Repeated translate Spanish
1,576 parallel translation
Numbers being repeated, 9s and 11s...
Números que se repiten, nueves y onces...
"'The marrow of his bone,'I repeated aimlessly.
"'El tuétano de su hueso', repetí mecánicamente.
So he repeated three times : " I don't love you...
pero me repitió tres veces, "no te quiero"
You repeated offenders never screw up your lines.
Insolentes repetidos nunca arruinan sus lineas
These were questions that were repeated several times, different variations, but basically the same answer from the military- - that the battlefield is a dangerous place.
Eran preguntas que se repetían, con distintas variantes pero con la misma respuesta por parte de los militares :
Repeated wars andNenvironmental disruptions... As science advanced, earth'sNenvironment paid the ultimate price.
Repetidas guerras y bruscos cambios medioambientales... el ambiente terrestre pago su precio final.
The events of 1948 and 1967 won't be repeated.
Los hechos de 1948 y 1967 no deben repetirse.
I just repeated what I'd been told.
Repetí lo que me habían dicho.
- he had taken part in the Pacific war, and repeated with pride these things,
- había participado en la guerra del pacifico, y repetía con orgullo siempre estas cosas,
You've repeated two classes already
Ya has repetido dos cursos.
This must not be repeated.
Pero esto no debe repetirse.
I have repeated second year several times
Ya he repetido varias veces segundo.
This footage was shown once live, and never repeated as I said.
Estas imágenes han sido transmitidas una y otra vez, y nunca se ha tomado atención y recepcionado
Watching the parades, which are constantly repeated on TV are an inspiration to her and reinforce her will.
Viendo a los desfiles, que son repite constantemente en la televisión son una inspiración para ella y reforzar su voluntad.
Neurosurgeon Dr. Matsumura performed repeated experiments on his patients in an effort to conquer human insanity.
El neurocirujano Dr. Matsumura realizó repetidos experimentos sobre sus pacientes en un esfuerzo para triunfar sobre la locura humana.
He created a hostile working environment... with repeated unwelcomed sexual advances, ladies and gentlemen.
Él creó un ambiente laboral hostil con repetidas insinuaciones sexuales no gratas, señoras y señores.
Your arm was twisted almost completely out of its socket, and the only way to create that kind of impaction fracture is by repeated contact with a very hard surface.
Su brazo fue casi sacado por completo fuera de su cavidad. Esa fractura se da por contacto repetido con superficies duras.
My wife got sick of my repeated indiscretions.
Mi esposa se enfermó de mis repetidas indiscreciones.
- This is destined to be repeated.
- Destinado a repetirse
We'll say that we're having repeated sexual encounters... out of wedlock, continuously... - as Catholic schoolchildren are walking by.
Pensaba que les diríamos que tenemos relaciones sexuales frecuentes mientras nos pasan por delante unos colegiales católicos
Aperson can become allergic to substances... that they've had repeated and prolonged exposure to.
Una persona puede hacerse alérgica a sustancias a las que tuvo una exposición constante y prolongada.
Crack head repeated the same damn words.
El adicto repitió las mismas palabras.
It's a running count of the number of times the message has repeated.
Lleva la cuenta del número de veces que se ha repetido el mensaje.
Suzanne is just an anonymous walk-in off the street who repeated her destiny... and became an unfulfilled suburban nothing... with a gas-guzzling SUV.
Suzanne es una paciente anónima de la calle que repitió su destino y se convirtió en una insatisfecha suburbana con una camioneta de alto consumo.
Figure of ridicule due to repeated injuries.
Ridiculizado debido a sus repetidas lesiones.
I don't mean to diminish Rita Montgomery's admirable initiative, but you'll also find another set of documents, including her arrest for stabbing her husband, testimony from neighbours recounting her repeated drug abuse, as well as a statement from her own son
No quiero demeritar a Rita Montgomery su admirable iniciativa, pero también encontrara otra clase de documentos, incluyendo el arresto por defraudar a su esposo testimonios de sus vecinos recalcando el abuso de drogas, así como una declaración de su propio hijo,
Says your proposed chimera virus is too unstable, it would never survive repeated passage through people.
