡ La cara que puso Matheson!
I was going to give it to Matheson to help wash down the bugs.
Iba a dárselo a Matheson, para ayudarle a rociar las cucarachas.
Howard Matheson.
Howard Matheson.
Before their tour is finished, I may ha ve to kill them... assuming Lt. Matheson doesn't beat me to it.
Antes de que acabe su viaje, tal vez tenga que matarlos... suponiendo que el teniente Matheson no lo haga primero.
Matheson found some data crystals on board.
Matheson encontró varios cristales de datos a bordo.
Load visual records of Lt. Matheson's logs... of the alien ship.
Descargar registros visuales del teniente Matheson... de su bitácora de la nave alienígena.
This is Lt. John Matheson, my second-in-command.
Él es el teniente Matheson, el segundo al mando.
By the way, where's Lt. Matheson?
¿ Dónde está el teniente Matheson?
It's about Lt. Matheson.
Es sobre el teniente Matheson.
But Lt. Matheson has a higher requirement.
Pero el teniente Matheson tiene requerimientos mayores.
- For Lt. Matheson.
- sino para el teniente Matheson.
Lt. Matheson told me that you probed part of his mind... to find out where we were going.
El teniente Matheson dijo que Ud. penetró parte de su mente... para descubrir adónde íbamos.

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