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Retarded translate Spanish

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So, what? Are you retarded?
¿ Eres idiota?
What are you, retarded?
¿ Eres tonto?
Because he's retarded.
Porque es retrasado mental.
You know what? You better watch who you're calling retarded, especially you, Terri.
Mira a quién llamas retrasado mental, especialmente tú, Terri.
God, what a retarded ass retard.
Por Dios, éste sí es un retrasado mental.
That's retarded.
¡ Qué tontería!
He probably gonna beat up some retarded kids next.
Probablemente lo siguiente sea pegar a niños retrasados.
This retarded man gonna whup your ass, that's what he's gonna do.
eso es lo que va a hacer.
What the fuck is wrong with you, Huey? You retarded?
¿ Eres retrasado o esa mierda?
You're that retarded guy with the bazooka!
Eres el retardado aquél de la bazuca.
When you say shine, your eyes go all buggy like a retarded dragonfly.
Cuando dices whisky, tus ojos se vuelven locos como una libélula tonta.
Watches for five hours a day, they're clearly already retarded
Durante cinco horas al día, no hay otras elecciones, pero van locura.
Say he was born retarded or something.
Dicen que nació retardado o algo así.
Unless he was retarded... or a child.
Al menos que sea un retrasado o un niño
Considered a mentally retarded pervert by the psychiatric experts who examined him...
- Considerado como un perverso intelectualmente limitado,..
I feel so fricking retarded.
Me siento una imbécil.
Whatever it is, it's got my neighbor and his friends dancing around the street in their underwear at 3 : 00 in the morning, howling like a bunch of retarded coyotes.
Lo que sea, tiene a mi vecino y a sus amigos bailando por la calle en interiores a las 3 : 00 a.m. aullando como una manada de coyotes retardados.
Are you retarded?
¿ Eres deficiente?
Is he going to bring out someone retarded and ask us for charity?
¿ Nos traerá a algún retardado y querrá nuestra caridad?
Do you want to hear my list? You are an emotionally retarded coward.
Eres un cobarde emocionalmente retardado.
Like in the retarded way, which is why I'm going out with you.
Sí, soy retrasado mental, y es por eso que salgo contigo.
Yeah, I heard you. What kind of retarded cabbie doesn't wanna take somebody across town?
¿ Qué taxista no lleva a alguien al otro lado de la ciudad?
But I've watched you with Shay, you're not emotionally retarded.
Pero te observé con Shay... No sos emocionalmente tarada.
" but the depiction of your penis-waving retarded boy felt a little unkind.
"... pero el retrato del niño retardado que saca su pene parece cruel.
You're still retarded, but otherwise, yeah, not much worse for wear.
Aún estás desorientado, pero sin muchos daños.
? And you're retarded?
¿ Y tu eres retardado?
You are retarded.
Tu eres retardado.
? You realize that these Both are as retarded?
¿ Te das cuenta que esos dos son como retardados?
Did you actually think I was gonna let my two retarded cousins take my million-dollar horse for a joyride, Dean?
¿ Creíste que iba a permitir a mis dos primos retrasados mentales llevar a mi caballo de $ 1 millón de paseo, Dean?
It's retarded.
Es cosa de estúpidos.
I really hope that you don't think I'm retarded or a weirdo but all I have is wine coolers.
Tengo algo malo que contarte, espero que no pienses que soy retrasada o rara o algo. Pero solamente tengo sidra.
You're retarded.
Estas retrasado.
She's retarded.
Es retardada.
Nova is not retarded.
Nova no es retardada.
That's retarded.
Eso es ser retardada.
Is everyone around here retarded? I need the fucking toilet!
¿ Todo el mundo aquí es retrasado mental?
You dressed how he / she didn't stop that retarded one.
Viste cómo no se detuvo ese retrasado.
Are you fucking retarded?
¿ Eres retardado?
God, you're retarded.
Dios, eres un idiota.
I know you know that,'cause you're not borderline retarded.
Sé que lo sabes, porque no eres estúpida..
And it seemed like he was kind of retarded.
Y parecía que él era algo retardado.
¿ Retardado?
Why didn't you say he was retarded?
¿ Por qué no dijo que era retardado?
Don't be retarded, Turtle.
No seas retardado, Turtle.
Are you retarded or something?
¿ Eres retardado o algo?
Well, he's retarded.
Pues, el es retardado.
I'm tired of living with 2 Retarded people--one mentally,
Estoy cansada de vivir con 2 personas retrasadas - uno mental,
- you're retarded.
-... eres un retrasado.
I'm tired of living with 2 retarded people, one mentally, the other emotionally.
Estoy cansada de vivir con dos personas retrasadas, Uno mental, y el otro emocional.
Back where I'm from, a retarded guy could never have this much fun.
De donde yo vengo un retardado no podría divertirse tanto.
And she has a landlady who has a daughter a little retarded.
Y tiene una casera que tiene una hija.

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