Maybe it's you translate Spanish
5,214 parallel translation
It's maybe the same killer, don't you think?
Puede ser el mismo asesino.
It's, uh, much later, and I thought maybe you'd like to dance now.
Es mucho más tarde, y pensé que quizás te gustaría bailar ahora.
You and I are gonna comb through Karsten's history. And if it proceeds as it should, you killed Mrozek out of self-defense, you do minimum time, maybe even time served.
Nosotros vamos a repasar la historia de Karsten y si todo va como debería, tú mataste a Mrozek en defensa propia, sales con una sentencia mínima, tal vez incluso con sentencia cumplida.
I mean, there's no reason to imagine that any killer would even know that a babysitter was on duty in the house, and it makes the most sense if you think about the fact that maybe he knew she was going to be there babysitting
Quiero decir, no hay razón para imaginar que cualquier asesino sabría ni a la niñera que estaba de servicio en la casa, y tiene más sentido si se piensa en el hecho de que tal vez él sabía que iba a estar allí de niñera
Well, whoever you are, taking into consideration everything that's happened in the last 48 hours, I take it you're here for drugs or money or maybe revenge.
Pues seáis quienes seáis, teniendo en cuenta todo lo que ha sucedido en las últimas 48 horas, supongo que estáis aquí o por drogas o por dinero o, quizás, por venganza.
Maybe if it was just me, but this is a company car and if I show up with as little as a scuff on it, our fleet manager's gonna be upset, and it looks like you guys have a-a ding on the Fender right here, too.
Quizás si fuese solo mío, pero este auto es de la empresa y si aparezco con tan solo un raspón en él el administrador de la flota se va a molestar y parece que a ustedes también se les abolió el parachoques justo aquí.
But, then, you're gonna talk about it a little more, and decide, maybe it's not a good idea.
Pero entonces, vas a hablar de eso un poco más, y decidir, quizá no es una buena idea.
It's hard to explain, but if you let her go back then really, really bad things are going to happen to Lydia, to Scott and Stiles and maybe everyone, including you.
Es difícil de explicar, pero si deja que vuelva entonces cosas malas, muy malas le van a pasar a Lydia, Scott y Stiles y tal vez a todos, incluido usted.
But when your mother's the biggest complainer on earth, maybe it doesn't give you a chance to do it yourself.
Pero cuando tu madre es la mayor quejosa de la tierra, tal vez no te da una oportunidad para hacerlo tú mismo.
Maybe it's time you tell us about that long story, Danny.
Tal vez es momento que nos cuentes esa larga historia, Danny.
It's just a silly little idea but with some hard work and a little luck, maybe I can be the next Camomile White, except, you know, for real.
Es una idea tonta pero con un poco de trabajo duro y un poco de suerte, tal vez pueda ser el próximo Camomile White, excepto, tú sabes, de verdad.
Maybe you being here, maybe it's the fresh start you need.
Tal vez el que estés aquí, sea el nuevo comienzo que necesitan.
Maybe it's easier all round if you kept Lexi silent.
Tal vez es más fácil si silencia a Lexi.
Maybe it's time we talked about why the hell you up and quit surgery.
Quizás es el momento de que hablemos de por qué demonios dejaste la cirugía.
Jar Jar, maybe it's this place, but you're starting to make sense to me!
Jar Jar, tal vez sea este lugar, pero estoy empezando a entenderte.
Now... I don't know what your deal with Lowan was- - maybe he was afraid to criticize the chick team,'cause it's not "PC," but you two are the weak link here.
Ahora... no sé cuál fue su acuerdo con Lowan... tal vez porque tuvo miedo de criticar al equipo de las chicas, porque no son "PC", pero vosotras dos sois el eslabón más débil aquí.
Maybe it's a good idea I'd appreciate if you kept out of this for a while.
Tal vez sea una buena idea le agradecería si se mantenía fuera de esto por un tiempo.
Maybe it's'cause you're sick.
Tal vez es porque está enfermo.
Maybe it's time you tracked them down.
Tal vez es hora de que lo localizó.
I think maybe it's time you did, too.
Creo que quizás es hora de que tú también lo hicieras.
Because when you're in the presence of, say, a master, maybe it's not a bad idea to listen to that guy.
Porque cuando estás en presencia de un, digamos, maestro, puede que no sea mala idea escucharle.
You know, maybe it's even wrong and somewhat disrespectful to try to take over and demand to have it your way.
¿ Sabes? Puede que incluso esté mal y de algún modo es una falta de respeto intentar tomarel mando y exigir que se hagan las cosas a tu manera.
Okay, maybe "relationship" is the wrong word because it's new, and we're not putting labels on it, but whatever it was, you wrecked it! Wah! I lost the apartment.
Está bien, quizás "relación" sea la palabra equivocada porque es nueva, y no queremos ponerle etiquetas, pero sea lo que sea, ¡ lo has destrozado! He perdido el apartamento.
Because if that's the way you look at things, then maybe that type of thinking might've prevented you from seeing something you might not have seen if you didn't want it to happen so badly.
Porque si es así como encara las cosas, entonces ese tipo de pensamiento pudo haber impedido que viera algo que podría no haber visto si no hubiera querido que sucediera con tanto deseo.
Well, maybe it's because you're not asking the questions right.
Bueno, quizá sea porque no estás preguntando bien.
And he told me how close you and Bill are. And it struck me that maybe not knowing my mama's time was coming was a... Like a little gift.
Y luego hablé con Jason y me contó lo unidos que son tú y Bill y me pareció que tal vez el no saber que mi mamá moriría fue sentarme y pensar en lo inevitable.
