Maybe it's not translate Spanish
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It's not what I imagined, maybe we could've cleared it with tear gas like you said.
No es como lo imaginé, Quizás podríamos haberlo desalojado con gas lacrimógeno como tú dijiste.
But maybe it's not a drug.
- Pero quizá no sea una droga.
Maybe it's because I'm the son of a coal miner and a waitress, not a bank president and a socialite like you.
Tal vez porque soy el hijo de un minero del carbón y una camarera, no de un presidente de banco y de una aristócrata como tú.
He's not up to it, but he thought maybe we could help each other.
El no va a hacerlo, pero pensó que tal vez podríamos ayudarnos mutuamente.
Or maybe you forgot it's improper to tell a witness not to talk to me.
O quizás olvidó que no es correcto decirle a un testigo que no hable conmigo.
Maybe not technically, but it's your fight and it's Bo's fight, and that makes it my fight too.
Puede que técnicamente, no, pero es tu lucha y la de Bo y eso hace que también sea mi lucha.
When she asked to see me, I... I thought that maybe she could help, that she would find a way to kill Klaus. It's not just Klaus that she wants to kill.
Cuando pidió verme, pensé que ella podía ayudar a encontrar una manera de matar a Klaus.
Well, maybe it's not so dangerous.
Bien, puede que no sea tan peligroso.
Well, yeah, maybe a little, but, hey, that's the cast you chose, and that's our stage, and whether you like it or not, you're looking at your "clean-Slate karma comin'- out" party.
Bueno, sí, tal vez un poco, pero esa es la gente que elegiste y ese es nuestro escenario, y te guste o no, estás mirando a tu "fiesta de limpieza de karma".
I could maybe squeeze in something for you depending on if it's not too fancy.
Quizá pueda sacarte algo - dependiendo de si es guay o no.
I mean, if things are this complicated, maybe it's just not meant to be.
Quiero decir, si las cosas son así de complicadas, quizás es porque no deberían ser.
Maybe it's because it me from a man and not from a fish...
Quizás es porque vino de un hombre y no de un pez...
Well, maybe it's not so bad.
Bueno, quizás no es tan malo.
But I wonder if maybe it's not a good idea.
Pero, me pregunto si será una buena idea.
Maybe it's not so linear.
Quizás no sea tan lineal.
May be the last thing he remembered, maybe not, but it's haunted me ever since.
Puede ser la última cosa que él recordó, quizás no, pero me atormenta desde entonces.
Maybe it's not them that's the problem.
Tal vez no sean ellos, ése es el problema.
Maybe it's the crack smoking... you need help with and not the drinking.
Tal vez sea el fumar crack Necesita ayuda con y no la bebida.
Maybe it's not hate.
A lo mejor no es odio.
Well, maybe it's not what we think it is.
Quizás no es lo que pensamos que es.
Or maybe if it is, maybe she's not gonna say "yes."
O quizás si lo es, quizás no vaya a decir que sí.
I told her about Ulay and she think maybe it's going to be easy... maybe not the whole thing. You know, we don't know.
Le dije sobre Ulay y ella cree que tal vez sea fácil, tal vez no, no sabemos.
Oh, okay, Megan, maybe I deserve that, but it's a big city, and whoever this guy is, we're not gonna get him through a process of elimination.
De acuerdo, Megan, quizás me merezca eso, pero es una ciudad grande, y sea quien sea este tío, no vamos a atraparle mediante un proceso de eliminación.
Maybe that's not what it refers to.
Tal vez no sea eso a lo que se refiere.
Coach, maybe it's not safe.
Entrenador, quizá no sea seguro.
Well, maybe it's not a book.
Quizás no sea un libro.
Maybe it's not about being gifted.
Tal no se trate de ser un dotado.
Well, if she's not into figuring it out, maybe we shouldn't be either.
Bueno, si ella no quiere averiguarlo, quizá nosotros tampoco deberíamos.
Maybe that's what it looked like, but it's not what happened.
Tal vez eso es lo que pareció, pero no es lo que pasó.
I mean, maybe, but you know, Once you bounce, it's not really your problem.
Quizás, pero una vez que te la follas, realmente no es tu problema.
It's not gonna last, but maybe I can get a few good months before she crashes.
