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Nancy drew translate Spanish

257 parallel translation
Well, if it isn't Dick Tracy and his little sidekick, Nancy Drew.
Bueno, pero si es Dick Tracy y su pequeña inseparable compañera, Nancy Drew.
It's Nancy Drew and the Ghost of Blackwood High.
Es Nancy Drew y el Fantasma de Blackwood High.
It was an excellent plan, and I would have been in the clear... if you hadn't been so intent on playing Nancy Drew.
Fue un excelente plan, y yo habría estado en el claro... si no hubieras estado tan concentrado en jugar Nancy Drew.
One summer, I worked up enough nerve to check out the latest Nancy Drew mystery and Mr Minky was stamping my book and his tie caught in the stamping machine.
Un verano reuní suficiente valor para ir a sacar la última novela de Nancy Drew. El Sr. Minky iba a sellarme el libro, pero la corbata se le quedó enganchada en la máquina.
Stay by the phone and I'll call you later on tonight after I do the Nancy Drew bit.
No estoy segura, mantente pegado al teléfono, te llamaré luego, cuando me haya documentado bien.
Nancy Drew.
Nancy Drew.
Oh, God, Nancy Drew.
Santo cielo, Nancy Drew.
I've had enough of this Nancy Orew horseshit.
Ya tuve suficiente de esta Nancy Drew del subdesarrollo.
So, what are you going to do, Nancy Drew?
Así que, ¿ qué vas a hacer, Nancy Drew?
Who do I look like to you? Nancy Drew?
¿ Quién soy, Sherlock Holmes?
Nancy Drew says that all you need to solve a mystery... is an inquisitive temperament and two good friends.
Nancy Drew dice que un crimen se resuelve siendo inquisitivo y teniendo dos buenos amigos.
Playing Nancy Drew, are we, sis?
¿ Te crees detective, verdad?
'Nancy Drew and the Case of the Burning Candle.'
'Vicki la Huerfanita y el Caso de la Vela Encendida'.
I feel like Nancy Drew. Whoever that is.
Me siento como una adolescente que juega a los detectives.
You're a regular Nancy Drew.
Eres toda una detective.
So take that, Nancy Drew.
Chúpate esa, Nancy Drew.
Wow, good work, Nancy Drew.
Buen trabajo, Nancy Drew.
Good work, Nancy Drew. Let's meet up at Old Mystery Creek.
reunámonos en el arroyo del Viejo Misterio.
I wish I could've seen those two boys in action, before Miss Thing over there, went Nancy Drew on us.
Me gustaría haber visto a esos dos enrollandos antes de que miss Nancy Truman se chivara
But you? You just can't stop Nancy Drew-ing, can ya?
Pero tú, no dejas de comportarte como una cretina.
- You know who you are, you're Nancy Drew.
¿ Sabes quién eres? Eres Nancy Drew del infierno.
I feel like Nancy Drew.
Me siento como Nancy Drew.
Where I used to read, like, my Nancy Drew mysteries.
Donde yo solía leer mi "Nancy Drew mysteries".
Nancy Drew wants to know where. Cotton Weary.
La detective quiere saber dónde.
Bye, Nancy Drew.
Adiós, Nancy Drew.
Look at little Nancy Drew.
Miren a nuestra pequeña detective.
- I sound like a perverted Nancy Drew.
Parezco una Nancy Drew pervertida.
He's got every Nancy Drew... even the controversial Clue in the Clock.
Tiene cada libro de Nancy Drew incluso el controvertido Pista en el reloj.
Along the lines of The Hardy Boys or a Nancy Drew.
A lo largo de las líneas de The Hardy Boys o una Nancy Drew.
- How do you know? I've read every Nancy Drew mystery, the one about the Amish country, twice.
Lei todos los misterios de Nancy Drew, el del pueblo de Amish, dos veces.
Nancy Drew books?
¿ Libros de Nancy Drew?
I'll be Nancy Drew, and you could be her pudgy friend Bess.
Yo sere Nancy Drew, y vos podrías ser su amigo regordete Bess.
"And Nancy Drew and Bess left the police station... and went to celebrate the solving of the crime with hot fudge sundaes."
"Y Nancy Drew y Bess" dejaron la estación de policía... y se fueron a celebrar la resolución del crimen con helados de chocolate caliente. "
Okay, Nancy Drew and the Mysterious Charming Clock.
Bueno, Nancy Drew y misterioso reloj simpático.
Your Nancy Drew, Girl Detective membership card?
Tu carnet de detective de Nancy Drew.
Nancy Drew?
¿ "Nancy Drew"?
Answer that, Nancy Drew.
Contesta eso.
- Hey, Nancy Drew. You hear?
- Hey, Nancy Drew. ¿ Escuchas?
Look out, Nancy Drew, coming through.
Cuidado, Nancy Drew, que voy.
Now I actually sound like Nancy Drew.
Ahora sí que parezco Nancy Drew.
Boys. A Nancy Drew mystery.
Los hombres son un gran misterio.
She couldn't even handle a Nancy Drew, it was too mysterious.
No podía tolerar los libros de Nancy Drew, había demasiado misterio.
- Well, I think in the fourth chapter, when Nancy Drew discovers the bloody glove in the cheerleader's locker, well, that was just a brilliantly written passage.
Y el cuarto capítulo, donde Nancy Drew descubre el guante ensangrentado en el gimnasio, bueno es... brillante ese pasaje.
Was it me or did you all think that Nancy Drew solved the riddle of Elephant Mountain a little too easily?
¿ No creen que Nancy Drew descubrió muy fácil el enigma del elefante de la montaña? - Oh sí.
Hey, Fez, I think there's a Nancy Drew on.
Hey, Fez, Creo que hay una Nancy Drew en.
- Smell you, Nancy Drew.
- La entiendo, Nancy Drew.
They wanted to play Nancy Drew with this local legend people call Dr. Satan.
Querían jugar al detective, buscando pistas de una leyenda local a quien llaman Dr. Satán.
" Nancy Drew let out a low whistle.
" Nancy Drew soltó un silbido.
Since you started dating him... you've completely stopped quoting Nancy Drew.
Que se hayan detenido completamente citando a Nancy Drew.
Nice work, Nancy Drew.
- Plomox.

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