Maybe it was you translate Spanish
1,547 parallel translation
I went to answer it, but I couldn't hear anything and I-I nder if maybe it was you?
Escucha, el teléfono sonó anoche y... fui a responderlo, pero no pude oír nada y me preguntaba si fuiste tú.
No, wait, um, maybe it was you.
No, espera, tal vez eras tú.
I know this is hard news to hear but it's hard news to deliver, too so maybe we could all just- - our son was murdered, and you're saying this is hard for you?
Yo se que estas son noticias difíciles de escuchar pero también son noticias difíciles de entregar, así que talvez todos pudiéramos - nuestro hijo fue asesinado, ¿ Y usted esta diciendo que esto es difícil para usted?
- You think maybe it was him?
¿ Crees que pueda ser él?
You think maybe that's what it was?
¿ Crees que ha sido eso?
And I know she's single because last year her name was Mrs. Johnson, and this year it's Miss Kaplan, so I was thinking, you know, one day, I could conveniently forget my biology book, and you could bring it by for me, and then maybe you could...
Y está soltera, porque el año pasado su nombre era Sra. Johnson, y este año es Srta. Kaplan, así que estuve pensando que un día podría olvidar mi libro de biología, y tú me lo podrías llevar,
Maybe it was DL, you know?
Quizás fuera DL, ¿ sabes?
Okay, maybe when they pulled out whatever was in there, it's when you, like, rebooted or whatever.
Vale, quizá cuando ellos te sacaron lo que fuese que tenías ahí, fue como si, te hubieran reiniciado o algo.
Maybe he was in there when you stole it.
A lo mejor ya estaba ahí cuando lo robaste.
I thought, maybe... we could handle this civily but I should have known it was beyond trash like you.
Pensé, que tal vez... podríamos manejar ésto educadamente... pero debería haber sabido que eso era imposible con basura como tu.
Did it ever occur to you that maybe I was making you take your shirt off for your own good?
¿ Alguna vez se te ocurrió que quizás estaba haciendo que te quitaras la camiseta por tu propio bien?
Maybe you were too far away to see. No, it was a civilian black decal on the rear bumper.
Era una calcomanía negra de civil en el parachoques trasero.
Well, it just went off, and I was thinking maybe you could just take it.
Es que acaba de sonar, y pensaba que quizá podías cogerlo tú.
You get the feeling that maybe it was a pretty spontaneous trip.
Da la impresión de que... era un viaje muy espontáneo.
If you were kidnapped, maybe it was a song your mother sang to you when you were little.
Si hubieses sido raptada puede que sea una canción que tu madre te cantaba cuando eras pequeña.
Maybe it was something you ate.
Fue horrible.
You know, maybe it was Payne.
Quizá fue Payne...
Either the ghost followed you, or it was on campus. You know, maybe he was student.
Como sea, el fantasma te seguía o estaba en el campus.
Maybe... he could afford to buy you Adidas trainers... but if there was another cheaper brand... that's the one he would buy, not for lack of money... but rather because he thought it wasn't good.
Si tu viejo te podía comprar una zapatilla Adidas, pero había otra, que era marca Pichi, te iba a comprar la marca Pichi. No porque no tenía plata para la Adidas, porque él, en algún mecanismo que tenía, consideraba que no, que eso no era bueno.
like "fancy meeting you here" together or... they had their arms around each other no, what you saw were probably just two people that resemble Zane and Rikki it was them, Lewis maybe, maybe Zane was performing the Hamlet?
como "fancy conocerte aquí" juntos o... tenían sus brazos alrededor de la otra no, lo que vio fueron probablemente sólo dos personas que se parecen a Zane y Rikki que eran ellos, Lewis quizás, quizás Zane estaba realizando el Hamlet?
oh, now i remember, i think Zane told me about how much you admire it maybe that's why i was so quick to buy it give it to me what are you doing?
oh, ahora que recuerdo, creo que Zane me habló de lo mucho que admira tal vez por eso me anticipé a comprarlo dámelo Qué estás haciendo?
no well, maybe, i saw her at the mall, i asked her if girls like getting jewelry, that's all thanks a lot i was thinking of buying it for you well, it's too late, now, isn't it?
no bueno, tal vez, que la vi en el centro comercial, le pregunté si las niñas como conseguir joyas, eso es todo Muchas gracias yo estaba pensando en comprarlo para usted bueno, ya es demasiado tarde, ahora, ¿ no?
You know I was thinking maybe we should throw it anyway.
Sabes? estaba pensando que tal vez debieramos hacer la fiesta de todas formas.
Maybe it was for the best you couldn't find doug, but terrific to meet you.
Quizá fue lo mejor no haber hallado a Doug, pero fue grandioso conocerte.
We're looking into alternative fuels and... we're looking to see if maybe it was an accident, or... a premeditated, you know, intervention.
Estamos buscando carburantes alternativos y... estamos intentando mirar si pudo ser un accidente, o... premeditado, ya saben, que hubo intervención.
I was thinking that maybe it would be a good idea To tell orson about mike's, you know... Drug problem.
Estaba pensando que quizás sería una buena idea decirle a Orson lo de Mike, tu sabes... su problemas de drogas.
I was just talking to Barb, and what I said before came out all wrong, and maybe if I could explain it to you, you'd understand where I'm coming from.
