Probably because translate Spanish
3,210 parallel translation
Probably because my life Shit and I was adolescent and had fun with it, watch this charade.
Supongo que era porque mi vida era una mierda y era un adolescente, y eso era como el circo de tres pistas.
Ah.. Probably because you knocked his head...
Probablemente por el golpe que le pegaste en la cabeza...
Probably because I had too much coffee this morning, sweetheart.
Quizé tomé demasiado café esta mafiana.
Probably because he's a good listener!
Probablemente porque él es un buen oyente!
Probably because I was using her for her money.
Probablemente porque la estaba usando por su dinero.
Probably because he is in the thick of it with your father.
Probablemente porque él está en mitad de eso con su padre
Probably because you're making somebody very nervous.
Probablemente porque estás poniendo a alguien muy nervioso.
Probably because I just want everybody to leave him alone.
Probablemente porque solo quiero que todos lo dejen en paz.
I have been chosen, probably because I'm numb to other people's feelings, to come here and ask what you would like to do, Mr. Shue.
Me han escogido, probablemente porque no me afectan los sentimientos de los demás, para venir aquí a preguntar qué te gustaría hacer, Sr. Shue.
It's probably because I come on really strong and pretend to be all slutty, and then I freeze up right away and get distant and drop weird hints that my vagina has teeth.
Es posible que sea porque voy de fuerte de verdad, y finjo ser una zorra, y me enfrío y me distancio y dejo caer pistas extrañas acerca de que mi vagina tiene dientes.
Probably because we just assume you to be infallible.
Probablemente porque asumimos que es infalible.
Right. Now Sutton refused to sell you... what he found and for which you'd already paid. Probably because he knew that you'd destroy'em or lock'em away.
Bien, pero Sutton rechazó venderle lo que encontró y por lo que ya le había pagado probablemente porque sabía que usted lo destruiría o lo guardaría.
Probably because of Laure.
Probablemente por Laura.
That's very good, because she probably went straight to town and told somebody about it, right?
Eso es muy bueno, debido a que probablemente fue derecho a la ciudad y le dijo a alguien sobre ello, ¿ no?
That's very good, because she probably told somebody, and they're gonna come out here and check it out.
Eso está muy bien, porque probablemente le dijo a alguien, y van a venir aquí para echar un vistazo.
Yeah, I'll behave myself because you will have probably dosed me with a shitload of Trish Patterson's Xanax.
Me voy a portar bien porque me vas a llenar del Xanax de Trish Patterson.
I think you could probably, to a man, go through the early people that were there and they were drawn to it, almost like a tractor being... because it was this emotionally true thing.
Creo que probablemente podría, a un hombre, ir a través de las primeras personas que estaban allí y se sienten atraídos por ella, casi como un tractor de ser... porque era esta emocionalmente verdadera cosa.
A guy punched me in my face. But that probably makes you happy... because you hate me so much.
Un tipo me pegó en la cara, pero eso probablemente te haga feliz porque me odias mucho.
We probably shouldn't go out because he might be waiting out there.
No debemos salir. Puede estar esperando allá afuera.
He probably gave us these tickets because he feels shitty about everything.
Probablemente nos dio estas entradas Porque se siente una mierda todo.
- You probably don't understand this because you're a criminal.
- Probablemente no lo entiendas porque eres un delincuente.
Because my dad says you're probably just an unemployed bum... trying to steal the prize money that I deserve.
Porque mi papá dice que probablemente tu eres solo un vago desempleado. tratando de robar el premio en dinero que yo merezco.
Tina probably won't come now because...
Probablemente, Tina no va a venir ahora porque...
You probably sold out to the Pentagon because everybody else thought you were some kind of crackpot.
Probablemente agotaste al Pentágono... porque todos los demás pensaron que eras alguna clase de chalada. - ¿ Tengo razón?
I should probably go because my friend's waiting for me and you're a, you're a total stranger.
Tengo que irme porque mi amiga me está esperando y tú eres un desconocido.
I mean, Dan is probably particularly great... because he is currently not unemployed, and he's really creative, and he's got a couple of Web properties, um, so, you know, kind of a keeper... someone you could see yourself going out with.
Quiero decir, Dan probablemente es grandioso... porque actualmente no está desempleado, y es muy creativo. y tiene un par de propiedades en línea, así que, ya sabes, es una especie de seguro... alguien que podría ver por ti.
Well, you probably should because they formed almost 20 % of the lyrics for the show.
Bueno, debería importarte a ti porque en ellos se basan casi el 20 por ciento de las canciones del espectáculo.
Which I know is stupid, because they're probably beyond worried about me, but...
Sé que es estúpido, Probablemente ellos están más preocupados por mí, pero...
I'm not sure what's on fire back here, but this is probably the most popular book we sell simply because of the local drawing on the back.
No estoy seguro de lo que està ¡ ardiendo aquà atrà ¡ s, pero.... Este es probablemente el libro mà ¡ s popular que vendemos por el dibujo local en el fondo.
So, it doesn't surprise me that he errs on the shier side, the introverted side, the reclusive side, because that's probably what his life framed him as.
Asà que no me sorprende que à © l sea.... Escena  ¡ FALTANTE! Que ronde en el lado mà ¡ s tà mido, el lado introvertido el lado solitario.