Dice que tu propuesta del virus chimera es demasiado inestable Nunca podría sobrevivir a repetidos contagios entre la gente
It had a message, repeated over and over :
Era un mensaje, que se repetía sin cesar :
David Swift repeated the lie peddled in his newspaper that our campaign supports suicide bombers.
David Swift repitió la mentira que vende insistentemente en su periódico de que nuestra campaña respalda a terroristas suicidas.
Apparently Jake took something I said out of context and repeated it in front of his mother and she overreacted, as is her nature.
Parece que Jake sacó algo que yo dije fuera de contexto y lo repitió delante de su madre y ella, como suele hacer, exageró.
Secretary Berryhill and myself are deeply troubled by the repeated jailings of political dissidents in Cuba, especially...
Al secretario Berryhill y a mí nos preocupa la encarcelación de los disidentes políticos en Cuba, especialmente...
Mr. President, we received information on the whereabouts of a man responsible for the repeated killing of our citizens.
Sr. Presidente, teníamos informes sobre un hombre responsable de múltiples asesinatos de nuestros ciudadanos.
I can't believe I repeated that cycle with you.
No puedo creer que repitiera lo mismo contigo.
He regrets having taken these actions and admits to losing sound judgment... due to the strain of repeated disappointments in the case.
Lamenta haber tomado esta decisión y admite haber actuado de manera indebida debido al estrés generado por la dificultad de resolver este caso.
It's just a single beep repeated at regular intervals.
Es solo una señal repetida a intervalos regulares.
You have perfectly repeated restless old Immanuel's thought in this regard.
Ha repetido lo que el viejo Enmanuel pensaba sobre este asunto.
- Probably it won't be repeated.
- Posiblemente no se repita.
I have often repeated him about it and until the end protested against this insane decision.
Se lo dije, hice todo lo posible para combatir esa desastrosa decisión.
Whether such a need comes again, I would have repeated it 20 times.
Si fuese preciso, volvería a hacerlo, veinte veces.
The rebels have now repeated their seven demands in a document submitted to the Geneva Council.
Los rebeldes reiteran sus siete exigencias en un documento sometido al Consejo de Ginebra.
Often times this inept procedure must be repeated to actually kill the animal.
Esto se hace varias veces, para matar el animal.
And this process is often repeated again and again on the same animals.
El mismo procedimiento es frecuentemente repetido en el mismo animal.
It was on this day that Willy Wonka repeated his offer to Charlie who accepted on one condition.
Ese día Willy Wonka le repitió su oferta a Charlie quien aceptó con una condición.
Like Kimberly Joyce and Randa Azzouni before you... you have outlined a disturbing pattern... of repeated sexual assault and harassment... on the part of the defendant, your teacher, Mr. Anderson.
Como Kimberly Joyce y Randa Azzouni antes que usted han resumido un perturbador patrón de repetido asalto sexual y acoso por parte del acusado, su maestro, el Sr. Anderson.
The ability for a 25 year old to go in and to be reviewed and to be superior... and as a consequence get a five million dollar bonus. I don't think that's repeated in many places in corporate America.
La habilidad de alguien de 25 años... de ser evaluado y ser superior y como consecuencia recibir un bono de $ 5 millones no creo que se repita en muchas compañías en la América corporativa.
After repeated complaints, an investigation was held into J. Voerman.
Despues de varias quejas, se inicio un sumario J. Voerman.
It gets repeated and repeated and repeated.
Se repite.
I looked up and I saw his head reeling and I knew he was happy as he repeated my name.
Miré hacia arriba y vi su cabeza tambaleándose y supe que era feliz porque repetía mi nombre.
These will shortly be subject to repeated Allied attack.
" Retírese de la ciudad.
She has often repeated of her love!
¡ Me decía que me amaba...!
With things that can be repeated in a laboratory and thoughts do not come into th is category
Los pensamientos no entran en esta categoría.