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Translate.vc / English → Spanish / [ M ] / Maybe you shouldn't

Maybe you shouldn't translate Spanish

1,106 parallel translation
Maybe I shouldn't even be telling you.
Tal vez ni siquiera debería contártelo.
Maybe you shouldn't talk into it as loud as your father does.
No es un mal regalo. Quizás no deberías hablar por él tan fuerte como lo hace tu padre.
Maybe you shouldn't read that just yet.
Quizá sea un poco pronto para eso.
Maybe you shouldn't have called it "Casino Night."
Tal vez no debería haber llamado la Noche de Casino.
Maybe you shouldn't use this thing anymore.
Tal vez no debas volver a usar la tabla de nuevo.
Maybe we shouldn't have told you you were adopted.
No debimos haberte dicho que eras adoptado.
And, you know, I was just thinking, maybe you shouldn't swear so much.
Estaba pensando que quizás no debería decir vulgaridades.
Gee, thanks, Daddy... maybe you shouldn't have, huh?
Gracias, papi. Quizás hubiera sido mejor no regalárnoslo.
Wait a minute... maybe he shouldn't find me here, you know?
Espera... Es mejor que no me encuentre aca,
I thought maybe you were someplace you shouldn't have been.
Pensé que quizás habías ido a algún sitio que no debías.
- Maybe you shouldn't leave her on her own.
- Quizás no deberían dejarla sola.N
Al, I've been thinking. Maybe you shouldn't give me the answers anymore.
Al, he estado pensando y... tal vez no deberías seguir dándome las respuestas.
[coughs] maybe you shouldn't have that.
Tal vez deberia dejar esto.
I think maybe you shouldn't go to the Newlands so much.
Creo que tal vez... - no deberias ir tanto donde los Newlands.
Maybe you shouldn't have to, Michael.
Quizás no deberías, Michael.
Maybe you shouldn't.
Quizá no deberías.
- You know, maybe you're the one I shouldn't be trusting.
- Sabes, quizás no eres al que debería creerle.
Maybe you shouldn't.
Quizá no.
I mean, maybe you shouldn't come over.
Quiero decir, quizá no deberías venir
Sam, maybe you shouldn't try so hard with Riker.
Sam, quizá no deberías ser tan descarado con Riker.
But maybe you shouldn't have paid by check.
Oye no debiste pagar la 7.65 con un talón.
Uh, Spider, maybe you shouldn't.
Araña, se supone que no debemos molestar a los animales salvajes...
- Maybe you shouldn't drink so much.
- A lo mejor no deberías beber tanto.
Really. - Maybe you shouldn't move him.
No deberian moverlo.
Maybe you shouldn't drink so much.
No deberías tomar tanto.
Maybe I shouldn't tell you this, Miss Morgan, but you have a great talent.
Quizá no debería decírselo, pero tiene usted mucho talento.
On second thought... maybe you shouldn't do mine
Pero pensándolo bien... quizás no puedas hacerlo.
Maybe you shouldn't go up there.
Tal vez no deberías subir allí.
Maybe you shouldn't do anything about it.
Quizá no deberías hacer nada al respecto.
I mean, maybe you shouldn't do this.
Es decir, no debería hacer esto.
You know, Niles, you shouldn't have any kind of gun, really. Come to think of it, now that Mr. Sunshine's home during the day maybe I shouldn't either!
Niles, no deberías tener ningún tipo de arma de fuego... y Ahora que "don simpatia", esta en casa durante el día yo tampoco deberia!
Listen. Maybe you're working out too much. You shouldn't have to.
Escucha, tal vez estás entrenando demasiado, no deberías.
Well, Lisa, I think maybe you shouldn't- -
- Lisa, creo que no...
- Maybe you shouldn't.
- Quizá no debierais.
Well, maybe you just shouldn't take things so seriously.
Te tomas las cosas demasiado en serio.
Maybe you shouldn't have come. I just...
Quiza si no hubieras venido.
Then maybe you shouldn't leave this lying around like this.
Entonces no deberías dejar esto por ahí.
Maybe you're not married. Maybe your boytriend won't know you... but, honey, your baby shouldn't have to pay for that.
Quizá no estés casada, quizá tu novio te ha dejado... pero, cariño, tu bebé...
I'm sorry, maybe I shouldn't have asked you to visit.
Perdón, quizás no debería haberte pedido que me visitaras.
Maybe you shouldn't get married anymore.
Quizás tu no debas casarte otra vez.
- Maybe you shouldn't do it.
- Quizá no debieras hacerlo.
Maybe you shouldn't- -
Quizás no deberías meterte en esto...
Maybe you shouldn't have told them you talk to me.
Quizás no deberías haberles dicho que hablabas conmigo.
Maybe you shouldn't say :
Quizas no deberias decir :
You know, Dad, I was thinking, maybe we shouldn't go to the game today.
Sabes Papá, Estuve pensando, Quizás no deberíamos ir al juego esta noche.
- Maybe you shouldn't.
- Tal vez no deberías.
Captain, maybe you shouldn't...
- Capitán...
Maybe you shouldn't replace him so quickly.
Quizá no debería sustituirlo tan deprisa.
Maybe I shouldn't call you.
Tal vez no debo llamarte.
Well, then maybe you shouldn't read it.
Quizás no deba leerlo.
- Maybe I shouldn't have told you.
- Quizá no debí decírtelo.

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