That's a perfectly valid form and I'm thrilled that he chose that form because I think he could have done probably anything.
Esa es una forma perfectamente và ¡ lida, y me encanta que à © l eligiera esa forma porque à © l podrà a no haber hecho nada.
And as I've grown up, I respected that, and I realized that it would probably cheapen it if Calvin and Hobbes's faces were on my toothpaste or whatever, because now, for me, it exists solely in my books
Cuando crecà , respetà © eso y me di cuenta de que... Seguramente hubiera sido un desprestigio que la cara de'Calvin y Hobbes'. ... hubiera estado en mi pasta de dientes o lo que sea.
And when it gets concentrated on something, it gets concentrated for a very short period of time. Probably very intensely. Everybody is tweeting about it and watching it on YouTube, and then it's gone because the next thing has come along.
Y cuando se concentran en algo se logra concentrarlos por un perà odo muy corto de tiempo probablemente muy intensamente todo el mundo està ¡ tuiteando sobre à © l y vià © ndolo en YouTube y luego se acabà ³ porque algo nuevo llega.
Although, to be fair, he probably didn't know what he was talking about, because he grew up in Pittsburgh.
Aunque, para ser justo quizás no sabía de lo que hablaba porque creció en Pittsburgh.
I just don't know where the water main is or the super's contact info, so I should probably stop wasting valuable time complaining to you and get back because the water line is creeping up around everything I own.
Sólo que no sé dónde está la llave de paso o la información de contacto del conserje, así que probablemente debería dejar de perder tiempo valioso para ti quejándome y volver porque el agua está subiendo en torno a todo lo que tengo.
Probably not because you're still living them.
Probablemente no, porque tú todavía vives en ellos.
And OK, I know what you're thinking, that probably rules out Hatch because he wouldn't have been alive.
Y vale, ya sé lo que estás pensando, eso tiene que descartar a Hatch porque no podría estar vivo entonces.
And the truth of the matter is, it probably wouldn't help you anyway because, let's face it, the industry does not crave a female sound.
Y a decir verdad, quizá tampoco te ayudaría porque, seamos realistas, la industria no quiere una voz femenina.
But you'll only have to sit on a donut pillow for a couple of weeks, which is totally okay, because you probably won't want to eat solids for a while.
Pero solo deberás sentarte en una donut... por un par de semanas, lo cual está totalmente bien... porque probablemente no querrás comer sólidos durante un tiempo.
This is probably payback because you and Dyson cheated on your Fae Finals...
Probablemente este sea el precio porque Dyson y tú hicisteis trampa en la final Fae...
Because of Savonarola's restrictions, you two have probably not tasted wine since your arrival.
Ustedes dos probablemente no han probado el vino desde su llegada.
Okay, I'm not eating and I'm gonna go and drink over there because I don't think we should be near the kitchen stuff in case people start throwing up, which now you guys are probably going to.
Bueno, yo no comeré, iré más allá a beber algo, no creo que debamos estar cerca dela comida por si alguien vomita, seguro alguno de ustedes va a vomitar.
It's probably safer flying here than in New Zealand because you never have to contend with the weather.
Es un vuelo probablemente más seguro aquí que en Nueva Zelanda porque nunca se tiene que lidiar con el clima.
He won't want meat because he probably snuck in a burger at lunch.
Él no va a querer carne porque probablemente comió una hamburguesa en el almuerzo.
There was occasional tension between her and John because she was probably giving her input, and John had his own vision, and John knew what he was doing.
Había tensión ocasional entre ella y John, porque ella aportaba sus ideas y John, que tenía su propia visión, sabía perfectamente lo que estaba haciendo.
Uh, I'm going to tell you a few things about myself, because a lot of you probably don't know me.
Les contaré algunas cosas de mí, porque pocos me conocen.
I know you're probably gonna punch me in the face, but the truth is, I reached out to you because I liked you.
Sé que vas a pegarme un puñetazo, pero la verdad es que hablé contigo porque me gustabas.
That would probably be because the FBI knows more than you do.
Será porque el FBI sabe más que usted.
Two areas of pressure either side of the neck whilst he was sitting, probably too drunk to fight them off, because the bruising was pretty light.
Dos áreas de presión a cada lado del cuello mientras estaba sentado, probablemente muy bebido para resistir, porque las marcas eran muy leves.
Because last year I had personally told that I would probably not see that again in my professional life.
porque el año pasado Yo les había dicho personalmente que probablemente no la volvería a ver de nuevo, en mi vida profesional.
I think it's probably for the best, because it wasn't right...
Creo que es lo mejor porque no era muy bueno...
because 7201
because i'm happy 21
because of you 630
because i love you 339
because you're stupid 16
because it's you 31
because i said so 88
because i can't 94
because i don't 101
because if you don't 161
because i'm happy 21
because of you 630
because i love you 339
because you're stupid 16
because it's you 31
because i said so 88
because i can't 94
because i don't 101
because if you don't 161
because i like you 101
because i'm 96
because i'm your friend 17
because i don't care 17
because you're my friend 21
because i love her 53
because i am 105
because i'm a woman 25
because it's true 90
because if 20
because i'm 96
because i'm your friend 17
because i don't care 17
because you're my friend 21
because i love her 53
because i am 105
because i'm a woman 25
because it's true 90
because if 20