Estaba hablando con Barb y lo que dije antes salió todo mal y tal vez, si pudiera explicártelo entenderías lo que quiero decir.
Well, maybe the blood was already on the towel, and you mistakenly transferred it to your forehead.
Bien, quizá la sangre ya estaba en la toalla y tu erroneamente la transferiste a tu frente.
You just seem to spend so much time in the gym, you seem to love it so much, I was thinking maybe I might join.
Es que pasas tanto tiempo en el gimnasio, que he pensado en ir yo también
I think it was maybe something one of you said.
Creo que tal vez fue algo que alguno de ustedes dijo.
That - I mean, maybe you saw it that way, but... To me, everything fun and everything exciting was always happening without me.
O sea, tal vez tú lo veías así, pero para mí, todo lo divertido, todo lo excitante pasaba siempre cuando yo no estaba.
But, You Know, Since I'm Gonna Be Around, I Was Thinking Maybe It'd Be Nice If We Could... Put This Room Back To The Way It Was.
, ya que voy a estar por aquí, estaba pensando que quizás sería agradable si pudiéramos volver esta habitación a como estaba antes.
I wanted to tell you about my traveling when we met, but it hadn't happened for a while and I thought maybe it wouldn't happen again, that I was going to stay.
Quise hablarte sobre mis viajes cuando nos conocimos, pero no habían ocurrido durante un tiempo y pensé que tal vez no ocurriría de nuevo, que iba a quedarme.
And if you could do something like that, then maybe our friendship isn't what I thought it was.
Y si pudiste hacer algo como eso, entonces talvez nuestra amistad no es lo que creía que era.
andrea, I was thinking about you know maybe getting some of my memories back you know, about me it's still andrea time.
Andrea, estaba pensando, ya sabes, quizá recuperar mi memoria, ya sabes, sobre mí. Aún es el tiempo de Andrea.
I was thinking maybe I could wake you up, same as you did it for me.
Pensé que tal vez podría despertarte. Lo mismo que hiciste tú por mí.
If I was a little off this week, maybe it's because I had little anxiety about working with you again, Mr " I Had a Hippotamus
Y si estuve un poco fuera esta semana, quizás es que tuviera un poco de ansiedad por volver a trabajar de nuevo contigo, Sr. Yo-tenía-un-hipopótamo.
I was thinking maybe I could give it a try out here, you know, start over.
Estaba pensando que tal vez podía intentarlo afuera... tú sabes, empezar de nuevo.
And, of course, obviously, it was, you know, Rutger playing a joke on Ridley or maybe he wasn't.
Y obviamente, lo fue. Rutger le gastó una broma a Ridley o puede que no.
And maybe then if he liked it, he'd even ask you to do something else you know? Because that was fun.
Y si le gusta, puede que incluso te pida hacer algo más porque fue divertido.
So I was thinking, when you collect your bounty, maybe we could split it.
Así que estaba pensando que, cuando cobres tu recompensa tal vez, podríamos dividirla.
Maybe it was someone that was there but you forgot they were there- -
Puede ser alguien que no recordamos...
Well, i don't mean to pry, it's just when i was looking at the photos, there was something familiar to me, that maybe i'd, you know, known him somehow.
Bueno, no es mi intención cotillear, es sólo que cuando vi las fotos, me resultaban familiares, como si le conociera de algún modo.
Maybe your guy decided it was time to stop stalking you.
Tal vez el tipo decidiese que ya era hora de dejar de llamar.
The thing is this... this vision, it was like... I think it's something that happened to the ghost... gabriel's mother... and I, you know, at first, I thought it maybe was the moment that they took her to the hospital, but that wasn't right.
La cosa es que esta... esta visión, fue como si.. creo que es algo que le pasó al fantasma... la madre de Gabriel... y yo, sabes, al principio, pensé que tal vez fue el momento en que ellos... la metieron en el hospital, pero no era eso.
I was thinkin'about it. Maybe you should draw me a picture of the map to that park.
Estaba pensando, tal vez deberías dibujarme un mapa de ese parque.
Maybe it was different for you, but for my generation, the color lines weren't drawn exactly fair.
Quizás fue distinto para ti, pero para mi generación, los colores no eran similares.
maybe it was just the day and a half away from me, or, you know, my slave-driving ability.
Sólo fué un día y medio lejos de mí, o es mi habilidad para mover a esclavos.
It never occurred to you- - what with your friend being dead and all- - that just maybe the bet was off?
¿ No se te ocurrio, que con tu amigo muerto y eso... quizas la apuesta terminaria?
I thought, maybe, it was you.
- Yo creí que podías ser tú.
You know, maybe you can come on a little less sanctimonious, since it was your gambling problem that helped bring them into our life.
Sabes, tal vez puedas ser un poco menos... santurrón, ya que fue tu problema de apuestas... lo que ayudo a traerlos a nuestra vida.
maybe it's better this way 17
maybe it won't 17
maybe it's me 32
maybe it's for the best 67
maybe it isn't 28
maybe it does 31
maybe it is 190
maybe it's time 38
maybe it 21
maybe it's true 24
maybe it won't 17
maybe it's me 32
maybe it's for the best 67
maybe it isn't 28
maybe it does 31
maybe it is 190
maybe it's time 38
maybe it 21
maybe it's true 24