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Translate.vc / English → Spanish / [ N ] / None of your damn business

None of your damn business translate Spanish

275 parallel translation
Let me tell you something, though it's really none of your damn business.
Déjame decirte algo, aunque no sea asunto tuyo.
- That's none of your damn business!
- ¿ Y tú cuándo esperas tu niño?
"Well" I says "it's none of your damn business" but if you must know it's for the lady I work for, Mrs. Tyrone who's sitting out there in the automobile.
Le dije que no era asunto suyo. Pero si necesitaba saberlo, era para mi patrona la señora Tyrone, que está ahí fuera, en el coche.
It's none of your damn business!
¡ A usted le importa un carajo!
None of your damn business, Miss Barham.
No es asunto suyo, Srta. Barham.
You know how it is with married... none of your damn business!
Sabes cómo es con... ¡ No es asunto tuyo!
- That's none of your damn business.
- Eso no es de tu incumbencia.
What's your wife's maiden name? That's none of your damn business.
- ¿ Cuál es el apellido de soltera de Rita?
That's none of your damn business!
¡ Esto no es de tu incumbencia!
- Polo is none of your damn business.
- Polo no es asunto tuyo.
None of your damn business where I'm going.
No le interesa adónde voy.
What I have in the bank... is none of your damn business.
Lo que tenga en el banco... no es asunto tuyo, idiota.
None of your damn business.
Eso no es asunto suyo.
None of your damn business.
Porque hablas como un crío.
Is none of your damn business!
¡ No es asunto suyo, maldita sea!
None of your damn business.
¡ No es de tu incumbencia!
In the words of El Chamaco,'lt's none of your damn business.'
En las palabras del Chamaco, "no es de tu incumbencia".
Even though it's none of your damn business.
Aunque a ti no te importe.
Even though it's none of your damn business,
Aunque a ti no te importe.
- None of your damn business.
- No es asunto tuyo. - ¡ Lane!
It's none of your damn business.
Eso no es asunto tuyo.
It's none of your damn business.
No es uno de sus malditos asuntos.
None of your damn business.
Nada que le importe.
Mr Ferguson, I'm really grateful to you for your hospitality and everything, but my line of work is none of your damn business.
Señor Fergusson, le estoy muy agradecido por su hospitalidad y conversación, pero mi forma de trabajo es algo que no le importa.
That's none of your damn business!
¡ Eso no es asunto tuyo, joder!
And none of your damn business.
Y no es asunto tuyo.
You got no right, man. It's none of your damn business!
No tienes derecho. ¡'No es asunto tuyo.!
You won't read what I write today or any other day. What I write is none of your damn business.
- Lo que escriba hoy o cualquier otro día no te incumbe en absoluto.
None of your damn business!
¡ No es su maldito asunto!
- lt's none of your damn business.
- Ninguno lt de su negocio maldito.
- None of your damn business.
- Ninguno de su negocio maldito.
It's none of your damn business.
No es asunto tuyo.
None of your damn business.
¿ Qué te importa? .
None of your damn business, sergeant.
Nada que le importe, Sargento.
None of your damn business!
¡ A Ud. qué le importa!
And the hurt I feel is my hurt, and how I react is none of your damn business.
Y puedo estar dolida si quiero y a ti te importa una mierda cómo reaccione.
It's none of your damn business!
¡ No es ninguno de sus malditos asuntos!
None of your damn business
¡ No es asunto tuyo!
None of your damn business
Y a ti que te importa!
None of your damn business!
¡ Nada de tu incunvencia!
That's none of your damn business.
Este no es tu problema.
None of your damn business!
Eso no es asunto tuyo!
None of your damn business!
¡ Eso a ti no te importa!
None of your damn business. Who is this?
No es tu maldito asunto. ¿ Quién es este?
That's none of your damn business.
Eso no es asunto tuyo.
What it is is none of your damn business.
Eso no le importa.
Adolf y Boulevard se abalanzaron sobre él.
You're damn right it's none of your business, but that's not the point.
Es cierto que no es asunto tuyo, pero no se trata de eso.
None of your damn business.
No es asunto tuyo.
Well, that's none of your damn business.
- Eso no te importa.
- None of your damn business
¿ Y a ti, qué coño te importa?

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