Maybe it's time translate Spanish
2,520 parallel translation
Maybe it's time you reassess what you're doing here.
Quizás ya es hora de que reconsideres qué estás haciendo aquí.
Maybe it's time you turned on the mic.
Quizá sea hora de que enciendas el micrófono.
All this time, Oz has had our backs, even when we didn't know it, so maybe it's time we had yours.
Todo este tiempo, Oz nos cubrió la espalda. incluso cuando no lo sabíamos, quizás es tiempo de cubrir las nuestras.
Maybe it's just his time.
Quizá es su momento.
I reckon maybe it's time you cut your losses now.
Creo que quizás es la hora de que aceptes tu pérdida.
Maybe it's time we joined forces.
Quizá sea el momento de unir fuerzas.
Maybe it's time to embrace a new generation.
Tal vez es tiempo de aceptar a la nueva generación.
Maybe it's time.
Tal vez ya sea el momento.
Maybe it's time we end this madness.
Quizá sea el momento de terminar esta locura.
( Moaning resumes ) Maybe it's time to call an end to hostilities and actually get to know each other.
Tal vez sea hora de que dictemos un alto a las hostilidades y realmente se conozcan el uno al otro.
Well, maybe it's time that I face reality.
Bueno, tal vez es hora de que enfrente la realidad.
Think maybe it's about time you signed this?
Creo que quizás es hora de que firmes esto.
- Maybe it's Lily's time to go.
- Quizás sea el momento de que Lily nos deje.
Maybe it's just gonna take some time to get used to the idea.
Quizá nos llevará un tiempo acostumbrarnos a la idea.
Maybe it's time to choose it. Hmm?
Quizá sea momento de decidirlo.
Maybe it's time for you to step out of the shadows.
Quizá sea momento para que tú salgas de las sombras.
- We're just saying maybe it's time to let her go.
Solo decimos que quizés es hora de que la olvides.
Maybe it's time to take the next step and ask her to move in.
Quizá sea hora de dar el siguiente paso y decirle que se venga a vivir conmigo.
Maybe it's time you find love, too. Ugh.
Quizá sea hora de que encuentres el amor, también.
Listen, I've been thinking, maybe it's time we retire the name "Ace."
Escucha, he estado pensando, tal vez es hora de eliminar el nombre "Ace".
Maybe it's time for you to shake things up a bit.
Tal vez es momento de que sacudas un poco las cosas.
Maybe it's time you give up the dream.
Puede que sea hora de abandonar el sueño.
Or maybe you think there's a spark, but it just happened once, so you can't really tell, and there's no time to actually figure that out because you're probably moving halfway across the country.
O quizá tú piensas que la hay, pero solo ocurrió una vez, con lo que no lo sabemos seguro, y no tenemos tiempo para averiguar si es de verdad porque probablemente te vas a mudar al otro lado del país.
You know, Cam, maybe it's time Lily learned about loss.
¿ Sabes? Cam, quizas es momento de que Lily aprenda sobre las pérdidas.
Maybe it's time you stopped?
Quizá deberías parar.
All right, maybe it's time for us to go back, see if maybe we missed anything eight years ago.
De acuerdo, tal vez sea hora de que retrocedamos, veamos si quizá nos perdimos algo hace ocho años.
Yeah, and maybe it's time for you to take some grown-up steps, huh?
Sí, y quizás es hora de que des algunos pasos de adulto, ¿ eh?
Maybe it's time for another shot.
Tal vez sea tiempo de otro disparo.
Maybe it's time you remind her that you're a grown man.
Quizás es momento de que le recuerdes que eres un hombre adulto.
Maybe it's time to marry you off!
La abaya entera. ¡ Tal vez te podamos casar!
I'm thinking maybe it's time to retire.
Estaba pensando que tal vez sea hora de retirarme.
Look, maybe it's the wrong time or maybe he's even the wrong guy, but if he is, how long are you gonna wait to find out?
Tal vez no sea el momento, o sea el tipo equivocado, pero si lo es, ¿ cuánto más tardarás en descubrirlo?