No va a durar, quizás pueda tener algunos meses libres antes de que se estrelle.
It's not crazy that I would assume maybe someone got shot.
Podría haber muerto alguien perfectamente.
Maybe he's not so happy about it.
Quizá no le parezca muy bien.
Maybe it's not Olivia.
Quizá no es Olivia.
Maybe because it's not money.
Tal vez porque no es dinero.
So maybe it's not sexual.
Entonces, quizás no sea sexual.
Then maybe it is Josh's fault also that we have not turned one cent of profit in over six months?
Entonces tal vez es culpa de Josh también que no hemos vuelto un centavo de ganancia en más de seis meses?
Maybe it's not him.
Tal vez... que no es él.
The bee loads out some of these, flies away, and maybe thinks it's not going to do that again, but is nonetheless attracted to another rather different looking flower, which is the female, but which produces just that sort of scent.
La abeja carga algunos de estos, vuela lejos, y tal vez piensa que no va a hacer eso de nuevo, pero no obstante atraído a otra flor buscando algo diferente, que es la hembra, pero que produce sólo ese tipo de olor.
Of course, but what she's saying is that maybe this isn't Rich's fault, maybe it's not him.
Por supuesto, pero lo que está diciendo es que quizás no sea culpa de Rich, que igual no sea él.
H-have you ever considered that maybe it's not so easy being the object of affection?
¿ Alguna vez has considerado que tal vez no es tan fácil ser el objeto del afecto?
Maybe it's not the worst production of Shakespeare in recorded history.
Quizás no es la peor producción de Shakespeare en la historia registrada.
Maybe the perfect woman is out there somewhere, but it's not worth going through what it would take to find her.
Quizá haya una mujer perfecta, pero no vale la pena el esfuerzo que requeriría encontrarla.
Well, maybe it's not just a metaphor?
Bueno, tal vez no es solo una metáfora.
Maybe it's not about money?
¿ Tal vez no es por el dinero?
Look, I know it's not my place, but maybe Amy should go to a school where she's the star, you know, instead of someone like me.
Mira, sé que no es asunto mío, pero quizá Amy debería ir a un colegio donde ella sea la estrella, ya sabes, en vez de alguien como yo.
Okay, maybe it's not that bad,'cause there's a couple of posts on there. Hit that one, that one.
Bueno, quizás eso no sea tan malo, porque aquí hay un par de posts, clickea en ese, en ese
It's not a healthy sign when the deputy attacks the leader but maybe we should embrace this point of no return.
No es una buena señal que un diputado ataque al líder pero tal vez deberíamos aceptar que hemos llegado a un punto de no retorno.
'Plus, it's not like Napoleon is wiping his bum with pages of my biography,'so I am, to an extent, maybe winning?
Además, no es como si Napoleón se estuviera limpiando con las páginas de mi biografía, ¿ así que estoy, en cierta medida, ganando?
Maybe it's not hate.
Tal vez no es odio.
Or maybe it's not your kid.
O quizá no es tuyo el bebé.
maybe it's nothing 22
maybe it's better this way 17
maybe it's me 32
maybe it's for the best 67
maybe it's time 38
maybe it's true 24
maybe it's my fault 16
maybe it's you 22
maybe it's 82
maybe it's just me 27
maybe it's better this way 17
maybe it's me 32
maybe it's for the best 67
maybe it's time 38
maybe it's true 24
maybe it's my fault 16
maybe it's you 22
maybe it's 82
maybe it's just me 27
maybe it's a good thing 21
maybe it's because 16
it's not fair 795
it's not 5855
it's not that difficult 19
it's not bad 367
it's not your fault 1412
it's not that good 18
it's not funny 753
it's nothing 2788
maybe it's because 16
it's not fair 795
it's not 5855
it's not that difficult 19
it's not bad 367
it's not your fault 1412
it's not that good 18
it's not funny 753
it's nothing 2788
it's nothing new 26
it's not mine 359
it's nothing i can't handle 24
it's nothing fancy 21
it's not a big deal 561
it's not that bad 484
it's not like that 768
it's nothing personal 210
it's not my fault 634
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it's not mine 359
it's nothing i can't handle 24
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it's not a big deal 561
it's not that bad 484
it's not like that 768
it's nothing personal 210
it's not my fault 634
it's not really my thing 26