Most certainly translate Spanish
1,690 parallel translation
I most certainly do not, I can see where the sentence is going. And I intend to thwart it on its path to utter foolishness.
Lo que vas a decirme no es discutible quedamos en que irías e irás pase lo que pase
I most certainly am not selling food stamps.
Yo no estoy vendiendo cupones de comida.
Richard, if you wanna find out what's going on in a girl's life, you most certainly don't talk to her boyfriend.
Richard, si quieres saber lo que pasa en la vida de una chica, desde luego no hables con su novio.
Well, if he wasn't before, he most certainly is now.
Bueno, si no lo era antes, ahora definitivamente lo es.
I most certainly did not.
- Por supuesto que no.
Are you married? I most certainly am. Are you married?
¿ Está casado?
I most certainly am. In that case, we would love to speak with you and your wife.
Sí, claro que si
I most certainly do.
Por supuesto que sí.
No, most certainly not.
No, casi seguro que no.
And they will most certainly run a surface scan of the planet, any additional life signs or any ships in orbit will only raise suspicion and jeopardize everything.
Lo más seguro es que escaneen la superficie del planeta cualquier otra señal de vida o nave en órbita solo servirá para levantar sospechas y comprometerlo todo.
Anubis'claim to be a God is false, but his powers, most certainly are not.
La afirmación de Anubis de ser dios puede ser falsa, pero sus poderes, ciertamente no lo son
I have vital information concerning a weakness in Wraith technology and when I deliver the communiqué in my possession, - the tide will most certainly turn in our favour.
Tengo información vital concerniente a una debilidad de la tecnología de los Espectros y cuando entregue la comunicación que tengo en mi posesión la marea cambiará a nuestro favor.
But I can most certainly help you.
Pero yo sí puedo ayudarle.
- I most certainly was not.
- Ciertamente no lo fui.
Sorry he's not backing your candidate but he's most certainly not backing Ricky Rafferty.
Lo siento si no apoya a tu candidato pero desde luego, no apoya a Ricky Rafferty.
No, it's most certainly not okay and you're not to say anything else.
No, no está bien y no vas a decir nada más.
You most certainly do.
Claro que la necesitas.
Yes, we most certainly will.
Sí, claro que lo haremos.
It most certainly is not.
- Ciertamente no lo es!
Most certainly my phones.
Mis teléfonos, por cierto.
I most certainly was not dreaming.
- Desde luego que no era un sueño.
The operation, most certainly, is against the law in all of these places, as well as against nature, and all the Italians so much ashamed in it, that in every province they transfer it to some other.
La operación, con mucha certeza, estaba contra la ley en todos esos lugares, así como contra-natura, y todos los italianos muy avergonzados de ello, que en cada provincia culpaban a otra.
I most certainly am not.
Ciertamente no.
- I'm most certainly not- -
- Ciertamente no...
I most certainly welcome it, Your Honor.
Será bienvenido, Su Señoría.
- No, it most certainly is not.
- No, claro que no.
It most certainly will.
Lo más probable es que sí.
I most certainly will.
Por supuesto que sí.
She most certainly is.
Claro que sí.
No, Brian, I most certainly am not.
estoy más que segura que no.
You may not remember me, but I most certainly remember you.
Tú no me recuerdas, pero yo sí te recuerdo a ti.
- Most certainly did.
- Ciertamente lo hizo.
I most certainly was not.
No del todo.
Because I can assure you that in the eyes of God, it most certainly is not.
Pues puedo asegurarle que ante los ojos de Dios las cosas no son así.
I most certainly did!
¡ Claro que sí!
You most certainly never finished with me.
Desde luego nunca lo acabaste conmigo.
Dana longed for companionship and she most certainly would have found it.
que en un anhelo de compañía seguramente habría encontrado.
Did she happen to say where she had them... done, because, I mean, as a country, we are most certainly veering off course.
¿ De casualidad te dijo donde se las... hizo, por que, como país, nos estamos saliendo de curso.
Contrary to what they've told you the Ori most certainly do ascend their followers. And the Ancients are the ones sapping energy from humans in this galaxy to empower themselves.
Contrariamente a lo que les han contado los Ori ciertamente ascienden a sus seguidores y son los Antiguos quienes extraen energía de los humanos de esta galaxia para aumentar su poder.
But I can advise that if you appear in court tomorrow morning... you will most certainly be found guilty... and they will take you away immediately.
Pero puedo decirle que si mañana se presenta en el tribunal es casi seguro que lo declaren culpable y lo encierren inmediatamente.
I most certainly was not dreaming.
Buenos días, Srta.
- We most certainly do.
- Desde luego que sí.
Well, I'm here to tell you know, Manbearpig is very real and he most certainly exists.
Bien, estoy aquí para hablaros de ello. El HombreOsoCerdo es real, y realmente existe.
I most certainly would.
Con toda seguridad lo haría.
It most certainly is not a fake.
Sin duda que no es falso.
This day and age, they most certainly do.
Hoy en día, seguro que pueden mentir.
John to contribute, and I think John was just a little reticent. He was the last to join, and, and he was certainly the most shy.
Freddie le había pedido a John que colaborara, pero John estaba algo reticente
And it certainly doesn't show you what you want most.
Y estoy segura de que no apunta a lo que más quieres.
A gun's certainly the most reliable method, but it's against my politics.
La pistola es lo más fiable, pero va contra mi filosofía.
I think that the relay is certainly the most anticipated quickfire.
Pienso que los relevos es con seguridad el relámpago más anticipado.
You see, in most cases, nature takes care of itself. But this is a transitional period, and certainly not like any case that we've ever seen.
Sabe, la mayoria de las veces, la natureza hace todo solo pero este es un periodo transitorio mucho mas diferente que cualquier cosa que usted tenga visto.
certainly 2156
certainly not 434
certainly not me 17
certainly is 20
most wanted 16
most people don't 23
most of them 115
most definitely 69
most of us 33
most people 94
certainly not 434
certainly not me 17
certainly is 20
most wanted 16
most people don't 23
most of them 115
most definitely 69
most of us 33
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most of it 102
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most of all 127
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most interesting 19
most days 56
most of it 102
most important 37
most of all 127
most of my life 16
most impressive 32
most recently 37
most people do 23
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most likely 309
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most of' em 17
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most kind 19
most likely 309
most importantly 190
most of' em 17
most probably 17
most nights 17
most amusing 17