- I mean, maybe it's the alcohol talking but I kind of want you to come.
- Es decir, tal vez es el alcohol hablando pero quiero que vengas.
Maybe it's time you found out.
Quizás es tiempo que lo averigües.
Maybe it's not a coincidence that you brought.
Quizás no sea una coincidencia que la trajeras.
Maybe it's because you told him not to.
Quizás es porque le dijiste que no lo hiciera.
You know, maybe... maybe it's not ruined.
Saben, tal vez... tal vez no está arruinada.
You know, I've been thinking, it's been a really long time since I've had chicken fried lobster, so I was hoping maybe when the case is done, we can go to Binion's.
Sabes, he pensado, ha pasado mucho tiempo desde que comí langosta de pollo frito, así que esperaba que tal vez cuando se termine el caso, podemos ir a Binion.
You know, maybe he's worried it'll be too much, or whatever.
Ya sabéis, a lo mejor le preocupa que sea demasiado o lo que sea.
I'll tell her that she's coming home with me, and maybe you better- - maybe it's better if you go, so she doesn't see you.
Le diré que vendrá a casa conmigo, y quizás sea mejor... Quizás sea mejor si te vas, para que así no te vea.
You know, maybe it's an act, you know, some kind of smokescreen, and she's taking the fall for someone else.
Quizás sea una actuación, un engaño... y está culpándose por alguien más.
Plus, you know, it's dark out, so maybe go back out tomorrow.
Además, tú sabes, está oscuro, así que tal vez vuelva mañana.
Well, maybe it's time you stopped running.
Quizá es hora de que dejes de correr.
Hey Delphine, it's Karim. I'm calling because I'm not sure you got my number last time. Maybe you couldn't hear or maybe you deleted it accidentally.
Delfin, es Karim, Voy a dejar un mensaje, tal vez usted no tenga registrado mi número o borró accidentalmente mi correo electrónico o habría algún luto en su familia.
Maybe it's because you were never there to teach me.
Tal vez porque nunca estuviste ahí para enseñarme.
MAHOOTY : You know, it's, if you can see on top of that where maybe a head would be, it's kind of eroded off.
Sabe, es, si puede ver en la parte superior donde lo que tal vez sería una cabeza, está un poco erosionada.
Maybe it's entertaining for you.
Quizás sea un entretenimiento para usted.
Sir, it's not my place but maybe you shouldn't be worrying about business today.
Señor, no es de mi incumbencia pero tal vez en un día como hoy, no debería usted preocuparse por los negocios
Well, he knows I respect you and he knows we talk, so maybe that's all it is.
Bueno, él sabe que yo te respeto y él sabe que hablamos así que quizá eso sea todo.
Yeah, but I like it'cause that's actually like real people eat, and then they get naked, so maybe if you can see like an outline people might be like, "I can relate to that person"
Sí, pero me gusta, porque en realidad es como la gente de verdad : Comen y después se desnudan. Y si se ve la forma como de una pechuga de pollo o de algo en tu estómago la gente puede que diga, "me identifico con esa persona"
Maybe you missed a few beats, but it's a war zone outside.
Puede que te hayas perdido algo, pero allí fuera hay un campo de combate.
Well, maybe it's time you thought about getting another career.
Bueno, tal vez es hora de que pensaba acerca de conseguir otra carrera.
Maybe that's what you people do. Where I come from, we stick it out.
Quizás eso es lo que hace tu gente, de donde provengo, aguantamos.
It's a huge honor, and it's a huge responsibility, and I don't know- - maybe you think that it's just some symbolic thing or something, and I know we're not even religious, but this is a loss for me.
Es un honor y una gran responsabilidad, y no sé.. tal vez tú piensas que sólo es algo simbólico, y sé que no somos religiosos, pero es una pérdida para mí.
Look, it's none of my business, but Rebecca is taking this pretty hard, and I just wanted to take another run at the possibility that maybe you let her stay on Truck for...
Mire, no es de mi incumbencia, pero Rebecca está tomando esto muy difícil, y yo sólo quería tomar otra carrera en la posibilidad de que tal vez la deje estar en el Camión para...
Hang on a minute, maybe it's just a... you know, a label you've never seen before.
! Espera un momento, a lo mejor es simplemente... una marca que no habías visto nunca.
It's lovely. Chloe? Thought maybe you'd like your present.
Chloe, ¿ Quieres abrir tu regalo?
maybe it's better this way 17
maybe it's me 32
maybe it's for the best 67
maybe it's time 38
maybe it's true 24
maybe it's my fault 16
maybe it's 82
maybe it's just me 27
maybe it's a good thing 21
maybe it's because 16
maybe it's me 32
maybe it's for the best 67
maybe it's time 38
maybe it's true 24
maybe it's my fault 16
maybe it's 82
maybe it's just me 27
maybe it's a good thing 21
maybe it's because 16
maybe it's nothing 22
maybe it's not 39
it's your choice 290
it's your birthday 200
it's yours 974
it's your turn 401
it's your move 63
it's your decision 99
it's your funeral 64
it's your turn now 40
maybe it's not 39
it's your choice 290
it's your birthday 200
it's yours 974
it's your turn 401
it's your move 63
it's your decision 99
it's your funeral 64
it's your turn now 40
it's your lucky day 103
it's your call 289
it's your life 157
it's your fault 367
it's your brother 55
it's your problem 44
it's your last chance 40
it's your favorite 51
it's yours now 42
it's your mother 121
it's your call 289
it's your life 157
it's your fault 367
it's your brother 55
it's your problem 44
it's your last chance 40
it's your favorite 51
it's yours now 42
it's your mother 121