Not right away translate Spanish
914 parallel translation
Not right away.
No inmediatamente.
- I must go. - Oh no, not right away.
No puede hacerlo.
Not right away.
Ahora mismo no.
Why, sure you did, but not right away.
Claro, pero no directamente.
Not right away.
- Por ahora, no.
No de inmediato.
At least not right away.
Al menos, no de inmediato.
No, no. Not right away. It would not quiet down the rumors.
No, no serviría de nada para acallar los rumores de la gente.
- Randolph... - - And not right away.
- Randolph - - y me hice de rogar.
Not right away.
Desde luego.
Not right away.
No ahora.
Well, not right away.
Pero no ahora.
But not right away.
Pero no enseguida.
Oh, not right away.
Ah, no de inmediato.
You're not going to stay away for too long, right?
No estarás lejos mucho tiempo, ¿ verdad?
Of course not. But, if they get married right away, and if they have kids, they'll need money.
Desde luego que no Pero si se casan inmediatamente... y si tienen niños, necesitarán dinero
Father is not so well and wants me there right away.
Mi padre no está bien y debo ir inmediatamente.
Not if we get rid Of it right away.
No si nos deshacemos de el inmediatamente.
We're not going over there right away or they'll think we're crazy about them.
No nos acerquemos por allí enseguida o van a pensar que estamos locos por ellas.
when I see someone I can tell right away if he has a good nature or not.
cuando veo a alguien, puedo adivinar si tiene condiciones o no.
Working is not something to be ashamed of you can start right away.
El trabajo no es algo que le deba avergonzar puede comenzar de inmediato.
If business is not good still, we leave right away
Si no conseguimos dinero, dejaremos el pueblo.
Is that so? He's not going to find me either because I'm leaving here right away, boys.
ÉI tampoco me encontrará porque me voy ahora mismo.
She ain't comin'over right away because you said not to give her your name, so she's comin'over when she gets out of bed.
No vendrá ahora enseguida porque me dijiste que no le diera tu nombre, pero vendrá cuando se levante de la cama.
Hold on, I'll telephone her right away, maybe she's not in bed yet.
La llamaré, quizás aún no se haya acostado.
When I heard the baby is not fine, I came right away
Cuando me enteré que el niño no estaba bien, vine enseguida.
Get him to promise not to prosecute your father and that he'll install that new system of his right away.
Que le prometa no perseguirle e instalar el nuevo sistema.
No, I'm not coming right away.
No, ahora no.
They can take away my crown, but not the right
Podrán quitarme la corona, pero no la razón.
I should have told you right away.. but I'm not free.
- Debí decírtelo de inmediato. No soy libre.
I'm not gonna do anything right away.
Por ahora no quiero ni pensarlo.
It was pretty thickheaded, my not recognizing you right away... even with the wind and the rain in your hair.
Fui un poco burro al no reconocerla en el acto... incluso con el viento y el cabello mojado.
You're right masseur. I was running away but not for the reason you think but in fear of my life.
Verá, señor yo me iba a marchar pero no por esa razón sino temiendo por mi vida.
Not right away.
Enseguida no.
You're not going back right away?
¿ O tienes que volver enseguida?
You're not going to work right away.
¿ Vas a ir a trabajar tan pronto?
You go over to those girls right away and tell them not to worry.
Vaya donde las chicas y dígale que no deben preocuparse.
Thank you for not telling me right away.
Gracias por no decírmelo de entrada.
Not if he gives away his right arm!
- No, si pierde su brazo derecho.
I will not go right away.
No me iré enseguida.
He's going away all right, but not to Glasgow.
Se va a ir, de acuerdo, pero no a Glasgow.
You're not going right away?
¿ No irás a marchaste enseguida?
Mere curiosity. Why not make yourself known by us right away?
Por curiosidad. ¿ Por qué no se identificó al llegar?
Breakfast will not be ready right away.
El desayuno estará listo enseguida.
- He can not go there right away.
- No pudo ir allí de inmediato
You think you've go a right to get away with murder and I imagine you often do, but not with me.
Se cree con derecho a hacer lo que le de la gana y a menudo lo hace. - Pero en mi caso, no.
Grace, let's not get started on politics right away.
Grace, no empiece en la política enseguida.
Not right away, I mean.
No ahora.
I need the cook right away. Why not?
Mándame la cocinera. ¿ Por qué no?
Look I'm not in trouble with the police, believe me but you can't stay here, you've got to go back to Banning right away.
No tengo ningún problema con la policía, créeme, pero no puedes quedarte, tienes que volver enseguida.
Well, no, but I can get it right away. That is, if you promise not to...
No, pero puedo traerlo enseguida si Ud. me promete no...
not right now 585
not right 51
right away 1349
away 568
away from home 17
away with you 30
away from me 19
away present 49
away you go 17
away from here 45
not right 51
right away 1349
away 568
away from home 17
away with you 30
away from me 19
away present 49
away you go 17
away from here 45
away from you 37
away party 43
not really 5709
not really sure 21
not really my thing 16
not real 36
not ready 43
not relevant 26
not recently 75
not red 16
away party 43
not really 5709
not really sure 21
not really my thing 16
not real 36
not ready 43
not relevant 26
not recently 75
not red 16