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Nancy translate Spanish

7,239 parallel translation
But Nancy told us we wouldn't be allowed to talk to you cos you have too much to say to each other, so we're just looking for company.
Nancy dijo que no nos dejaría hablar contigo, que teníais mucho que contaros, así que queríamos compañía.
Nancy, I'm... I'm going back.
Nancy, voy a volver.
But it wouldn't feel right sitting up there with Nancy and George.
Tampoco me parece bien sentarme en el altar con los novios.
I invite you now, Nancy, to declare before God and his Church your consent to become George's wife.
Te invito, Nancy, a que declares ante Dios y su Iglesia tu consentimiento para convertirte en la esposa de George.
Nancy's mother must have been in every shop in the town.
La madre de Nancy ha recorrido todas las tiendas.
Make it out "To Nancy".
Heredar el Nancy?
This is my wife, Nancy.
Ella es mi esposa, Nancy.
Well, Nancy, if I come across them, I'll have a word.
Bueno, Nancy, si los veo, hablaré con ellos.
Nancy, you should have taken the hotel.
Nancy, deberías haber ido al hotel.
Well, Nancy, the way big news travels around here I'm sure you'll hear all about it.
Bueno Nancy aquí las noticias vuelan y estoy segura de que te enterarás de todo.
That's nonsense, Nancy. - That's what it's for.
- Tonterías, para eso lo hice.
- No, no, Nancy, Nancy.
No, Nancy.
- Nancy is so drunk.
¡ Así borracho!
Nancy, my shift is over.
- Nancy, se terminó mi descanso.
Critical care unit, Nancy here.
Unidad de Enfermería, Habla con Nancy.
My name is Nancy...
Me llamo Nancy...
Okay, maybe we ought to let Nancy off the hot seat for now.
Quizás deberíamos darle un respiro a Nancy por ahora.
But I can certainly put on my Nancy Drew detective hat and check into that for you.
Pero desde luego puedo ponerme mi sombrero de detective Nancy Drew y comprobarlo por usted.
I'm Nancy.
Soy Nancy.
Oh, Nancy, you look amazing!
Nancy, ¡ te ves increíble!
Nancy. 34.
Nancy. 34.
- Oh, and Nancy?
- ¿ Y, Nancy?
What does Nancy want to drink?
¿ Qué quiere tomar Nancy?
Is Nancy OK?
¿ Está bien Nancy?
- Nancy?
- ¿ Nancy?
It's Nancy Patterson.
Es Nancy Patterson.
- It's Nancy fucking Patterson.
- Es la maldita Nancy Patterson.
You're called Nancy.
Tu nombre es Nancy.
- You're Nancy Patterson.
- Eres Nancy Patterson.
It would appear that I finally have you over a barrel, Nancy Patterson.
Parece que finalmente te tengo, Nancy Patterson.
- Because I remember everything. Nancy!
- Porque lo recuerdo todo. ¡ Nancy!
- Any word from Nancy?
- ¿ Alguna noticia de Nancy?
Don't be so harsh on Nancy.
No seas tan duro con Nancy.
Who's Nancy?
¿ Quién es Nancy?
Why is he calling you Nancy?
¿ Por qué te llama Nancy?
- After Nancy Reagan.
- Por Nancy Reagan.
- Nancy Sinatra.
- Nancy Sinatra.
The reason Sean called me Nancy was because I'm not called Jessica and the reason I'm not called Jessica is because I'm not actually Jessica.
Sean me llama Nancy porque no me llamo Jessica y la razón es porque mi nombre no es Jessica.
She's Nancy.
Es Nancy.
She's Nancy Patterson.
Ella es Nancy Patterson.
- I'm Nancy Patterson.
- Soy Nancy Patterson.
- How would you feel, Nancy, if you'd been set up with someone perfect for you and some psycho pretends to be them instead?
- ¿ Qué sentirías, Nancy, si te hubieran citado con alguien perfecto para ti ¿ y una demente pretende ser esa persona?
- You seem awfully confident, Nancy.
- Pareces demasiada segura, Nancy.
Nice one, Nancy.
Muy bien, Nancy.
Hey, this is Nancy, by the way.
Oye, ella es Nancy, por cierto.
Nancy, this is Hilary, my soon-to-be ex-wife, and Ed, the man she left me for.
Nancy, ella es Hilary, mi futura exesposa, y Ed, el hombre por el que me dejó.
And you owe me, Nancy.
Y me debes, Nancy.
Missed a call from Nancy.
Tengo una llamada perdida de Nancy.
- You know your problem, Nancy?
- ¿ Sabes cuál es tu problema, Nancy?
Just go to your party, Nancy, I'm fine.
Sólo ve a tu fiesta, Nancy, estoy bien.

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