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Nell translate Spanish

1,666 parallel translation
Aunt Nell.
Tía Nell.
Nell called.
Llamó Nell.
With Caitriona gone, there's only Nell left and Baba who's in America.
Sin Caitríona, sólo queda Nell, y Baba que está en América.
She's a fine corpse, is Caitriona, Nell.
Qué guapa está.
You're quite right, Nell.
Llevas razón, Nell.
How's Nell?
¿ Cómo está Nell?
The courts won't leave Nell with a brass fanhing.
EI juez no le va a dar ni un duro a Nell.
It's to Nell she'll leave every penny.
Y le dejará todo a Nell.
Nell has Baba milked dry.
Nell le chupa Ia sangre a Baba.
Damned the bit of care Nell ever gave him nor Big Brian's Mag either, since she moved in.
Qué poco caso le ha hecho siempre Nell, y Mag Ia de Big Brian hace Io mismo desde que llegó.
It was Nell that made Padraig bury me in the Fifteen Shilling Plot instead.
Nell Io convenció para que me enterrara en Ia de 15 Chelines.
Nell herself will be buried in the Pound Plot, surely.
Seguro que a Nell Ia entierran en Ia de Libra.
I'll vent my rage on Nell yet and I'll vent my rage on Néra Shez'ainin's daughter.
Nell sufrirá mi ¡ ra y Ia hija de Nóra Sheáinín también.
You're only upset that you died before Nell.
Te fastidia haber muerto antes que Nell.
"l'll bury Nell before me in the graveyard clay."
"Enterrare a Nell en el cementerio de barro."
Do you rememberthe night Nell sat in Jack the Farmer's lap?
¿ Recuerdas Ia tarde en que Nell se sentó al regazo de Jack el Granjero?
"We'll leave Big Brian to you, Caitriona," says Nell as she sat in Jack the Farmer's lap.
"Y para ti Big Brian, Caitriona", dijo Neil, sentada al regazo de Jack.
I nevertold you... the night Nell married that's what the little snout threw at me :
La noche que se casó Nell, esa pécora me soltó :
It was soon after Nell marrying when here he comes back again, as large as life.
AI poco de Ia boda de Nell, se me presentó, grande como Ia vida misma.
Would that your heart was a poisonous tumour in Nell's throat!
Ojalá tu corazón fuera un tumor venenoso en el gaznate de Nell.
Padraig was to bury you in the Pound Plot but Nell said the Fifteen Shilling Plot was good enough for anyone.
Pádraig quería Ia Parcela de Libra pero Nell dijo que Ia de 15 Chelines era suficiente.
"She was a fine hardworking woman, was Caitriona," says I to Nell.
"Era muy trabajadora", le dije a Nell.
Néra Shez'ainin's daughter and Nell.
La hija de Nóra Sheáinín y Nell.
Was Nell prattling to the priest at the funeral?
¿ Estaba Nell cotorreando con el cura?
That's one-up on Nell.
Que se fastidie Nell.
Nell was never so good as on the day you were buried, Caitriona.
Jamás vi mejor a Nell que el día de tu entierro, Caitríona.
Nell has two meadows in potatoes.
Nell tiene dos prados.
There's talk of making a road to Nell's house.
QUÍGFGH una carretera a SU casa.
There's few outside Nell or my son's wife that I'd prefer to see coming here than her.
Pocos hay, aparte de Nell y mi nuera, a los que quisiera ver tanto por aquí.
Big Brian said Baba will leave her money to Neil in the end.
Big Brian y Baba le van a dejar todo a Nell.
And what else would he say and his own daughter married to Nell's son?
¿ Y qué ¡ ba a decir si su hija es Ia nuera de Nell?
Nell's son got £ 800.
Le dieron 800 libras.
Pédraig's wife threw Nell in the fire.
Tu nuera empujó a Nell a Ia lumbre.
You're certain she threw Nell in the fire?
¿ Seguro que Ia empujó?
She went up to Nell's house and in the door and caught Big Brian's Mag by the hair!
Fue a casa de Nell y en Ia puerta agarró a Mag del pelo.
Nell went to protect Mag and your son's wife threw her in the fire.
Nell protegió a Mag ytu nuera Ia empujó a Ia lumbre.
Pédraig's wife threw Nell head-first into the fire and she didn't leave a scrap of hair nor a dangling bit of skin,.. ... nor a stitch of clothes on Big Brian's daughter.
Mi nuera empujó a Nell a Ia lumbre y le arrancó los pelos y Ia piel a tiras a Ia hija de Big Brian.
She flattened against the wall the silver teapot that Nell had on show on the dresser.
Abolló contra Ia pared Ia tetera de plata que tenía Nell en el aparador.
And she sent the clock that Baba gave Nell as a present out through the window.
Y lanzó el reloj que Baba le regaló a NelI por Ia ventana.
Nell put a dresser, table and a bed in there.
Nell puso un tocador, una mesa y una cama.
Or if Nell had been to the priest?
¿ Nell vio al cura?
The new road to Nell's is said to be finished.
Ya han terminado su carretera.
Nell was speaking to your Padraig about it.
Nell habló con Pádraig.
Nell would have little fear of telling lies about you.
Nell mentiría sobre ti.
Maybe Nell said something like this to my Padraig :
Quizá Nell dijo algo así :
But she's learning it from Nell.
Pero Io aprende de Nell.
Nell's grandson is off to be a priest.
EI nieto de Nell va a ser cura.
Nell sings away to herself going up the new road every day.
Nell canta por Ia carretera nueva a diario.
How's sourpuss Nell faring?
¿ Nell está amargada?
Nell didn't want me seeing you.
Nell no quería que te viese.
nellie 141
nelly 111
nelle 102

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