But it is, in fact, in an orbit that means that the daytime temperatures on that planet might be comparable to a summer in San Francisco, so that's the first time we found a planet that might have liquid oceans, maybe a thick atmosphere, maybe even life.
Pero está, de hecho, en una órbita tal que la temperatura diurna de ese planeta podría ser similar a un verano en San Francisco, y es la primera vez que encontramos un planeta que podría tener océanos líquidos, una atmósfera densa, incluso vida.
Maybe it's time to visit my old friend Arkady, see if he's heard anything on the street.
Puede ser el momento de visitar a mi viejo amigo Arkady, ver si ha escuchado algo por ahí.
Gentlemen, I appreciate you both working overtime to put me at ease, but I think maybe it's time I leave the residue of this deadly cryptogram to those far more equipped to decode it than I.
Caballeros, aprecio que ambos han trabajado horas extra para tranquilizarme, pero pienso que tal vez es hora que deje el residuo de este criptograma mortal a los que estan mas equipados para decodificar que yo.
It's time for a female touch to restore American's mention marmelade, maybe apple pie.
- Y entonces que pasara en el invierno, tal vez hornearas un pie de manzana.
Maybe it's time to go home, Barbara.
Tal vez sea hora de volver a casa, Bárbara.
Hey, uh, Sky, maybe it's time to get out now.
Oye, Sky, quizá sea hora de salir.
Maybe it's time you dismounted that high horse.
Tal vez es tiempo de que te bajes del caballo.
Well, maybe it's come at the right time, then.
Bueno, a lo mejor esto viene en el mejor momento, entonces.
That's a really good point, but maybe next time you could try it without the sledgehammer.
Ese es un buen punto, pero quizás la próxima vez podrías intentarlo sin el martillo.
Maybe it's too soon to think about prom since it's still a couple years off, but forming a perfect prom-night potential-sex contingency plan takes time.
Quizá es demasiado pronto para pensar en la graduación, aún quedan dos años, pero hacer un plan de contingencia para la graduación-con-sexo requiere tiempo.
Maybe it's time that you just accept that it's over.
Quizás es el momento de que aceptes que se terminó.
Ooh, maybe it's a time curse!
¡ Puede que sea una maldición temporal!
Look, I think it's great you're waiting for Sean, but I've got to say, at a certain point, don't you think it's maybe time to think about...
Mira, creo que es genial que estés esperando por Sean, pero tengo que decir que, en un momento dado, ¿ no crees que quizás es hora de pensar en...?
Maybe it's time that you challenged him to a rematch.
Quizás es hora que lo desafíes para una revancha.
Maybe it's time we change a few bylaws.
Tal vez es hora de que cambiemos unos cuantos estatutos.
I just thought... maybe it's time Ryan was the boot.
Solo pensé que tal vez ha llegado la hora de que Ryan sea la bota.
Maybe it's time we talked to somebody he served with.
Quizá es hora de que hablemos con alguien que sirviera con él.
Only, maybe it's time we take my sister up on her offer, head out to Kentucky.
Solo que quizás es hora de aceptar la oferta de mi hermana, y partir hacia Kentucky.
So maybe it's time to see Wilfred as he really is.
Entonces quizás es tiempo de ver a Wilfred como quien realmente es.
maybe it's better this way 17
maybe it's me 32
maybe it's for the best 67
maybe it's true 24
maybe it's my fault 16
maybe it's you 22
maybe it's 82
maybe it's just me 27
maybe it's a good thing 21
maybe it's because 16
maybe it's me 32
maybe it's for the best 67
maybe it's true 24
maybe it's my fault 16
maybe it's you 22
maybe it's 82
maybe it's just me 27
maybe it's a good thing 21
maybe it's because 16
maybe it's nothing 22
maybe it's not 39
it's time to move on 61
it's time to go 391
it's time to eat 31
it's time to wake up 34
it's time 1336
it's time to go to bed 19
it's time for a change 25
it's time to get up 33
maybe it's not 39
it's time to move on 61
it's time to go 391
it's time to eat 31
it's time to wake up 34
it's time 1336
it's time to go to bed 19
it's time for a change 25
it's time to get up 33