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Translate.vc / English → Spanish / [ N ] / Not remotely

Not remotely translate Spanish

314 parallel translation
I'm not remotely interested in Mr Elliott.
No me interesa nada el Sr. Elliott.
Well, she's not remotely your type, Gracchus.
No es en absoluto tu tipo, Graco.
Not remotely cinematic
Para nada cinematográfica
Not remotely important.
Claro, no es nada importante.
Not remotely.
Ni remotamente.
Not remotely... because iocane comes from Australia, as everyone knows... and Australia is entirely peopled with criminals... and criminals are used to having people not trust them... as you are not trusted by me... so I can clearly not choose the wine in front of you.
Para nada... porque, como todos saben, el iocano viene de Australia... y Australia está poblado sólo de criminales... de quienes la gente no se fía, como yo no me fío, y no puedo elegir el vino delante tuyo.
He's not remotely interested in kids.
No está ni remotamente interesado en los niños.
I'm not remotely tired.
No estoy ni remotamente cansado.
It's not remotely criminal to bring two loving hearts together.
No es ni remotamente delictivo unir a dos enamorados.
- Not remotely.
- En absoluto.
I think so. Oh. I'm not remotely interested in you.
No estoy ni remotamente interesado en usted.
No, it's not remotely funny.
No, no es remotamente divertido.
not remotely in him No
- ¿ No lo estás? - No.
- Not remotely!
Ni remotamente.
I, m not remotely related to you.
Me no relacionan remotamente con usted.
I don't live alone here. It's shouldn't be supposed, not even remotely..
Yo no vivo sola, aquí no hay que suponer ni de lejos...
Play this softly and remotely, as though you were not there.
Toque esto muy suave y distante, como si no estuviera allí.
We hunted up everyone even remotely acquainted with my uncle, but not one had seen him or heard from him.
Preguntamos a todo el mundo remotamente conectado a mi tío pero nadie le ha visto ni ha oído de él.
You're probably not even remotely aware of some of them.
Es probable que desconozca la mayoría de ellos.
No, Mr. Crabtree, this man must be eliminated by someone... not even remotely connected to him.
No, Sr. Crabtree, ese hombre debe ser eliminado por alguien... que no esté vinculado a él para nada.
Not even remotely what you've deserved.
Ni remotamente todo lo que mereces aguantar.
And not one of your 340 suggestions - i repeat, not one of them - has anything remotely to do with this company's product.
Y ninguna de sus 340 sugerencias, repito, ninguna tiene, ni remotamente, que ver con los productos de la compañía.
Not even remotely like him.
Ni desde cerca, ni desde lejos.
I'm not even remotely qualified for this.
Y no estoy cualificado para esto.
I've not seen anything remotely like it.
No he visto nada ni remotamente parecido.
Good... because if it's not returned today... any person remotely connected with the disappearance of that goat... will be summarily expelled.
Me alegro, porque si no es devuelta hoy... Quien tenga que ver con su desaparición... Será expulsado de inmediato.
Not even remotely upset about last night.
Es una chica genial, ni siquiera se molestó por lo de anoche.
Everything that I have been saying has been coming to you, not from me but from my friend who has been controlling remotely the sign.
Todo lo que he estado diciendo no lo decía yo sino mi amigo que ha estado controlando la pantalla.
If Marie or I had found either of them remotely attractive... we would not be here today.
Si Marie o yo habríamos pensado que uno de ellos era remotamente atractivo... no estaríamos aquí hoy.
I'm not the same person that I was... even remotely, you know.
Ya no soy la misma persona, ni de lejos.
Now, look. You're a vaguely amusing and not unattractive guy, but I'm not even remotely interested.
No eres muy ameno ni muy atractivo, pero no tengo el menor interés.
I'm not even remotely interested.
No estoy ni remotamente interesada.
~ If he starts, just ignore him and he'll soon get the message that you're not remotely impressed.
You know, I'm not remotely interested in your opinion.
Sabe, no estoy ni remotamente interesada en su opinión.
- Not even remotely!
No tengo nada que ver con los franceses.
And our lives, and of how cheap Tromaville is For not affording a statue that even remotely Resembles the damn twins.
y cuan tacaña es Tromaville que ni siquiera paga una estatua que se parezca un poco a los gemelos.
Not even anyone who remotely fits his description, sir.
Ni siquiera alguien que se le parezca un poco, señor.
Not even remotely. Technology to engineer something like that is still five, ten years away.
La tecnología necesaria para producir algo así está a 5 ó 10 años de distancia.
It's... an incredibly disgusting and not even remotely sexy thing.. ... that I once I heard described in a movie I'd never take you to go see
Es una cosa muy asquerosa y ni remotamente sexy... que una vez oí describir en una película que nunca te llevaría a ver
That performance that you have witnessed was not even remotely Japanese. Am I right?
La interpretación que acaba de presenciar no era ni remotamente japonesa. ¿ Verdad?
Not one place even remotely livable.
Ni un sólo lugar remotamente habitable.
I do not know why... if I am not even remotely sensual.
No se porque... si no soy ni remotamente sensual.
Five months, not a peep about anything remotely spiritual, right?
Durante cinco meses, no hizo la más mínima mención de algo espiritual.
"If, if a guy could even remotely be the one, how can you not check it out?"
-... ¿ cómo puedes no intentarlo? - Lo sé.
Not even remotely concerned.
Ni siquiera un poquito.
Not even remotely.
Ni remotamente.
I mean, not all cheerleaders have to be pretty, But their cheerleaders aren't even remotely pretty.
No todas las animadoras tienen que ser guapas, pero las suyas no lo son ni de lejos.
We've not a clue, of course, whether William Wallace looked remotely like this any more than we know whether he could have stood in for Mel Gibson, who immortalised him in "Braveheart".
No tenemos la menor idea, claro, si William Wallace remotamente lucia así más de la de si se parecía a Mel Gibson, quien lo inmortalizó en "Braveheart".
Or learn? I mean, it's not even remotely FBI-related.
No tiene nada ver con el FBI.
I mean, as long as she's not a complete imbecile... and she's even remotely attractive...
Mientras no sea una imbécil total y sea atractiva en lo más mínimo.
I certainly would not have begged you to come had I remotely suspected it.
Os aseguro que no os habría rogado que vinierais si hubiera tenido la más mínima idea.

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