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Outgrown translate Spanish

243 parallel translation
You've outgrown me, Ruby.
Has madurado más que yo, Ruby.
You know, Miss Allenbury, this situation has outgrown a petty fight.
Srta. Allenbury, esto se ha convertido en una pelea absurda.
A lot of partners in the theater have outgrown each other.
Muchos socios se han separado.
Revela una fase de mi vida que he superado.
- Yes, but... - And don't forget you've outgrown your mother.
Y no olvides que no soy más que tu madre.
- I hope you haven't outgrown the habit.
- Ojalá no haya perdido el hábito.
You'd think she'd have outgrown a tin hero by now.
Lo normal es que hubiera olvidado al héroe de hojalata ya.
After all, Johnny's outgrown Pacific Street.
Johnny ya no cabe en la Calle Pacífico.
She's never outgrown her fear of you.
Creció teniéndole temor desde su infancia.
I think you've outgrown the double-breasted pinstripe anyway.
De todos modos, creo que el traje cruzado se te ha quedado pequeño.
There's some old clothes I've outgrown stored in here.
Aquí hay algo que ya no me vale.
No, but I hate wearing what Selina's outgrown.
No, pero odio usar siempre lo que Selina ya no usa.
He's outgrown his good ones.
- Los buenos se le han quedado pequeños.
- I find I've outgrown that zest.
- Descubrí que superé ese entusiasmo.
Pity you've never outgrown it.
Lástima que nunca lo haya superado
The prince my brother hath outgrown me far.
El príncipe, mi hermano, me aventaja en talla.
You've sort of outgrown Starrwood and Miss Tottenham- - I mean, your governess you've learned most everything she could teach you.
Ya es hora de que abandonemos Starrwood. La Srta. Toten, tu profesora, no puede enseñarte más de lo que ella sabe.
You've outgrown me.
Me has superado.
He was a boy who stole under the tent of a faraway war because he had outgrown the motorbikes and motor cars, and because he had a hunger for the flying machine.
Era un chico que se coló bajo la tienda de una guerra lejana. Sólo porque ya no le interesaban las motos y los coches. Porque sentía pasión por la máquina voladora.
They think they've outgrown the need to be frightened. They live in fear day in, day out.
Los hornos en Belsen y Dachau han arruinado nuestra cámara de los horrores.
We've outgrown you.
Lo hemos superado.
- No, I've outgrown that stuff.
- No, eso ya lo he superado.
All right, I'll look out some things that Phyllis has outgrown.
Muy bien, buscaré algunas cosas de Phyllis que ya no usa
I'm afraid Mr Whyte has suddenly outgrown his usefulness.
Vaya a ese chalet. Me temo que el señor Whyte ha dejado de sernos útil.
It's nothing in a hurry to be outgrown
No importa ser prudente
It's nothing in a hurry to be outgrown
No importa es la imprudencia
Cultural institutions exist to be outgrown.
Las instituciones culturales existen para ser superadas.
We've outgrown the old superstitions, Neeva.
Hemos dejado pequeñas las viejas supersticiones, Neeva.
- Maybe we've just outgrown it.
- Quizá crecimos.
Well, you've outgrown all that, sir.
Bueno, ya superó todo eso, señor.
Haven't we outgrown those fears about the periodic instability of the female of the species?
- Creo que no hemos superado los temores - sobre la inestabilidad periódica de la mujer?
I think I'm beyond that now, I've outgrown the nice day...
Creo que ya lo he superado. Ya estoy de vuelta del "buen día"...
Has she outgrown her'innocent girl'image?
Dejame ver... " ¿ La relación con este piloto...
I've just outgrown you, Nigel.
I'he superado solo tu, Nigel.
We've simply outgrown each other.
Simplemente hemos superado uno al otro.
Oh, I did, a great deal, as a matter of fact, but I've outgrown it.
Los tenia, muchos, de hecho, pero los he superado.
She's outgrown this. Can I change it for a bigger one?
¿ Puedo cambiarlo por uno más grande?
A man who had outgrown his fear of space...
Un hombre que había superado su miedo al espacio...
I've outgrown you.
Pero, la he superado.
You better tell me, lskra, have you outgrown your bra this last summer?
Mejor, dime si tu sujetador encogió durante el verano.
You've outgrown that. Must be all the thinking you've been doing.
¿ O es que de tanto pensar ya lo has superado?
Buck has outgrown his party dress.
Buck ya tiene su vestido para la fiesta.
A connection to the past... that you've outgrown, like - like running barefoot through sprinklers.
Trabajas duro. Pero eso es anaeróbico.
I'm 33, I haven't outgrown the problems of puberty I'm already facing the problems of old age.
Tengo 33 años, no he superado la pubertad y ya me estoy enfrentando a la vejez.
Maybe we've outgrown tribes, you know?
Quizá dejamos atrás a las tribus.
And we still haven't outgrown violence?
¿ Y aún no hemos superado la violencia?
Thank God I've outgrown that.
Gracias a dios, he crecido más que eso.
I've outgrown that.
Estoy grande para eso.
So you join a radical club, it's the thing to do. All right. He would have outgrown all that craziness, but she drove him.
El habría superado toda esa locura, pero ella lo impulsó.
You've outgrown him.
te has superado.
I've outgrown them.
Los habré tirado.

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