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Richet translate Spanish

30 parallel translation
Who's he trying to catch here?
¿ Richet? - ¿ Detrás de quién va?
It's Richet, my chief of police.
Es Richet, el inspector de policía.
- Richet. You'd better put a guard around the Bank of Paris.
Richet, vigile el Banco de París.
The big Richet, searching the house. He's taking his sleuth everywhere, and everybody weeping and quarreling and carrying on.
El inspector, Richet, registra la casa... y lo husmea todo.
- Yes, well, um, Richet, my chief of police, insists on searching all the rooms.
El inspector de policía, insiste en registrar las habitaciones.
- Aha. - [Vidocq] Emile, help Monsieur Richet.
Émile, ayuda al Sr. Richet.
- Monsieur Richet!
¡ Sr. Richet!
- Mr. Richet, I found it, I found it!
- Sr. Richet, ¡ lo he encontrado!
- Your Excellency has already gone a long way toward solving the case by dismissing Monsieur Richet and his theories.
Ya ha dado un gran paso despidiendo a Richet y sus teorías.
- It shouldn't be difficult to do better than Monsieur Richet.
No es difícil hacerlo mejor.
- Wait, I'm not going to deliver myself to the hands of another Richet. No more theories for me. I need a man who can give me results, a practical man, like, like you.
No quiero a otro Richet, sino a un hombre práctico... como usted.
She had married for richer then poorer, for better, then worse,'til death do them part, the substantial Monsieur Richet.
Se había casado para ser más rica que pobre, para lo bueno y no lo malo, hasta que la muerte la separara... del importante Sr. Richet.
- [Loretta] Oh, I am no mystery. I am Madame Richet.
No es ningún misterio, soy la Sra. Richet.
- Richet.
- Richet.
Of course, Richet was only a fool, but a fool is always dangerous. And above all, a jealous fool who had set his trap to catch a shadow.
Richet era un tonto, pero un tonto siempre es peligroso, sobre todo si es celoso y ve algo entre las sombras.
We'll ask Richet.
Le preguntaremos a Richet.
It's Mr. Richet.
¡ Es el Sr. Richet!
- Hello, Mr. Richet.
- Hola, Sr. Richet.
Mr. Richet is a little late.
El Sr. Richet llegará un poco tarde.
Richet Street!
¡ A la calle Richet!
- We didn't want Rue Richet.
- No queríamos la calle Richet.
Ru e Rich et was too expen sive for you.
La calle Richet es un problema. Era demasiado cara para tí.
A Zoë Richet keeps cropping up in the emails.
Una tal Zoë Richet sigue saliendo en los correos electrónicos.
Good day. Police. Are you Pascal Richet?
Buenos días. ¿ Es usted Pascal Richet?
Zoë Richet's father?
¿ El padre de Zoe Richet?
Can we see your bedroom, Mr Richet?
¿ Podemos ver su habitación Señor Richet?
What do you do for a living, Mr Richet?
¿ En que trabaja, Señor Richet?
I called them to take Richet in custody.
Les he llamado para detener a Richet

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