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Obvi translate Spanish

47 parallel translation
- I'm just stating the obvi- -
Sólo digo
Betty, Heinrich is all people are talking about, so that means he's good, obvi.
Betty, Heinrich es de lo que hablan todos, y eso significa que es bueno, obviamente.
You look amazing, I mean, obvi, you always do.
Te ves genial, como siempre.
I'd say it's oozingly obvi.
Yo diría que está supurando.
I'am telling you, it's obvi.
Te lo estoy diciendo, es obvio.
If it wasn't for you, we'd never have sold those dolls and everybody obvi loves you.
Si no fuera por ti, nunca hubiéramos Vendido las muñecas Y todo el mundo obvio te ama.
I didn't realize. And I would have obvi... I would have obeyed the rule if I had known.
si hubiera sabido habría obedecido la regla.
- It should be obvi, but I guess I need to break it down.
- Debería ser obvio, pero supongo que tengo que decirlo.
Obvi- - we're the ladies.
Obvia... Nosotras somos las señoritas.
And as your friend, it's my job to lay out the obvi.
Y como tu amiga, es mi trabajo recalcar lo obvio.
- Obvi.
- Obviamente.
I mean, if there were some, they'd obvi worship me.
Quiero decir, si hubiera alguna, que habian evi me honran.
He obvi died of the HIV, dumbass.
el murio evi del vih, idiota.
Okay? It's obvi... Can...
Es obvio...
No need to state the obvi.
No hace falta decir lo obvio.
Our Fashion Week is kinda non-existent, obvi.
Nuestra Semana de la Moda es un poco inexistente, obviamente.
The woods, obvi.
- En el bosque, obviamente.
O - evi...
My expert negotiation skills, obvi.
Mis expertas habilidades en negociación, obviamente.
I hate to point out the obvi-o-so, but why do you need the meds if you're not sick, hmm?
Odio señalar lo obvio pero, ¿ para qué necesitas medicinas si no estás enferma, eh?
# parent-kid-samesies-day, obvi.
# día-padres-hijos-iguals, obvi.
- Obvi.
- Obvi.
Obvi, that is dope. Yeah.
- Obvio, es genial.
Yeah, super obvi, Doug.
- Súper obvio, Doug.
- The breakup date, obvi.
- La fecha de ruptura, obviamente.
I'm Chanel # 1, obvi.
Yo soy Chanel número 1, obviamente.
Chanel # 5 is Lady Lincoln, obvi.
Chanel Número Cinco es Lady Lincoln, obviamente.
Wait, what do you mean, obvi?
Espera, ¿ qué quieres decir con obviamente?
Obvi, I was the brains of the operation.
Obviamente, yo era el cerebro de la operación.
Duh. Obvi, I'm joking. [Laughs]
Obviamente estoy bromeando.
I'm going on the triple date? Obvi.
¿ Voy a una cita triple?
"Not typing this, obvi..."
"No estoy tecleando esto obviamente..."
- Obvi. Follow my lea
Sígueme la corriente.
I was hoping he'd at least be one of those McWhatever doctors, but Obvi no.
Esperaba que al menos sea unos de esos doctores McLoquesea, pero no.
She's still intolerable and single, obvi, but at least she's doing some good in the world.
Ella sigue siendo intolerable y soltera, obviamente, pero al menos está haciendo algo bueno en el mundo.
- so I'm going first, obvi.
- me iré el primero, obviamente.
Obvi. Maybe for the same reason we're not waking anybody up yet.
Tal vez por la misma razón que no hemos despertado a nadie todavía.
- ¡ Obviamente!

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